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One 4e4 site. Includes IRC-compatible chat, accessible through an IRC client or Java client.
Java server with optional IRC connection. Contains chat, trivia, FAQ, links, search feature.
Small server accessed via Java client.
IRC server targeted at the Houston, Texas area, accessible via Java client or standard IRC client. Provides JavaScript to add chat rooms to other websites.
Kindred Spirits IRC Chat Community
Offers legal downloads, Java chat, help and support with different clients, community news and message board.
Mystic Chatworks
Site contains Java applet to connect with, server information, CGI:IRC chat and Forums.
Nothing But Style IRC Server
Chat community designed to be harassment free. For all ages.
Prochatting Community
Site contains a Java chat, IRC chat, free games, free screensavers, IRC scripts and a store.
Sanguineous IRC network
Has trivia, hangman, and other games. Can connect via a java client from the main page, or via a regular IRC client.