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Bathgate Netcafé
Serving coffee with Internet access and X-Box gaming systems. Photographs and location map.
Cafe Key
Small cybercafe associated with Key Housing at Golspie on the north east coast. Includes photographs and personal pages of some residents.
Internet access point in Perth, with facilities for faxing, scanning and printing. Includes location map and price list.
MG Internet Cafe
In Pitlochry offering broadband Internet access, scanning, fax services, copying and games nights.
Tinsley Lockhart Gallery Internet and Cybercafe
Offers a non-smoking environment with free coffee or tea in West Preston Street, Edinburgh. Details of facilities and training.
Vivante Cyber Diner
Cafe in Troon to enjoy a meal and surf the net, play network games or create your own cv. Book a table or computer online.
Cyber-café and website designer/consultancy in Edinburgh. Includes access prices and kitchen menus, plus location and contact information.