english deutsch
My life, being a teenager. Everything is mine.
An Inner Monologue
Daily randomness from my point of view.
I Also Blog
A funny site about the lives of 4 teenagers growing up.
I am a (closet) blether
Adventures in smallholding, vegetables, php, books, current affairs, gaming and pig keeping.
I am a Cheeseburger
Personal weblog of Matthew Frederick Davis Hemming, also known as CheeseburgerBrown.
I Am Frequently Asked Questions
Teaches math at a private high school, but does a lot of other things as well. Writing about these things in such a way as to entertain.
I am Jack's Wasted Integrity
Have you ever had one of those days where everything just seems to go to hell? Welcome to my LIFE.
I am Oxie Moron
Basically nothing. Just random rants. Sarcasm too, can't forget about that.
I Am So Smrt
Fake News
I am the sky
The comfort of strangers - might keep you entertained at the very least till daybreak.
I Awoke to the Sound of My Own Existence
The purely personal ravings of a lone, elusive creature.
I Be Manly
Go inside the mind of a sex-addicted yet often times frustrated heterosexual male who happens to live on an island in the middle of nowhere.
I Can't Believe It's Not Evil
Three real-life roommates that decided to extend their space-sharing situation to the net.
I Can't Even Float in Water This Deep
Postings about life and lots of paint graphics of the Fingersquad Gang.
I Hate Crap
Rants about politics in the United Kingdom and the rest of the world.
I Have A Bug In My Eye
Random entried about family and office life.
i have a snake
A reading log and weblog on life as a librarian
I Have Something To Say About That!
Personal views on current events, politics and society from the perspective of a freethinking, political independent with Libertarian leanings.
I like
I like: a little piece of web fluff, with pictures and commentary about books, films, design and other good stuff.
I Live for Wednesdays
A girl with a keyboard and something to say. Invade the never ending saga of her so called life.
I live on your visits
Personal weblog maintained by 'yes, it's with two e's', Derren Wilson.
I Love Jack White
You might as well say that this blog is about a girl who's on her way to becoming a groupie! Just kidding, but my blog is cool. Well, I hope I'm kidding..
I Love My Mac
Chose California over Germany. The beautiful pictures should explain, why.
I own the rave scene
Tara Gostling's webjournal sharing most of her seinfeldish personal life for all to see.
I Won't Hurt You...Much
We speak not of love but blasphemy. The Schizophrene.
I'm just a kid...And life is a nightmare
A blog that talks about issues that all teenagers have...A place where you can voice you're opinion and get useful advice on almost everything. Also has fun quizzes and games!
I-Boy Weblog
Current reading, sites and random musings.
I.D. Flux
Blog of I.D. Flux of rock group, The Magic Beans.
I/O [/rant/]
Rantings and ravings of a geek girl in Saint Paul, MN. Including both personal events, and social commentary.
An English journalist in Bombay burbles and rants incessantly about potholes, corrupt cops and the joys of life in India's unofficial capital city.
Iambic Pentameter
Average gay teenager describes her life in Utah.
Daily rail news.
Ian Stopher . com
A weblog containing links, pictures and comments on every day life and technology.
Ian Whittle's News and Opinion
News and opinion from Ian Whittle. Focus on current events, sports and technology.
Ian's Blog
The blog of Ian Stenning, a young man from London, UK.
Ian's Blog - Green on Blue
The Weblog of Ian Wilson from Northampton, England. A daily dose of thoughts and opinions with links to a range of strange and interesting sites.
homepage of Ian Gregory
Demented rantings and ravings, articles, and day-to-day drivel posted by ibbie himself.
iBob - Fear of an Ill Planet
Musings on whatever catches an all-too-short attention. Blog covers sports, entertaiment, and politics.
An annex, collection of essays and writings by Erik Leffingwell.
Icyshard's (Never)Boring Blog of Banalities
The home of all things Icyshard, a girl in her 20s.
Idea Wrap
A commentary on everything from current events to politics to culture. Closed-minded people will promptly be asked to leave.
Views, opinions, emotions, essays, proper grammar. By David Wertheimer.
Ideas Asylum
Jamie's thoughts, ideas, musings and utter drivel. Procrastination with a purpose.
Ides of Truth
Expressions of a frustrated writer. News from around the web, with just a smattering of things that go bump in the night.
Idiot Filings
You know, I gave up cynicism and sarcasm for Lent. That lasted a good seventeen seconds.
Idiot Programmer
Web journal on technological idiocy. By Robert Nagle, a Texas technical writer.
iDiOt'S SitE
A personal blog.
Idiotic Ramblings
the thoughts of a madman on sports, politics, management, music, entertainment, life and anything else on the wonderful internet!
Idiotprogrammer Web Log
A web journal created by Robert Nagle, a Texas technical writer. It covers cyberculture and the IT industry.
Idle Hours
Image blog.
Personal weblog from Southeast Asia.
Armchair-anarchism and social commentary.
If I Said I Hate You I Lied
Blasting everything about my life. Significantly.
