english deutsch
Haas, Laura
IBM Almaden Research Center - Database query processing.
Halper, Nick
University of Magdeburg - Computer graphics, non-photorealistic rendering, camera AI, computer games, real-time rendering.
Hannaford, Michael R.
University of Newcastle - Object-oriented software engineering, object-oriented programming, computer architecture.
Hansen, Eric
Mississippi State University - Artificial intelligence, planning and reasoning under uncertainty, and resource-bounded computing.
Heiser, Gernot
University of New South Wales - Operating systems and distributed systems, numerical modelling of silicon solar cells.
Held, Martin
University of Salzburg - Computational geometry, computer graphics, program design, algorithms and data structures, computer-aided design and manufacturing.
Henskens, Frans
University of Newcastle - Global virtual memory, architectural and operating system support for persistence, resilience and availability in database systems, persistent stores for bulk data storage and manipulation.
Herman, Gabor T.
City University of New York - Image Reconstruction from Projections, Inverse Problems, Discrete Tomography, Biomedical Imaging, Medical Imaging, Geometry of Digital Spaces, Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision
Hesselink, Wim H.
University of Groningen - Nondeterminacy, predicate transformation semantics, distributed programming, design and correctness of algorithms, and mechanical theorem proving for correctness and design of distributed systems.
Hodges, Julia
Mississippi State University - Artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, knowledge discovery in databases, expert systems, document understanding.
Hoffmann, Achim
University of New South Wales - Artificial intelligence, knowledge-based systems, intelligent data analysis, machine learning, knowledge acquisition, theory of neural networks, philosophical foundations of AI.
Hofmann, Martin
University of Edinburgh - Type theory, principles of programming languages, semantics, category theory, mathematical logic, formal methods.
Honsell, Furio
University of Udine - Lambda calculus; foundations, especially of informatics; type systems for OO languages; logical frameworks and formal verification of proofs, programs, and systems; semantics of programming languages and program logics; mathematical structures for semantics.
Houle, Michael
University of Sydney - Algorithmics, including computational geometry, graph algorithms, combinatorial geometry, optimization, and parallel algorithms.
Howell, Rodney R.
Kansas State University - Self-stabilizing systems, real-time scheduling, Petri nets, and computational complexity.