english deutsch
A Bird's Melody
Combined online journal/ weblog for a teenage bird lover containing daily ramblings and site updates.
A Bit Bizarre
Writing to tickle the bizarre part of the brain.
A Blog Darkly
A New Zealand librarian's miscellaneous rantings.
A Blog Doesn't Need a Clever Name
This weblog covers cyberethics, crypto, community, freedom, privacy, property, philosophy, online education, copyright, Iran, current topics and silly fun stuff.
A Blog Revolution
High school students posts about his life and reviews music.
A Bomb Regardless
Confessing all her negative qualities to people she hardly knows.
A Broken Thought
Software engineer in California writes about computers and learning to fly.
B4rb's Web Of Tasty Goodness
Barb's blog.
Baa Baa Blog
Blog of a crafty librarian.
Babblogue Blog
The random musings of a geek-girl living in Galway, Ireland, but observing the world through the window of the web.
Production diary of a science fantasy novelist.
The blog of the girl known as Alhena.
Bacon and Eh's
A Canadian perspective, sunny side up.
Bad Hair Days
Weblog focuses on crime, sex, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Bad Luck Pussy
Married Canadian mother who lived for a time in the south. She's unapologeticly obsessed with Japanese culture as well as bilingual, loyal, emotional, and child like.
Bad Monkey No Banana
Ecclectic mix of views and offbeat news as well as a personal web journal of a man conveying his life and loves.
Bad News Hughes
Striving to find a way to punch people in the face by using the internet.
Bad Samaritan
Last in line for the Nobel Peace Prize. First in line for pie.
A personal website intended for a deeper understanding of the webmistress.
Badcake's Requiem
A glimpse into his sadistic little world.
Writing about technology, politics, and other fun stuff.
Badly Dubbed Boy
Life and times of an arrogant sod of a net-geek fascinated by film, television, pop culture, music, comedy, and the oy vey of relationships and life in Cardiff, Wales.
Badri Pastimes
Man in New Jersey shares poetry, philosophy, thoughts, and ideas about life.
Badri's Book of Absolutely Useless Informatio
Containing some personal information, resume, software and movie reviews, and other articles.
Bag and Baggage
An appellate and intellectual property lawyer discusses law and life.
Bairn Raising
The life, links and thoughts of a mother in New Jersey.
Baka No Jutsu
Weblog of slightly mad 20-something sharing his thoughts, drawings, and poetry.
Baked Goods
Sharing poetry along with an occasional recipe or photograph.
Links to random stuff, news, and personal views.
Web journal by Gabriel Seah with assorted eccentric stuff and observations on life.
Discussing computers, music, movies, games, and women.
Bama Blog
Terry, a 47 year old genealogist, wife, mother, hiker, photographer, web builder and volunteer gives her opinion on everything.
The random and occassionally entertaining musings of a soon-to-be middle-aged geek.
Banners and Us
An open channel with Greenpeace folks.
Freelance writer Brian Sack's website of original wit.
Barb's Burblings
Here's a few snippets from Barb's mind, which really should be more occupied than it is.
Barbara's Blog
Journal of a bisexual, polyamorous mom in the midst of a total overhaul of her life.
Examining and linking to items of interest to a fairly cynical web developer who happens to own a dog named Moose.
Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary
Providing a strange combination of humour, cynicism, and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.
Barry Price's weblog
Weblog of Barry Price, an English/Irish writer, programmer, musician, and traveller.
Based on a True Story
Ramblings of a vegetarian, environmentalist, conservative, free thinking woman.
Baslow's Electric OmniumGatherum
Enthusiasms, curmudgeonry, ideas, semi-civilized yawps, afflations, anti-poetry, semi-fictions and rhetorical rambles intermittently instructive to young and old.
Bastard / Saint Blog
Stefan writes nonsense mostly.
Weblog with a touch of sociological commenting and cyberculture. A daily dose of technostuff, pessimism, and webdesign as well as rants, annoyances, and mundane things.
Ongoing roadtrip journal.
Topics featured are Macintosh, current events, and other issues in technology.
Be Here Now
Lynne Douglass's online journal.
