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About Netiquette
Gives advice on manners and formatting in electronic communications, with an emphasis on email.
Configuring Mail Clients to Send Plain ASCII Text
Six main reasons for not sending HTML or MIME messages. And how to turn off HTML and MIME in mailers.
Dynamoo's Email Etiquette
Offers a list of "Do's" and "Don'ts" to help e-mail users avoid basic mistakes.
E-mail Etiquette
Provides guidelines dealing with quoting, smilies, salutations, digital signatures, privacy, abbreviations, flaming, and newsgroups.
Electronic Mail Etiquette
Discusses the proper way in which to format and compose a message, as well as some suggestions regarding courtesy and emoticons.
Gullibility Virus Warning
A spoof intended to educate new Internet users about thinking before forwarding virus hoaxes and urban legends.
How To: Send A Proper E-mail
Gives several suggestions on how to format and compose a message.
Let's Put Some Humanity Into E-mail
A few guidelines on the practice of good manners and courtesy.
Low End Mac : Netiquette for Email Lists
Informal rules for email and email lists.
Netiquette No Nos
Six things not to do when sending email.
Online Netiquette Uncensored
Provides blunt suggestions for correct online communications, especially in reference to e-mail.
Spam Is Not the Worst of It
A personal discussion of common annoyances, ranging from bad spelling to chain letters and attachments.
Towards an Ethics and Etiquette for Electronic Mai
Gives a general introduction to e-mail, and then offers guidelines for sending, receiving, and replying to messages.