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A Comprehensive Bibliography on Self-Stabilization
Articles and conference proceedings, some books.
Asynchronous Bibliography
A search engine which covers three bibliographies related to asynchronous circuits.
Automated Deduction Bibliography
Contains 3,000 reports and papers (1970-1995 plus some early classic work, by ORA Canada).
Automatic Language Identification Bibliography
Research into the automatic identification of spoken language with links to author home pages and online papers.
Bibliography and Library Index
List of resources arranged by content (citations, abstracts, full papers, and type of document).
Bibliography on Logical Frameworks
450 references related to logical frameworks, which are formal meta-languages for deductive systems.
Carnegie Mellon University Library Computer Scienc
An index to bibliographies on several subfields.
Code Reading and Program Comprehension Bibliograph
An annotated bibliography concerning research in source code comprehension.
CS Bibliographic Collections
A small index from Simon Fraser University.
Current Cites
A monthly selection of annotated citations of current literature in information technology. Searchable online and available by email.
Elsevier Science
Bibliography of 120 journals and 240 books in computer sciences and related fields.
20,000 references in the field of computer graphics (journals, IEEE and ACM conferences).
Human-Computer Interaction
Collection of about 850 links to bibliographic databases and annotated bibliographies, with short descriptions.
IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
A bibliography of this annual symposium.
Network Bibliography
Searchable bibliography on performance evaluation, computer networks, network security, digital signal processing (54,000 records with abstracts, 20,000 documents, submission welcome).
The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
Searchable database with over a million references.
USC Computer Vision
An annotated and searchable bibliography of computer vision and image processing papers, arranged by topics (36,000 entries, 1800 on-line papers).