If it makes you less sad.
if love was a dream, how would you wake up? this is my insightful blog.
If you Will Dare, I Will Dare
Yes, there are still plenty of freaks on the internet. among the annoyances of being a really, really tall woman, freaky men have got to be the worst.
A technology blog for the enlightened thinker
Illuminatrix Weblog
Compiled with an eye toward art and science, web design and navigability, and things that make me smile.
illusioned.org - hesam panahi
Personal weblog. Photos, links, and commentary on daily life.
Im Wearing Fur Pajamas
An amusing personal diary based around the life of a young female librarian. Updated frequently.
Image Ivy
Painting, poetry, digital photograpny and creative ideas and human issues.
Imagine More Blue
A blog about a twenty-something working girl in Seattle and the minor dramas in her life. Excitement comes in waves.
MeBlogYou! To death.
Personal weblog. Keep it simple stupid.
Crazy, wild, random, full of problems. Help me!
Impressions of Insanity
Samantha's blog. Entries start in 2000.
Impreza Blog
Impreza's life.
IMR: Extras: Weblog
The weblog of a father, husband, and web geek in paradise.
In a Dark Time
A personal weblog focusing on poetry, literature, and photography, It uses the arts to explore and develop a personal philosophy.
In Angie's Book - Ramblings of a Moody Mama
Daily Ramblings of a Moody Mama.
In High Cotton
Random thoughts, life, and rants from a good old southern boy in Georgia.
In my own write
Recently published articles, stories and news, written by the author from his home in Cape Town, South Africa. Stories mainly of interest to small business owners.
In Palinode's Palace
Sharing inscrutable pictures and thoughts on culture.
In Reflection
Weblog of web designer, related to web and graphic design.
In Search of a Soul
Soul-searching, and navel lint, a commentary on life.
In Search of Pith
Writer, photographer, editor, midwesterner.
In Search of Telford
An undergraduate's study of Civil Engineering mixed with politics, humor and whatever else he feels like.
In Spite of Years of Silence
Let the Bible belt come and save my soul.
In The Box
Trapped in a cubicle. The only way out is to blog. Make note. Interesting things do happen.
Incidents and Accidents
Personal thoughts and anime style art. Poems, geeking.
Ramblings of a slightly incoherent individual.
Personal weblog on current affairs, philosophy and daily events.
Indefinite Articles
Articles on Technology, Politics, Law, Philosophy
Indiana Jane's Diary
Super girls do cry.
Indiana's first blog
A blog of a curious creature, not a girl, but yet not a woman.
indie rock
info about college rock bands, indie rock posts and links.
Indie Rock Librarian
Long Island, NY librarian Mary Carmen Chimato.
Art, film, the web, and a little bit of life.
You must know the definition of 'ineffectual' before you may ride this weblog.
Personal literary journal of Brian Hogg. Opinions, both well-and-poorly-formed are here, as well as selected fictional works.
A blog from the shores of middle England. News, rants, brain farts, all in a handy-to-wipe form.
infinite ideas machine
Phil Booth's weblog is a place for playing with, working out and exploring his ideas, interests and obsessions - and, if he does it half right, hopefully a conversation or two along the way...
Infinite Smile: a BuddhistBlog
Michael McAlister's zen-inspired dialog with his students and those just interested in learning more about the Buddha's teachings.
Infinitepink Musings
A unique combination of charisma and chutzpah.
The life, times, opinions and observations of Sean Legassick, a hacker, writer and activist living in Cape Town, South Africa
Information Junk
A nearly daily dose of this and that.
Ingo Rammer's Weblog
Thoughts on .NET, software development and the world in general.
Rants about life, writing and whatever other crap comes to mind... move to L.A., get rich writing. Yeah, sure.
this is my inner, deepest and darkest side of my life, i want to tell you
Innocent Bystander
A journal/weblog about NIN, computers, sci-fi novels, good music, office crushes, and the Ex.
Innocents Abroad
European blog about politics (North American and European), economics, finance, and culture.
Insane Ravings
Humor commentary and articles by Kevin 'TrentonZero' Walker.
Insanity Now...Serenity Later
Daily ramblings by a woman in Orlando who works in the IT profession.
Insanity Sanctuary
If you find the everyday musings of an ordinary girl interesting, this is the place to visit!
We are the org. Assistance is futile.
Inside and out...
just some babbling and ranting so u'll know all about me...
Inside Gretchen's Head
The blog of Gretchen Pirillo.
Inside Learning
Exploring patterns in learning, culture and networks.
Inside of my head
IT is all about my life. What I'm thinking. Pictures of different things. Funny jokes and such.
Rant and rave about life, annoyances and other stuff besides.
The weblog of a young Singaporean who finds himself lost in his insignificant life.
Insignificant Thoughts
The brain droppings of a twenty something New Yorker.
Inspirational Technology
Kimbro Staken's news and views on technology.
Instant Enemy
Burritos and fist fights.
Instant Insanity
Anna's very unexplainable blog.