Be Honest
Jonathan Praxus posts reflections and investigations into the workings of the world.
Beans for Breakfast
Occasional photos, notes, and anecdotes from Seattle.
A cultural warehouse, a pretentious bore, a song from the heart, a journalistic hack, a beautiful mistake, a weblog.
Beautiful Disguise
Susan Ostroske's personal weblog, photographs, audio posts, and sketches.
Becca's Blog
College students posts on her life and current events.
Becky Bloom
Writing about life in college and outside it, too.
John and Tonya Beeler discuss music, art, and life.
Behind Enemy Headlines
Sometimes the best gifts come in odd shaped packages, hopefully it's not a bomb.
Behind the Yellow Line
Justin Koh, a teenager in Singpore, shares thoughts on technology as well as his pixel art.
A pessimist is the word optimists use to put down people who can actually see life for what is.
Blog by Mikal Belicove.
Beltway Commentary
Dispatches from the gridlock capital of the world.
Ben Magoo Dot Com
Collection of random thoughts and links to some amusing content on the internet.
Ben's Blog: The Rantings of a Techie
News of the day (with commentary) photographs taken and life in general.
Personal blog of Ben Hammersley, journalist, explorer and general bad man. For love and expenses.
Benign Thoughts
The weblog of a teenage boy sharing his life and views on computers and the internet.
Benj's Blog
Benjamin Kelly's blog with comments about music, technology and the humanities.
Benjamin J. J. Voigt
Microsoft employee, student and OSS/ Closed Source dualist on technology, software, hacks, society, future, knowledge and information management.
Personal weblog, discusses authoring for the internet as well as the occasional personal post.
Bennglazier weblog
Weblog of a 24 year old living in the heart of the Australian Olympic city.
Benway - Crazy Purple Rubber Squeaky Octopus
The life of Steve, a musician, artist and writer.
Eater of free time and outlet of experiences, thoughts, and anecdotes.
Bernard's Blog
Sharing health news.
Bernie Zimmermann
Posting about the web and computers.
Bertram Online
Thoughts, links and rants about current politics and events, from Copenhagen, Denmark.
The frequent musings of Beth McCabe Ballingall.
Betsy Devine - Funny Ha-Ha or Funny Peculiar?
Funny stuff she can't resist. New Hampshire memories, events in Cambridge, Massachusetts, life in the bloglane, jokes, and efforts to figure out why they're funny.
Better Living through Software
Joshua blogs about news, computers, politics, and economics.
Better Than Ice Cream
Come one, come all - see the thirty-something liberal mother of three rant from her keyboard.
Sharing news, links, and experiences.
Beware of the Blog
The blog for George Thomas, a member of the human race with variegated interests in myriad areas most bizarre. He chiefly indulges in trivial pursuits.
Beyond the Whispers
Random thoughts from a soon-to-be librarian.
Bibbs Revenge
Current events with a side of news, some opinion for a drink and humor for dessert.
Bibi's Box
A curious girl blogging to share and enjoy.
Journal from a librarian-in-training on life in New York City.
Bieber Labs
Ron Bieber's personal opinions on music, software development, books, and news.
Bifurcated Rivets
Run by Lindsay Marshall. Each post contains one or more links with short comments with some.
Big Botched Blog
Pictures and news.
Big Estes Web Blog
The personal and professional web blog for Jason Estes. Contains political commentary, web design and development technologies, and unique perspectives on life.
Big Fat Blog
A semi-regularly updated blog for links, opinions, and ideas about fat acceptance.
Big Gun
Memes, humor and commentary. Strong language and potentially offensive images.
Big Pink Cookie
To make a short story long.
Big White Guy
Adventures of a big white guy living in Hong Kong.
Posting about personal life and world news.
Biggest Apple
A collection of random thoughts, rants, observations, and the odd witticisms thrown in for good measure.
Ramblings on anything and everything.
Pat St. Jean discusses harleys, HAM radios, astronomy, and other topics.
The increasingly senile and drug-raddled ravings of geriatric Irish punk.
Political posting from a liberal.
Bill wanders the real and online worlds and posts thoughts and links, as well as the occasional photo and trip journal.
