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A Look at FireWire and USB
Are USB and FireWire viable technologies for Unix? Rich Morin thinks so. From Sun World.
Tips for using USB and AGP.
Six articles on the use of USB.
Developer - Universal Serial Bus
From Apple's site.
An introduction to USB development.
Everything USB
News and product reviews on both USB 1.1 and 2.0 peripherals and adapters. Also includes a FAQ and USB 2.0 driver update.
USB port speed compared to other port speeds.
Spread Spectrum Scene
Provides tutorial, information links, and recommended reference books on the Universal Serial Bus.
Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum
Current revision of the USB spec with all available device class documents, whitepapers and also the compliance workshop checklists.
Universal Serial Bus Information
What's the deal with USB then? Article by Steve Lawther.
USB and USB 2.0 Forum
Offers the ability to ask questions and get answers, tips, tricks and experience.
USB Central
Information, tools, and links to material about the Universal Serial Bus (USB).
USB Device Development Notes
General USB information and links.
USB Explained: Is the Universal Serial Bus for You
From Orange Bytes.
USB Peripherals Blossom
New options for iMac and Windows 98 users written by Rick Russell of the About.com.
USB Technology
Supplies information, specifications, and white papers on the Universal Serial Bus, which provides an expandable, hot-pluggable plug and play serial interface that ensures a standard, low-cost socket for adding external peripheral devices.
Official site. Includes information, products, developers section, and press.
All types of information for USB, products, FAQ, glossary and links.
USB-On-the-Go eliminates PC as the middleman.