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Chats and Forums
Network Security Forum, Security-Forums.com, Wi-Fi Planet Forums
Ars Technica: Wireless Security Blackpaper
Article covering basic 802.11b security, WEP, MAC address filtering, broadcast key rotation and EAP based standards.
Tool for penetration testing Cisco LEAP wireless access points, can recover weak passwords by passively monitoring wireless traffic. Includes documentation and downloads.
New Scientist
Article by Will Knight, discussing a new authentication approach that can combat the risks associated with connecting to a rogue access point.
[1/2] First part of a two part article on developing a security policy for wireless networks detailing key policy components including ownership, network segregation, confidentiality, availability and authentication.
[2/2] Second part of a two part article on developing a security policy for wireless networks detailing key policy components including client security, logging, scanning, awareness and configuration.
[1/3] First part of an article on wireless penetration testing discussing the different types of attacks that can be used.
[2/3] Second part of an article on wireless penetration testing. It walks through a typical attack approach including cracking WEP keys and identifying vulnerable systems and ports.
[3/3] Third part of an article on wireless penetration testing. It discusses how to improve the security of your wireless network against attacks.
The Unofficial 802.11 Security Web Page
Collection of papers and links covering the major wireless standards and their associated vulnerabilities.
Article by Robert Jaques discussing 'evil twin' Wi-Fi phishing scams where hackers set up rogue wireless access points close to legitimate points to fool users into logging onto them.
WiFi Alliance: WPA2 standard
Information on the WPA2 security standard designed to meet the 802.11i criteria. Includes FAQ and media briefing presentation in English and Japanese.
Wireless LAN 802.11b Security FAQ
Details key security weaknesses in the 802.11b standard and how to secure against them.