Billy V's Bits
Father and minister shares his thoughts on news and entertainment.
Posts about the internet, technology, and media.
Main topics are computers, technology, biology, and other scientific and engineering topics.
Bipolar Bob
Self deprecation done right. Posts about news and his life.
Bit Rot
Yeri's posts about life, comic books, and libraries.
Bitch. Ph.D.
Ranting about current events from a feminist perspective.
Born in Maine, living in exile.
A Yankee transplanted to Alabama.
Bite Me
The personal thoughts of a haunted woman.
Technology driven news and information weblog includes discussions on education, media, and marketing representing the needs of the online community.
Bitter Chocolate
Writings of a teenager in Singapore.
Bitter Pill
Sharing black and white pictures of everyday life as well as information on technology.
The online home for Shannon Okey, a Boston-based writer/ entrepreneur.
A little bit of heaven and a whole lot of hell.
A post-postmodern blog for the spiritually mobile. Culture, photographs, and life?s nagging questions.
Biz Stone, Genius
Journal of author, cover designer, and lecturer.
Articles, links, blogs in an ezine.
Black Chi: Raevynn's Blog
Blog and personal thoughts of a yummy, spooky goth angel.
Black Clover
Blog pub, established 2003.
Black Coffee
Life as an energy trader in Singapore. Adventurous travel in Asia, documented with photography and essays. Discussion of web publishing and blog technology.
Black Phoebe
Jenifer Hanen's weblog on all things image, text, art, writing, and life.
Blog by a high school student in southern Ontario.
Bladam: Life, Love, Liberty and Stuff
Detailed observations and tips on everyday life, including occasional pictures, but no cat photos.
A blog of the usual stuff with the usual unique spin.
Blank Baby
The personal weblog of Scott McNulty, a techie with an English degree.
Ryan Kelley writes about movies, music, books, video games, gadgets, and anything else a geek might like.
Blarf Dot Com
Personal writing, forum, pictures, link exchanges and design tips.
BlazeQ - The Lunatic Rambling
Combine artistic French blood, a no-nonsense Texas upbringing, Christian morals, and a love for computers, and you have one crazy blogger.
This and that, here and there.
Bleeding Fiction
Graduate student in Seattle writes about his thoughts.
Stuart Mudie's online journal.
Reject your reality and substituting their own.
Blind Cavefish
The musings of a single 20-something gal in the big apple.
Blind Chance: David Faucheux's Audio Web Log
Blind librarian talks.
Blind Insight
Woman losing her eyesight talks about life and wedding plans. As her sight wanes, her insight waxes.
Blind Scribblings and Incoherent Grunts
Writtings, rants, poetry and advice spewed by T. J. Brumfield, aka Enderandrew.
Blivet 2.0
Weblog on computer news, science, archaeology, and some Zen from an archaeologist who also happens to be an ordained Zen Buddhist priest.
Blog Blog Blog
Random thoughts about things everyone wonders about, yet never bring up in open conversation.
Blog Daddy
This is what he does for fun.
Blog Flume
Opinions about theme park-related news.
Blog o' Meter
Kjetil Helle writes about computers and family life in Oslo, Norway.
Blog of Ben
Technical blog of a British bloke, covering everything from Linux, freebsd, mysql, perl, php and web development to life in general.
Blog of Doom
Rants and raves about television, sports, technology, and everything in between.
Blog of Funk
Deek Deekster writes the every day story of politics and news.
Blog Spice
The fat free cure for the common blog.
A wry look at what's happening both in the world at large and in the darker corners of London's gay bars.
Ed de Quincey's blog. He lives in the UK and works on a PhD in Computer Science.
The technology and information society.
Tim Ireland discussing search engine optimization and viral marketing.
Bloggety Blog
Life and reflections, links to good things (and some bad), what they had for breakfast, and how to save the world. Made in Australia (mostly), but contains little or no Vegemite.
Blogging as Cubism
Mark Phillip's thoughts interleaved, counterposed or otherwise muddled-up
Blogging Burt
Thoughts and news of a person with many interests.
Blogging Souls
Tales of a woman in New York City.
