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Connectix Virtual PC 5.2
A commercial emulator for MacOS, OS/2, and Windows. Predecessor to Microsoft Virtual PC. Lists support options.
Microsoft Virtual PC 2004
Software virtualization solution that allows to run multiple PC-based operating systems simultaneously on one workstation. News, product information.
Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Product information, case studies and resources for the server edition of Microsoft's virtual machine solution.
Robert Moir
Virtual PC 2004 FAQ and forum.
Steve Jain: VPC/VS Downloads
Guest machine images, utilities and installation guides.
Virtual PC Guy's WebLog
Blog of Ben Armstrong, Program Manager of Microsoft's Virtual machine team.
VSPlus for Virtual Server 2005
Tool for managing multiple virtual machines on different virtual servers.
What Works and What Doesn't in Virtual PC 200
Lists over 600 operating system versions and whether they are known to work on VPC.