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John von Neumann
Biography, links, and six photographs.
John von Neumann
Photographs of, and related to, John von Neumann.
John von Neumann
Brief biography along with details of a number of areas he worked in.
John von Neumann: 1903 - 1957
Biography along with information about his work in automata theory, information theory, and biology.
John Von Neumann: Genius of Man and Machine
Biography describing his life and work, along with links to additional resources.
Neumann, John von
Biography and references.
Tools For Thought: Johnny Builds Bombs and Johnny
By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on John von Neumann, nuclear bombs, early computers. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is out, with follow-up interviews.
Von Neumann
Brief biography.