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Ad Free Autoresponders
Unlimited autoresponders - no ads, or software to install. Works with any operating system. Pay service.
Stores and organizes frequently used replies, then lets you reuse them instantly in email or on the Web. Free trial.
AutoPost Gold
Automatic email follow up responder program
AutoResponse Plus
Sequential autoresponder software for web sites. Runs only on Unix or Linux. Requires Perl 5.005+ and sendmail.
Automated follow-up auto responder system.
Follow-Up Autoresponder from FreeAutobot.co.nz
Complete free service for building and emailing large groups of prospects or contacts.
Guide to Email Autoresponders
Articles and reviews which help choose and use autoresponders.
Harvey Software, Inc eDATA Processing System.
An E-mail autoresponder and e-mail processing software utility. Sends automatic e-mail responses, forwards messages, builds your own, and in-house database. For Windows 98/95/2000/NT
Intellisponder Pro
Fully customizable multi-user autoresponder software follows up reliably with your prospects. Competitively priced, including installation. MYSQL/Sendmail required.
Windows autoresponder software which delivers automatic responses to incoming mail messages.
Email return notifications delivered by e-mail or SMS messages .
An Outlook 2000 add-on with which users can store standard texts and attachments and paste these into their emails when needed.
Allows you to put forms on your web site which can supply your email autoresponses to visitors, for free.
RightNow Technologies
Two e-CRM customer service products: an interactive, integrated e-service suite (Self-help, email, and chat); and a customer survey response tool.
Talisma eCRM suite
Complete Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution including Service (Web forms, e-mail, chat, phone, VoIP), Marketing (plan, create, launch, track, and measure campaigns), and Sales (integrated sales automation, planning, communication, customer profiling, and pipeline analysis.)