english deutsch
Aachen, University of Technology
Department of Computer Science. Areas of research include deduction, knowledge representation, integration of functional and logic programming languages, software construction, distributed systems, knowledge-based systems, logic and complexity theory.
Berlin, Free University
Institute of Computer Science. Research groups cover software engineering and systems software, databases and information systems, programming languages, computer architecture, artificial intelligence, computer science in education and society, theoretical computer science, and mathematical foundations of computer science.
Berlin, Humboldt University
Department of Computer Science. Research groups focus on system analysis, software engineering, theory of programming, databases and information systems, artificial intelligence, data analysis, computer science in education and society, parallel and distributed computing, automata, systems theory, algorithms, complexity, computer architecture, communication, signal processing, and pattern recognition.
Berlin, Humboldt University (Economics)
Institute of Information Systems. Research projects focus on environmental information systems, distributed processing, pattern recognition and data warehousing of WWW data, integration of legacy and semistructured data, query processing, and reengineering.
Berlin, University of Technology
Department of Computer Science. Research interests include Computer graphics, computer vision, real time systems, robotics, computer architecture, logic design, data structures, functional and logic programming, scientific computing, communication, operating systems, neural networks, software engineering, theoretical computer science, formal specification, compiler construction, artificial intelligence, and knowledge based systems.
Braunschweig, University of Technology
Computer Science Department. Research interests involve theoretical computer science, integrated circuit development, programming, information systems, distributed systems, network management, high performance networking, multimedia systems, robotics, scientific computing, medical informatics, computer graphics, computer engineering, and communication engineering.
Dresden, University of Technology
Department of Computer Science. Research areas include theoretical computer science, computer engineering, computer systems, software engineering, operating systems, databases, computer networks, artificial intelligence, and information systems.
Erlangen-Nürnberg, University
Institute of Computer Science. Research areas include theoretical computer science, graph grammars, visual programming, computational linguistics, evolutionary computation, parallel and distributed systems, soft computing, fault tolerance, object oriented systems, pattern recognition, data warehousing, scientific databases, workflow management, performance evaluation, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and simulation.
Essen, University
Mathematics and Computer Science. Data management, knowledge representation, human-computer interaction, software engineering, specification of computer systems, systems modelling, and dependability.
Freiburg, University
Faculty of Applied Science. Research interests include algorithms and data structures, computer architecture, software engineering, programming languages, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, pattern recognition and image processing, databases and information systems, maching learning, natural language processing, and autonomous systems.
Halle-Wittenberg, University
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Research areas include logic synthesis and verification, digital systems verification, genetic algorithms for routing, LEDA, graph drawing algorithms, parallel algorithms and programming, and compilers and runtime prediction for distributed memory machines.
Hamburg, University
Computer Science Department. Research activities include scientific computing, microelectronics, cognition, natural language processing, software development, foundations of computer science, and knowledge systems.
Ilmenau, Technical University
Faculty of Informatics and Automation. Research involves theoretical and practical informatics, bioinformatics, and automated system engineering.
Jena, University
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. Research areas include algorithms and data structures, computational complexity, database and information systems, software engineering, programming languages, practical and technical computer science, digital image processing, and computer architecture.
Kaiserslautern, University
Department of Computer Science. Research involves software components, algorithms, CAD, computer graphics, computational geometry, information management, computer networks, database and information systems, computer architecture, numerical algorithms, foundations of computer science and programming, communication systems, system software, robotics, artificial intelligence, software engineering, learning, programming languages and compiler constructions, and VLSI design.
Karlsruhe, FZI
Center for Information Technologies. Research focuses on CAD/CAM, database systems, electronic systems and microsystems, interactive diagnosis and service, performance optimization, microcomputers, robotics, software engineering, and microelectronics.
Kassel, University
Department of Mathematics/Computer Science. Research areas include databases, neural networks, theoretical computer science, and performance measuring.
Konstanz, University
Department of Computer & Information Science. Research topics include VLSI, algorithms for planar networks, discrete algorithms, software engineering, network design, railroad applications, graph visualization, and optimization in object databases.
Leipzig, University
Institute of Computer Science. Areas of interest include automata and formal languages, natural language processing, computer graphics, image processing, visualization, computational algebra, computer systems, databases, formal concepts, intelligent systems, parallel and distributed systems, and technical computer science.
Magdeburg, University
Department of Computer Science. Research institutes include distributed systems, simulation, computer graphics, information systems, knowledge systems, and speech processing.
München, Technical University
Faculty of Informatics. Research groups focus on programming, distributed systems, formal languages, compiler construction, database systems, engineering applications of computer science, numerical methods, real time systems, robotics, theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence, communication, deduction, knowledge based systems, image processing, computer architecture, applied computer science, operating systems, networks, and algorithms.
München, University
Institute of Computer Science. Research areas include communication systems, systems programming, database and information systems, programming, software technology, modelling languages, and theoretical computer science.
Münster, University
Department of Computer Science. Research projects focus on computer networks, 3D graphics, visual parallel programming environments, parallel and distributed processing, neural networks, and object-oriented geographic information systems.
Osnabrück, University
Institute of Computer Science. Research covers applied computer science, neural networks, parallel genetic algorithms, and fluid dynamics on parallel systems.
Paderborn, University
Department of Computer Science. Research areas include databases, computer graphics, visualization, image processing, operating systems, parallel and distributed systems, programming languages and compilers, societal aspects, knowledge-based systems, didactics, and software techniques.
Rostock, University
Computer Science Department. Research areas include theoretical computer science, algorithms and theory of programming, computer architecture, information and communication services, parallel and super computing. databases and information systems, programming languages and compilers, simulation, software techniques, and computer graphics.
Saarland, University
Department of Computer Science. Areas of research include combinatorics, computational geometry, compilers for real-time embedded systems, formal modelling of circuits, computer architecture, description and planning logics, formal grammars, cryptography, and distributed algorithms.
Stuttgart, University
Faculty of Computer Science. Computer architecture, computing software, dialogue systems, formal concepts of computer science, graphical engineering systems, intelligent systems, programming languages, software engineering, theoretical computer science, parallel and distributed systems, image understanding, integrated systems engineering and large system simulation.
Trier, University
Computer Science Department. Research groups cover stochastic modelling and computer networks, theoretical computer science, programming languages and compilers, databases and information systems, system software and distributed systems algorithms and data structures.
Ulm, University
Faculty of Computer Science. Databases and information systems, artificial intelligence, neural information processing, software engineering and compiler construction, computer structures, theoretical computer science, and distributed systems.
Würzburg, University
Department of Computer Science. Research topics include information structures, knowledge-based systems, programming languages and methodology, distributed systems, theoretical computer science, technical computer science, artificial intelligence, and applied computer science.