Blogging With Dr. P
Thoughts and news from a man in England.
Billy writes an entertainment and community weblog that includes poetry, short stories, articles, commentary, photography, and reviews of obscure albums by unknown bands.
A scrapbook of the web experience.
A critical analysis of current events and issues.
It's everything and yet nothing.
Psychological approach to blog culture and weblog phenomena.
London based, New Zealand-born weblogger Fraser Lewry rattles on at length about kittens, Japanese animation and life as an extremely minor web celebrity.
BlogLeft: Critical Interventions
Noted UCLA professor Doug Kellner breaks down the news with a leftist bent.
Bloglet: The Gentleman's Mock-Turtle Soup
Blog of Mirabai Knight, opera-loving bulldyke.
Commentator on world events and popular culture.
Porn, politics and punditry.
Life as it happens in Scotland.
Blots of Info
Personal views on topics related to computers, information retrieval, library science, and gaming.
About information architecture and anything else that comes along.
Blue Hurricane
Random thoughts and rants against the man.
Blue Ibis
Forays into the higher symbology of everyday life.
Blue Like That
Finding their sense of style. Poetry in the everyday and the inanities of college life.
Blue Man Sings The Whites - Will Rant For Food
A twentysomething misanthrope writing about the fripperies he uses to paper over the gaping cracks in his soul.
Blue Plaid Shirt
Non-revolutionary posts by Sharif Ewees.
BlueberryMoon's Journal
Life of a folk artist in Nova Scotia.
A weblog about life in downtown Manhattan.
Bluejay Knits and Blogs
Knitting experiences and links to sites of interest.
It's like shooting fish in a blender full of weblogs.
Blujay's Brain On A Toilet
Because people can read and he is immature, so he has a website.
The tired rants of a former design god.
Blurbs and Links from the Digital Homestead
Links and thoughts from around the web, updated throughout the day.
Some words and pictures which relate in varying degrees to Richard Boakes.
Bobby Joe Thorazine - Alabama Soul Dirt
Twisted, emotional ramblings of a self-described pseudo-intellectual jackass.
A quiet and uninteresting life.
Personal site and blog of John Athayde, a web designer and DC blogger.
Bobsherron Dotcom
Live and on the web. Home of the Capstone Content Management System.
Body Mix
Scratching on his turntables and it feels so good. Remixing reality.
Boggles & Cockles
30-something New York City writer ruminates randomly.
Boiled Pudding
It's boiled. It's pudding. It's everything and nothing all at once.
French boy living in Oregon shares thoughts and photographs.
Jay Kerr's DVD reviews, recipes, and photographs.
Bonnie Blog
On a weird quest to be sort of famous - like an indie movie star that only the hip people like to chat about over lattes.
Archive, 101 facts about her, wish list, and links.
Book Frontier
Booksellers, literature, rare books, libraries, news and resources on the changing book world.
Musings from a library goddess extraordinaire.
Reviewing internet-related books.
Sharing her love of learning and books.
Bookworm's Blog
All about baseball, books, current events, politics, and music.
The daily life and thoughts of a social entrepreneur.
Personal blog about the borderland between any two opposing sides, with opinions on strange technology and interesting people.
Cynical blog of music and book reviews, news, and experiences.
Writing about technology, wrestling, art, design, user interface, and God.
Photo gallery and discussion of several trips to Japan.
Both2and: Beyond Binary
Notes on, by, and for the creativeTechnician, faithfulHeretic, artificialNature, futureHistory, & humanAnimal.
Personal blog of a psychology student. Her babbles, thoughts, and college life.
Boundary Layer
This space unintentionally left blank. The universe doesn't make mistakes.
Bourbon Rocks
Because everything looks better with bourbon.
Bovine Inversus
Random elements tied together with an elephant whisker. An elegant display of absurdist whimsy.
Bowler Blogs
Mike Bowler, a Christian teenager, blogs about everything concerning life, love, God, and lots more.
Bowulf Blog
An overweight, enterprise infosec admin creates a personal blog about his weightloss and security issues.
Bozzy's World
A weblog by a dude from Maryland.
Brad DeLong's Website
A semi-daily journal that is fair, balanced, and a proud member of the reality-based community.
William Slawski exploring the rational, on a journey of memory, self-discovery and what will come.
Brain Droppings
His site, his thoughts, and what ever else he feels like. Step on in and have a look around. Kick a few tires, but watch out for some of the local residents though, some of those bastards bite.
Brain Flotsam
Keri's blog.
Brain Noodles
Forties male searching for the good life. Discussing world affairs, weird links, reviews, family life, and travel.
Brain Shavings
Conservative person in Cleveland comments on politics, war, the military, bioethics, pop culture, and Christianity.
Collection of Belgium-based loons treading through life with a critical, yet humoristic, tongue-in-cheek approach.
Channelling the loose thoughts of David Pannett, a globe-trotting New Zealander.
One man's life, rendered digitally.
Weblog of political and environmental news and commentary.
Brainstorms and Raves
Journal of Shirley Kaiser, web designer, mother and professional musician.
Andy McCulloch's weblog about design, music, and anything else he finds interesting.
Brandt, Andrew - The Amish Rabbit Forum
News and opinion about new technology, computers, science, and online privacy and security, written by PC World editor Andrew Brandt.
Brazosport News
Commentary and reportage on issues and events on the Texas Gulf Coast, especially the Brazosport area, near Houston.
Bread and Circuses
Thoughts on the world, current events, society, and the media.
Bread, Coffee, Chocolate, Yoga
Thoughtful, personal site for those interested in the culinary arts, baking, yoga, and the daily experience of living the good life in Brooklyn.
Breakfast of Losers
Postings of a new mother.
Twent-something married woman in Richmond, California who works as a graphic designer.
Brendan Zizzle
Good things in music, movies, TV shows, and books.
Team Brendo is here with the news, movies, music, and whatnot, and also entertain and challenge. Also has a web board for feedback.
Brewed Fresh Daily
Personal meanderings of a northeast Ohio coffee roaster working for a technology company.
Brian and Karla
Photoblog of Brian and Karla Sweat.
Brian McGinnis
Personal writings of a webmaster and sailing enthusiast.
Brian's Blog
Place where posters post.
Brian's Home On The Web
Geek-ish weblog by a highschool student.
Proof that Brian Scott Barnett and family exist. Political satire and baby pictures.
Brick Window
The quasi-educational blog/photo/commentary one stop for all things Chris Cimicata.
Brightness Falls
Pictures and postings by the Methodist minister's son who stopped going to church years ago; the erstwhile English major who never reads; the one-time law student whose favorite Judas Priest song is "Breaking the Law."
Brittany's Blog
On geekiness. Sharing tales of high school and her obsession with Harry Potter.
Broke Down Beauty
Broad comedy in a variety of media. Some reoccuring topics include workplace violence, alchoholism, references to human genitailia, and combinations of all of the above.
Broken Thoughts
A place for personal junk: random thoughts, pet web projects, and weird stuff found online.
Weblog by Ian Stewart on language, Oriental carpets, other web sites, and personal obsessions.
Writings on current events and the author's life as well as serial novels.
Blog and website of a Christian graphic designer from the Philippines.
Bruce / Kiore
Personal diary of a software developer and occasional website dabbler. Other topics mentioned from time to time include science fiction, biography, and contract bridge.
Bruce And Wende
Documenting a couple's lives in New York City and Hawaii. Sharing photographs, writings, and news.
Bruce Einser's Vision Thing
An eclectic blend of news on the counterculture, technology, politics, science and art.
Bruce Eisner's Vision Thing
Eclectic mix of consciousness, psychedelics, news, software, memes, and media
Bruce Family Blog
A family blog, consisting of topics such as TCS, education, teacher, books, movies, games, random family events, pictures, and Christianity.
Sebastian Nebel's weblog: Just some wird guy's meanigless thoughts.
Bruner Blog
Rick E. Bruner's personal weblog about New York City, culture, politics, media, humor, and commentary.
Bruno Raoult
Topics include chess, Linux, and palm pilots.
Bryn's So-Called Life
A description of the life and friendships of a young doctor in the United Kingdom.
The thoughts and musings of a college student majoring in computer science and life.
Bubbles' Blog
Life of an Asian woman in Seattle.
College student shares her weblog, webcam, pictures, and artwork.
Bug-Fixing Lives
Day to day life experiences of a software developer, astrologer, and businessman.
The weblog of a programmer. Watch him suffer the slings and arrows... eh, nevermind.
Building a Hut
Web geek builds a drive-through coffee shop.
Bulletproof Bra
Wandering mind, links and rants that might amuse, enchant, offend, or enlighten.
Bumblebee Girl
Big men often tremble as they step aside.
Sporadic source for cultural and technical tidbits. Features the musings and findings of a web professional who enjoys movies, music, technology, and humor.
Andy Rowe, a contemporary bunkshooter.
Bunny McIntosh
Subversive thoughts and photographs.
Bunsen [Dot ] TV Presents: What Fell Out of Bunsen
A pop-culture, entertainment, and current events weblog heavy on the humor and satire.
Burch's Blog (Flash)
A personal blog from a macromedia employee dedicated to flash and flash on devices.
Burning Light of Reason
Unabashed observations about music, politics, and film.
Burning Salad
Observational anecdotes from the day to day life of artist Gregor Wright.
Burnt Java
Woman lets the entire world know what she has to say.
Analysis on corporate strategy, economics, some occasional neuroscience, and anything else interesting.
Busy Grimy London
Oliver Wood writes about news and life.
Ain't nothing better than the satisfaction.
Buttermilk & Molasses
Thoughts on current events and entertainment from John Sarvay.
A place to learn about the secrets of butthash and muscleman.
Personal site for Terry Eaton, a web designer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Buzz Machine
Jeff Jarvis' blog about international news and his personal life.
By a Woman (Again)
Ramblings of a thirty-something woman.
A blog on national, cultural, and family politics plus whatever else comes to mind.
The Ballad of Yoko
Life of a library employee living in Philadelphia.
The Begalke Bog
Discussing a variety of topics, with an emphasis on politics, current events, and healthcare.
The Bever Dam
Marc Bever writes about cars, racing, and music.
The Bibster's Blog
Thoughts on current events.
The Big DumpTruck
Personal humor, comments and links to funny sites of note.
The Big Yellow House
The writings of a mother with seven children living in a big old house that is perpetually under renovations.
The Bigge Idea
Writes on politics, culture, entertainment, and the news of the day.
The Billiken's Bluff
Posting for a truly egalitarian meritocracy, where information is the newest religion.
The Bipolar Otaku
Dreistul's random musings and all kinds of important must-know information that is completely useless to everyone who doesn't know everything there is to know about him anyway.
The Biscuit City Road Fan Club
Indie rock. Indie pop. Music.
The Black New Yorker
The brutally honest thoughts, opinions, and solutions of a native New Yorker.
The Blog of the Insane
Video games, soccer, and ramblings.
The Bloogeyman
Peering into the dark shadows of today's current events, national and international. Politics, economics, philosophy, news - all is fair game.
The Blue Chair
Sane commentary on a psychotic world. Also, a cool movie of a dancing dog.
The Blue Site
Joshua Taj Bozeman from Indiana blogs about news, Christianity and current events.
The Boston Diaries
The on going saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/ journal "The Boston Diaries." Go figure.
The Bradlands
Weblog and occasional commentary in re: life, the universe and everything. Pop culture, tech for the clueless, and reflections of a midwestern gay boy.
The Brain
Contains floating bits of random information and thoughts. Please be careful, though, not to disturb the neurons. They can get real touchy at times. Mental scarring may ensue.
The Brendanverse
Site with odd/ bizarre pictures, commentaries on life; a portal site that also links to many other humorous/ useless pages on the web.
The Brian Alvey Weblog
A brief history of time: from the Big Bang to the Bangles.
The Brother Love
Super negro of the blogosphere shares observations on life, reviews of art, and excerpts of selected poems and stories.
The Bryan Experiment
Personal blog of Bryan Warman.
The Bubbles Mandalay Project
The trials, tribulations and random musings of a librarian wannabe on her way back to school at an age she should be planning her retirement instead.