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ACM1: Alan Kay: The Computer Revolution Hasn'
Abstract of talk, brief biography, good sized picture.
Alan Kay
Biography, photographs, and references for one of the foreground characters of the personal computer revolution.
Alan Kay on Radio IDT: The Computer Revolution Has
Shockwave streaming audio.
ArtMuseum.net: Alan Kay ; Interface <1972>
Biography about Kay's views on interfaces, a few references, old PARC picture.
Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution: Alan Kay
Brief biography, old picture.
mprove: Alan Kay Bibliography
An extensive list of references to articles by Alan Kay. Excerpts of his master's and Ph.D. thesis.
MUF Mastery: Alan Kay
Brief biography with perceptive editorial comments.
Smalltalk.org: Alan Kay
Brief information on Xerox PARC, Kay quotes, Steve Jobs impression, a few links.
SPACEWAR: Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among th
Famous Rolling Stone article by Stewart Brand, part of which discusses PARC, Alan Kay, Dynabook, Smalltalk.
Squeak Wiki: Alan Kay
Brief biography, old picture, some links, contact information.
Tools For Thought: The Birth of the Fantasy Amplif
By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on PARC, Alan Kay, Dynabook, Smalltalk, Atari. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is out, with follow-up interviews.