Instant Replay
A student's reactions to current events and his own life. An intelligent perspective on intelligent life.
Intelliforge: Blog
Analysis and information on economics, politics, and technology by Tommie M. Jones.
Intense Apathy
Ryan Cornelsen's weblog.
The way to a man's heart is through his weblog.
Matt Webb's weblog and homepage.
Intermitent Stream
Conservative views on politics and news.
Internet News Daily
Daily news updates concerning financial, health and geo-political matters.
Inthetrunk 2.0
A blog by a faction of the angsthaus conspiracy. Rants and pictures, warm, gooey, nougat centers.
Into The Mind Of An Obsessive Compulsive
Journal of an avid Third Watch fan and amateur radio host.
Into the Sunset
The personal weblog of an American student in London, covering global business, politics, and pop culture.
17 year old girl, from Connecticut. Learn about her life.
intueri (to contemplate)
Musings. Miracles. Medicine. Madness.
Product of Kate Lyons and Jenny Baum, two librarians living in NYC.
Ipse Dixit
Something that is asserted but unproved. News captions and commentary.
Journalish weblog of a gal with a passion for expression.
Iraq: What the hell am I doing here?
A site telling the tale of my adventures through the war-torn nation of Iraq.
Irby's life full of hockey, school and troubl
Personal extracts from the life of a teenager with interests ranging from hockey to politics.
Ireland In Stitches
Online diary of my knitting, crocheting and cross stitch activities. Progress reports and reviews of materials, shops, reading materials etc. Links of Irish interest are included where possible.
irenic {adj.} embers {noun} - personal
Usually entertaining, most times not.. but I've been doing it for three years running, not about to stop now.
Irish Tribesman
News, politics, science, colonialism, imperialism, and human rights.
Be irked! My lowly little pita blog.
IronWolfs Den
Thoughts about things known. To let current friends and future friends know. Note: Site comes with nasty pop up windows.
Two cents about anime, novel writing, college life, twisted social existence, an insane family. Complete with weekly Bitch Topic.
Is Happy My Brain Is
The name says it all.
Is This Really My Life?
Personal blog filled with daily complaints, observations, thoughts and musings.
An occasional report on ephemeral things, from politics to pop culture. Reports from Brooklyn to Beijing, from blogger Mike Everett-Lane et alia.
Island Paradox - Life on a very small island in th
Paradise and Paradox, these writings are about my island life, and how I view the world from here.
Island.Life Weblog
The weblog of David and Hilary Heggie, covering their move to the Isle of Lewis, and their new life.
Isle of Remote
She's Black. She's Christian. She's single. She's turning 40. The happy-go-lucky musings of a paradoxical woman.
Personal weblog and site with computer resources and random babblings.
Israel - A Conflict
Blog about Israel and the Middle East Confict
Israeli Guy
An Istaeli Guy's thoughts on life with a political falvor
Issho Issho Issho
Popular, loved, and envied: Daily, lonesome chronicles of three heroes.
It Came from the Codeslave
Commentary & reflection on technology, web development, toys, video games and more from a veteran web designer
It Depends!
While truth has to be absolute to be deemed truth, truth can differ from person to person depending on the perspectives in which we approach each subject or issue in question.
it is happen
Shiva maker and breaker of realities give me something to chew on my teeth are soft and my life is so hard.
It Really Happened
This site is has daily reviews of Andy Milonakis' videos. As well, there is some Andy links and an "Ice Cream Fantastic" message board.
It Takes Leather Balls
Outlook and views on women's rugby and occasionally opinions on just stuff. Women's rugby personal log.
It's All Greek To Me
Every day life of a Greek immigrant in USA, 30 yrs old, mom of two trying for a third.
It's Funny Because It's Shit
Grumblings and hootings of an ex-husband with a talent for being annoyed.
Its a Dogs Blog
Woof! It's a dogs blog - all things dog. Quotes about dogs, memories, musings and more.
Its All About Honors
An Honors project for college has brought me to this site. I will be researching people's thoughts, the difference between what they say on a blog and what they would say in a private journal, and other interactions between people.
Ivory Tower
Jim's blog.
Rants, political statements, technical reviews, Windows tips and photography.
A personal website and community by Walt Dickinson.
The Idiot Behind the Iron Mask
Rants of an insane guy who analyses and writes about most of everything that he sees. This journal also highlights his constant arguments with his brain who is called Brain. Oh, and he wants to take over the world someday.
The Idiot Box
A personal site full of "Random Headjunk" by NoddingTony - miscellaneous musings, poetry, philosophy - anything that's running through his head, really.
The Information Geek
Blog entries containing information - could be religous, political, front page, or humorous in nature. If you need information but don't have the time to find it yourself, let me find it for you.
The Inner Workings of My Mind
Written by Noah, a young Canadian living in Orlando, Florida.
The Intuitive Life
Musings, essays, rants and other writings on education, parenting, daily affairs, writing and other facets of popular author and speaker Dave Taylor's life.
The Invisible Library
The blog of a Radical Librarian, in which there is no shushing.