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1995 New Paradigms for Using Computers: Douglas En
A talk Engelbart gave at IBM Almaden Research Center; audio excerpt, on-site (IBM) links.
Biographical Sketch: Doug Engelbart
At Engelbart's headquarters, his Bootstrap Institute.
BusinessWeek: The Man Behind the Mouse
Very brief story on Engelbart getting 1997 Lemelson-MIT prize.
Computerworld: This revolution brought to you by .
Depressing story on Doug Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution: 30 years later, nothing has evolved. Some Alan Kay quotes.
Douglas Engelbart
Very brief biography, in larger WEB Publishing Paradigms website, by Tim Guay, Simon Fraser University.
Douglas Engelbart and 'The Mother of All Demo
His presentation at 1968 Fall Joint Computer Conference, was a live online hypermedia demonstration of pioneering work his group did at SRI. Later called "The Mother of All Demos" by Andy van Dam, this historic show paved the way for modern human-computer interaction.
Douglas Engelbart Interviews
A fireside talk on different topics given as Web-based audio files.
Dr. Dobb's Journal: A Conversation With Doug
Medium-long interview: worthwhile, covers history and Engelbart's current views.
Dreaming of the Future
Engelbart's Commentary from BYTE Magazine, Vol. 20(9):330, Sept. 1995. 'Digital technology could help make this a better world. But we've also got to change our way of thinking.'
Electronic Labyrinth: Douglas Engelbart
Brief professional biography; a on-site few links.
Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution: Phase Two
Promotes event, some useful links, nice graphics.
Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution: Stanford O
Tells about a symposium at Stanford University, 9 Dec 1998: brief professional biography, video samples.
Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution: Stanford U
Introduction, presenters, program, hosts, sponsors, history, links, press, feedback, video tapes, streaming video.
Learnativity: An Introduction to Doug Engelbart&ap
Background, insight, and resources for learning how Doug Engelbart's vision has a profound influence on learning and productivity today.
Resource for exploring the history of human computer interaction beginning with the pioneering work of Douglas Engelbart and his colleagues at Stanford Research Institute in the 1960s.
National Inventors Hall of Fame: Douglas Engelbart
Inducted 1998, for inventing the mouse: 'X-Y Position Indicator For A Display System', Patent No. 3,541,541. Very brief biography and picture.
Salon: Brilliant Careers: Of mice, men and machine
Doug Engelbart invented the mouse. He still dreams of upgrading the human operating system.
SiliconValley.com: The Mouse
Douglas Engelbart's early ideas about computing, like those of other valley pioneers, were way out there; 30 years later, the rest of us are catching on. Warm, sympathetic reasonably long piece; good pictures.
The Almanac: Douglas Engelbart
Computer visionary seeks to boost people's collective ability to confront complex problems coming at a faster pace. Medium-long story.
The Lemelson-MIT Prize Program: Douglas C. Engelba
Inventor of the Week Archives: The computer mouse. The national Lemelson-MIT Awards gives the world's largest single prize for invention and innovation, the annual $500,000 dollar Lemelson-MIT Prize.
Tools For Thought: The Loneliness of a Long-Distan
By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on SRI, Engelbart, oN Line System (NLS, Augment), augmentation. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is out, with follow-up interviews.
U.S. News & World Report: The man who sees the
Doug Engelbart built the mouse; he may alter computing again: short, well written story.
USA Today: Computer mouse creator wins invention p
Brief, easily read story, a few good quotes.
Wired News: Upgrading the Human OS
Story on Stanford University seminar: Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution.