english deutsch
A Mad Tea-party
Just a general site to index, categorize and archive general thoughts about law, law school, and lawyering. The site pays particular attention to the Boston legal community.
a midwestern drawl
See what growing up in the midwest can do to a person.
A Moveable Beast
Personal weblog by HerHeart.
Blog Maverick
Maintained by Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks.
I May Be Blonde, But . . .
Miss Kitty, a true Southern Belle; writer, photographer, artist, animal-lover, dreamer, stargazer, cop-groupie, 70's junkie, slightly obsessive iNFp with stories to tell!
M-Chan's Blog
Michi Chan's blog and contacts.
M3 Gotdns
Personal updates, photography, links, forums, and contact information.
Mad TV
Music player application and will have Flash and web design tutorials. Blog and various projects.
Mad World
Engaging commentary, random humor and irreverent humor for all.
Maddy's Rambles
Coherent argument and random thought, with emphasis on the latter. Frequently updated blog of a Kiwi law student in mid-20s discussing her views on life, music, the state of the world. From the mundane to the serious in a blink of an eye.
Blog and personal site of some tiny chick who has nothing better to do than sit at her computer and do graphic and web design.
Madhu "MadMan" Menon's Weblog
The rants of a user experience professional. Thoughts on business strategy, marketing, writing, design, and user experience.
Explore the strange worlds, featuring the bizarre poetry weblog of J. D. Nelson.
Maelstrom Cognizance
A weblog featuring the online activities and personal observations of writer E. J. Fischer.
Magic of the Mind
"The power of thought is the magic of the mind." Byron / Mind magic for your pleasure.
Magickal Musings
Celebrates the pagan way of life, a spiritual journey. Includes a Wiccan glossary, recipes, the wheel of the year, the history of the pentagram, the burning times.
The industry leader in infoedutainment.
Mahmood's Den
sometimes I'm awake. When I am, I get creative. Consider this an invitation to my private nut house!
Maison Bisson
Discussion and links ranging from academics to technology.
Male Librarian Centerfold
A non-stop erotic male librarian peep show.
Another adjective animal weblog. Matt Round's links, ramblings and creative projects.
Man Corn
Dialogue that consumes itself, matriculated studies of self-discovery.
Journal of M. Kelley, web designer and computer geek.
This site is primarily a weblog about web design, development, enterprise software, and other musings.
Manha Submersa
Nuno Silva on his hobbies: sports, politics, economy, Portugal, football, jobs, holidays.
Maniacal Musings
Many strange and magical things frequently happen to her. A person who can find wonder and merriment in the most mundane places/ occurrences. Ontario theatrical seamstress and scenic painter.
Manifest Station
[mind .. culture .. code] manifestation.com offers news, links, and ideas related to the web, artificial intelligence, and hypnosis, among other topics. Updated daily.
Manifesto Multilinko
Culture. Complaints. Computers. Canada.
A way to get his stance on technology and politcal views across to people who may or may not care.
Manufacturing Dissent
The thoughts of Brooklyn's reclusive Southerner on politics, culture, and philosophy.
ManUnderStress, A refuge for the worldly weary.
A weblog by the stressed for the stressed. Frequently updated commentary, sarcasm and mockery on all things under the sun and beyond.
Marc Kermisch
Serving the world with bits and bytes.
Marc North Dot Blog
Photolog and weblog.
News entries on life and such. As well as images from places things seen.
Marcus P. Zillman's Personal Blog
Latest happenings on the Internet in technology and search engines.
A weblog by Bill Stilwell. Updated daily with tidbits from Canadiana to books to technology.
Mark And(erson)
From Somerville, Massachusetts: a weblog and a lending library.
Mark Carey
Including rants, raves, opinions, and sarcastic observations.
Mark Ensslin Photographs
Photo blog with black and white and color images of people.
Mark Peters
Personal portal, features stories on a wide range of topics. There are forums for photography, travel, movies and Japanese culture. It also has a photo gallery.
Mark's Blog
A personal weblog focusing on Alfa Romeos, motorcycles, metalworking, and computers.
Mark's Technomusings
Thoughts, notes, and ramblings on the technology Mark Cervarich deals with on a daily basis.
Markel's Blog
Ryan J. Markel's personal blog for miscellaneous news and happenings.
Marketing Strategies, Life, Design, Art
The trials and tribulations of learning marketing "on the job."
Marlon Hates It
A blog about things hated and a few things liked.
Canadian online yammering.
Martin Rigby: Digital Serendipity
Serendipity happens more on the internet.
Martinis, Persistence, and a Smile
News and views in a personal blog.
Marty Hergert's Weblog and Personal Site
Daily postings on news, culture, and entertainment with a decidely alternative, contrarian viewpoint. Wide variety of info on environment, history, and media.
Marty's Photography
Photography and weblog by Martyn Gabel.
Mary's Odyssey
Mary Siever posts about her efforts to meet her goals to lose weight and be fit and conquer PCOS.
Marzena's Journal
The online journal of Marzena Godecki, in which she sporadically posts to keep in touch with friends and family. Expect nothing too terribly personal; but it is an interesting read, nevertheless.
A personal weblog which monitors the movie scene in India with occasional references to photography and technology related news.
Mason Chumpia
Mason Chumpia's regularly updated online journal.
Mason Jars
Just another blog of no particular significance but relevant to the whole in some sort of fashion.
Commentary and plain fun. Everybody can have a say.
Materialist Dot Net?
Philosophy, film and book reviews, and intellectual ponderings from an anthropology student.
Mati Rose
The projects and experiences of an illustrator.
Matt Desmond
Writes about music and cars.
Matt Jacob's weblog
A personal blog with thoughts, opinions, and links to other sites.
Matt Vargeson's Weblog
News, images and such things about life and projects.
Matt Zemek's Wellstone Cornerstone
Paul Wellstone progressivism for conservatives and people of faith (and for dispirited liberals, too!)
Matt's Blog
A little bit of nonsense. It is mostly my views on things, which can be quite amusing at times.
Matt's Weblog
This site contains news, reviews on subjects that should be interesting to all.
Personal weblog of Matthew Fotter.
Matthew J. Simoneau's Weblog
The personal weblog of a nice boy who grew up on Cape Cod, went to college in Amherst, and now lives in Boston.
Mattlog - My Mind Wont Shut Down
Matthew Tancock shares his views on religion and comments on his daily life.
Max 15 Degrees
Come for the doughnuts, stay for the bloodshed. Derp.
Max Power Blogs
Max's way to keep in touch with friends and family, share photos and stories, and to practice web development.
Max's World
Sarcasm, free associations, and miscellaneous puns and litotes from SF Bay Area writer Max Gerry.
Politics, economics, public policy.
Maya Lynn
A baby story.
MBA Experience
A blog chronicling the process of taking an MBA at a top business school from application to graduation. Features information on interviews, essay writing and the GMAT.
Thoughts, links, and gripes about technology, music, film, humor, literature, and everything else.
Written by a Parisian, featuring photographs and humor about life in the city.
McVey.org: a journal of sorts ...
The web home of Cam McVey - a bunch of stuff with a focus on web development and ice hockey!
Me and You Against the World Now
Opinions on the sites that come the author comes across, and life in general.
Me at Midnight
Personal expression of creativity, experiences, projects, and contains many resources for others.
MeanDonnaJean's Stinkin' Thinkin'
An updated daily site of the rantings and ramblings of a single mom who's just trying to keep her sanity.
Meat For The Hellbound
A weblog discussing current events, our emotions, feelings and whatever else may cross minds. Several authors.
Media Blog
A blog about the lack of objectivity in the mainstream media.
Media Dragon
Jozef Imrich has his finger on the pulse of any irony of interest and shares his findings to keep you in-the-know with the savviest trend setters and infomaniacs.
Opinions, links, commentary, the occasional rant. Topics vary.
All of social life is organized from the top down through impenetrable hierarchies to make you into a receptacle For the culture that will seduce you.
Recent college grad in between travels.
General commentary, thoughts, and pictures from one woman's mind in San Francisco, CA.
Bite-sized chunks of delicious web goodness.
Donald Melanson's weblog.
Melissa's Blog Journal
The days in the life of Melissa... the blog version anyway.
Blog of a girl from Kansas.
A personal blog of a Duarte High Teen.
Links and thoughts on memetics, science, writing, bicycling, fitness, anarchy, geekery, humor, comics, science fiction, technology, politics, magick, and Berkeley.
Memoirs of a Complete and Utter Nobody
Random thoughts and confessions from a twenty something. Crushing dreams and dispensing advice - free of charge.
Memoria de la Foto
Photos, recipes, articles, comments.
Men Who Pause
Someday I want to be an optimist.
Get intimate with the much fabled Menc.
Adventures in the south pacific. A Norwegian blogs from down under.
A creative webzine/ blog for the casual male reader. Featuring articles, selected blogs and men's columns.
Mental Graffiti
Stompin' grounds of Bleunique. Links to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc, different blogs, and stuff that amuses.
Mental Quicksand
A repository of technical humor, news, advice and personal information.
Mental Shavings
Devoted to politics, technology, and almost any other topic. Anything is fair game.
Mentally Disorganized Thoughts
World of disorganized thoughts... you have no idea.
To shine a quirky light into your otherwise Meredi-less lives.
About as far as you can get from actual content.
Dinah Sanders' weblog about Web design and documentation of the design process in online environments.
Dinah Sanders's Web site, home to some of the world's finest day old hypertext products.
Metallic Peach
Personal site for Heather Haggerty. Includes a blogger journal about all the goings on in her life.
Personal weblog of Arthur A. Vanderbilt. Topics include chess, Palm Pilot, spirituality, technology .. all sorts of things.
Metro Moods
Escapades in the concrete canyons.
The journal of a web chick in these angst-filled times. Also includes a digital art gallery and diary of a mad bride.
Love kitties and self-indulgence.
A personal weblog of a 20-something professional website developer. It's lewd, vulgar, funny, and intelligent at the same time.
Lists of great links.
Michael Engelbrecht
weblog, essays by friends, and photo galleries.
Michael Heraghty's unbecoming web diary
A diary/blog/journal.
Michael J. Totten
Art, politics, culture, and war.
Michael Sims .com
This is the personal web site and web log for Micahel Sims, from Northern California.
Michael Wai's Weblog
Web development and programming resources including PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML, XML, Database Design. Online resume provided.
Michael Wood dot Com
A personal website of a computer geek, with no geeky tendencies whatsoever, well, maybe a few.
Michaelangelo McKasty on the Interweb
Digitranscriptalisis, electromotion, writings, flavorings, explosions, and news on all things favorable/ unfavorable to the public at large.
A selection from the weird wide web with an emphasis on science, language, music, & Buddhism.
Filled with interesting and not-so interesting news, comments on society, nerdy science projects, literature, and a forum for discussion.
Weblog, forum, journals, rants and raves.
Midnight Factory
Synapses sometimes fire. Here are the results.
Midnight In A Not So Perfect World
Nathan Boaden's blog.
Mighty Girl
From Maggie Berry, a magazine editor living in San Francisco.
Mike Golding's personal weblog
Web Log, Photos, Experiments and Links
Mike's Weblog
Heavily science- and mechanics-oriented list of links to strange ideas and articles.
Everyday. with or without a point.
Mikes Madness
Mad Mikes personal blog.
Miksang: Experiment in Pictures
Independent Miksang project.
Ceremony, celebration and rites of passage information and issues.
Milk and Cookies
What do you meme?
Random insights on life.
Sometimes thoughts manage to slip past the guards.
Mind Works of Guge
The mind of Guge revealed, with short stories straight from the source. He uses his mind to mess with yours.
A web developer's journal.
Mindless Prattle
It takes a genius to whine appealingly.
Daily entries from a sometimes opinionated geek.
Mine is a World of Dreams in Which I Play
A page dedicated to those of you who do not care. Here you go, enjoy our lives.
Ming the Mechanic
Commentary, news items and articles from the founder of the New Civilization Network.
Minna Vu "Nasiyuki"
Creative website with blog, personal pictures, and artwork, a unique Hmong chica.
Minor 9th
Weblog, photo log and journal of a British music undergraduate.
Personal web log dedicated to minutiae and triviality.
Misc. Etc
A mish-mash of weblogging and journaling by a fledgling writer and critic of all things, especially movies. There is also a webcam.
My Moveable Type weblog, a mixture of links,journal entries and photographs taken by myself.
Mischief Inc.
Random weblog weirdness by the blog owner.
From the outside of everything to the inside of a gurl.
Misconstrued Thoughts
Yesterdays misconstrued thoughts today. It is about creativity though photography, creative writing, amature video, travels, and creating quotes.
A weblog about the politics of new and old media, foreign policy, tech, culture, philosophy, and photography.
Whim-based blog, subjectively covering literature, film, ideas, pop culture, and everything else.
Miss Behaviour's Blog
Regular rants and raves.
Miss Monica
Explores the Los Angeles lifestyle, where fantasy meets reality and veracity doesn't get in the way of a good tale.
A journalist's bilingual weblog. Daily news, features and analysis from Canada.
Miss A's photolog - photos from Edmonton, Canada.
Step into the Nexus. Stimulating the mind, body, and soul with real life stories, comedy, poetry, and photography.
Mister Crunchy
Another lunatic with a Web page. Keeping it relaxed and groovy from our Transglobal Epicenter in the 'burbs.
Mister Pants
A weblog currently broadcasting from Japan.
Mixed Up Socks
Recounting the situations and people that affect life, peppered with political quips, confessions, and some creative writings.
The personal domain of artist and writer Brandy Reed. Online journal, digital art, and weblog.
mlbell ~ a little bit of me
A personal weblog
Mo Morgan (dot com)
A site dedicated to the struggle between being a web developer and being a human. Features daily content from my life, and a few odds and ends to improve yours. Updated daily.
Moan in a Hot Day
Yow Kee: weblog for reading notes, review and opinions.
A mockery journal personal of the life of the knife cut cut cut. One more time, from the top.
Mocklive: Media
Robert Reddick, Founder and President of INTV.com based in Charlotte NC. The site supports Robert's various projects, and offers fresh tech-minded opinion weekly.
Various musings from the owner.
Modern Life Is Rubbish
There once was a girl who didn't speak much but liked to think much, and so here she writes much.
Modern Motherhood
The trials and tribulations of a modern stay-at-home Mama.
Modern Princess
A girl, a journal, a webcam.
The personal and professional graphic design site of Erica Augustine.
Art,animals,nature and musings.
A mother's journal.
Momo Freaks Out
Life of a free spirit in Tokyo.
MonAmi - MyFriend
Laura Moody and Joshua Ayson's personal photos and journals for our friends and anyone who is curious.
Monk's Blog
Covering the dismaying life of a leftist web-designer/ artist/ freak.
Monkey X - Hairy Thoughts
A place for thoughtful monkeys discussing philosophy, current affairs, pop culture and technology. An expression of primitive empathy and rambling intelligence.
Humor, news, and meme-propagation.
Comments on politics, philosophy, technology, and food, by a diverse group of monkeys.
You could just go through life and be happy anyway.
Art, photography, writing, grousing.
Moon Farmer
Daily updated world news log, also featuring original photography and fiction by Gabrielle Taylor.
Yes, this is my life, the one i insist in complicating. Beer, cigarrets, sex, love and computers. Everything i like. Everything i hate. Everything that happens. No more shame. A "me" that was already alive and now decided to take place. In portuguese, sometimes in english. And believing in the strenght of the moon.
Moral Flexibility
The blog of a Vancouver, British Columbia resident, interested in not being evicted, working, recreational shooting and mountain biking. Pictures, rants and a variety of weird and unusual links are the standard fare.
More Boom In The Room
Personal weblog of Mark Gardner, bass player for The Phoenix Trap.
More Like This Web Log
Links + Commentary on Annotating the Web, Structuring Information and Wisconsin Politics as seen from California.
Morgaine LeFaye Net : Blog
Scraps and scribbles from Antwerp, Belgium.
Group blog from a group of college-bound (most cases) morons bound together with a mutual taste for women, trouble, and senseless acts of stupidity.
Personal weblog.
Moshe Jacobson
One blog of waking life, and another of dreams.
Most Popular
The most popular actors, singers, games, and other superlatives.
Mostly Words
Personal weblog by a word lover.
Mother, May I Sleep with Treacher?
It's a blog. It's useless.
Mothership Connection
Onslaught for free thought.
Mothership of Slack
Wacky to useful, artsy to revolting, a prescription for Good Slack.
Mount Sutro
The personal website of David July, featuring a journal, forum, gallery and other goodies.
Mousemusings Weblog
Music, mutterings, musings and magic from my mousepad, including rm files, mp3 files, news links, and links to other weblogs.
Moving on ...
Personal weblog of Tom Van Wesemael. Web design, web development, and general hobbies.
News, leisure, lifestyle and opinion.
Mr Snuggles Brand New Blog
A sporadically update place for Mr Snuggles (aka Ben Sorrie) to share his rantings and random toughts with anyone bored enough to read them.
Mr. Chin Says
The personal site for a few kids where they share their ideas about the web, music and life in general.
Mr. Mist's Blog
A blog covering stuff that happens on the Internet and in the real world.
Mr. Standfast
Personal journal with an emphasis on Christian spiritual formation.
Musings on Apple, technology, and the Macintosh community.
Seeking for the purpose of life.
Personal blog with a weird link and picture of the day. The link of the day is usually pretty weird.
Mrs. G's Journal
Tales to tell from a mother and family breadwinner living about an hour west of Philadelphia, PA.
Verbal's notes.
MsJekYll'z Blog
Life in a nutshell, you figure it out.
mu by George
A weBlog about nothing. Thoughtful rants on politics, society, science, computer system development, and religion.
much to say about nuthin
I have much to say about nuthin.
Muddy's Mind
Muddy's Mind is a personal blog that concentrates on Open Source news and Help,Military news/events, general news and my rants.
Personal website for Greg Fox in Victoria, British Columbia. To keep the world informed on his mud-laden laces. Work, current side projects, mountain biking.
A team weblog that takes on life in the most oddball ways.
Mujib's Journal
Meticulously organized, incisive and insightful observations and commentary of the past, present and future of humanity and the rest of the universe; with a few links thrown in.
Mumble Daily
Almost daily mumblings since February 2000.
Personal site of Martyn Fagg and his weblog.
Covers mainly politics and current affairs. Delves into sports, music and books from time to time.
mushee. michi. michelle.
Michelle Won's blog, photos and contacts.
musing on the universe and other unimportant thing
i don't lead an interesting life, but i do see a lot of interesting things.
Musings and Migraines
A mostly political blog from a female liberal, with literary leanings, and a bitter Democratic streak.
Musings of a Madman?
Poetry in a personal weblog.
Musings of a Neurotic Mind
Andrea Loibnegger is a PhD student in Germany, writing about movies, music and games.
Musings of a One Eyed Cat
Marcus James Adams and two cats Frank and Stien. Musings on life, love and the trials and tribulations of starting an e-commerce website.
Musings of Moira
Web developer living in Oregon, and manager of considereddesign.com. Musings on technology, media, and especially usability issues. Goes well with coffee.
A girl and her life.
Homepage von Matthias Muthler.
My 2 P
Everything you could possibly want to know about this fairly normal bloke.
My Blue House
Becky's personal weblog, graphics, interests and other miscellaneous tidbits. Includes knitting projects. A professional, a Mother, also an American living in France.
My Collecting Corner
My diaries about myself, my country and my collecting hobbies.
My Diary
A personal diary with letters, poems and daily happenings.
My Digital Life v2.1
A view of the world through the eyes of a supergeek.
My Life
The story of my life. Links and writing.
My Life After Near Death Experiences
Over 100 dream visions of afterlife realms, over the years. Journal reflects life, now, after these experiences.
My Life as Austrian in Austria
Football, eating and drinking, and ordinary everyday life by the view of one unimportant Austrian citizen.
My Memex
Created by a victim of associational thinking. Favorite topics: Internet studies, literary theory, social implications of computing, the triumphs and frustrations of a humanities-type who can't leave computers alone.
My Mind
Thoughts and musings from Thomas Herzog.
My Mishmash
As the name says mymishmash.
My Name Is David Biastock...
A fun little corner of my world where you'll be left saying to yourself, "I never seen a man eat so many chicken wings."
My Nucleus Weblog
You'll get used to it...
My Purple Room
Ramblings about pop culture, the frenzy of wedding preparation, and life in general.
My Quest to Become a Doctor
This is an online journal of the journey to become a doctor. The website also includes articles on different, often debated, topics.
My Rants
This is where I post my opinions on recent world events and my opions on things I encounter in my life.
My So Called Life
The dreams, aspirations and neuroses of a geek grrl.
It's about life, love, days, nights. It's just about Mya.
myBlog by Lars
A technological view of the world.
Comments on current events, popular culture and links to sites of interest by a lawyer turned new mommy living in France.
MyDimension unDefining Reality
The personal playspace William Cox. Primary topics are web design and development but also include music, movies, cool online happenings.
A Wigtore production.
This site showcases opinions on things.
Get inside the brain of Myles Grant. News, links, geek stuff, about me.
Mysterioso Land-O-Fun
Wherein Angel reveals all.
My place on the web to rapsodize about my life, so come in and explore the life of a 19 year old!
Mystery Girl
Celebrate we will because life is short and sweet for certain.
Myya Online
A lazy way of keeping friends and family up to date.
The Mad Hatter
Not the character from 'Alice in Wonderland' although they do share some traits, like a mixed up mental state. A geek (and proud of it!). Opinionated, not modest (just ask him).
The Magazine Design Weblog
Got separation anxiety?
The Magic Files
Blog of Cameron Roat, an average nerd.
The Making of a Restaurant
Two guys, Luke and Sandy, toying with the idea of opening a restaurant five to ten years from now.
The Manic Diary
What am I doing here? I love/hate life. Insights, inspirations, thoeries, and the manic diary.
The Marigold Trail
News, reviews, writings and opinions from an urban Indian.
The Mario Group
About a fellow named Mario.
The Matt Bartell Web Page
That's all you need to know.
The Me Yet to Come
The mundane, the interesting, and the occasionally craptacular life of Lena.
The Meandering Mind of Mad Mitch
Personal blog of a Canadian.
The Medical Informatics Weblog
Medical news.
The Mess Hall
A brief look into the strange inner thoughts of the enigmatic Mess.
The Metaphorical Magpie
Sharing a collection of all the shiny, wonderful things she would normally carry around in her pockets on scraps of paper.
The Midwestgrrl
Expert on nothing. Opinions on everything.
The Mighty Argos
Blog of a Mr. Jason L. Eliaser (a.k.a. "Iason"). He attends law school, consumes media, rants and raves about the bad things that companies do.
The Misadventures of a Fat Housewife
An excellent cook, a lousy housekeeper, and a bleeding heart liberal.
The Misogygy Project
A blog/ collective of a misogynist married chick who writes about married chick things from a misogynist point of view.
The Monkey Puzzle
A blog about the owner's musical tastes, photos he's taken, and (very) occasional geek doings.
The Morning News
Web geeks unite.
The Mountaintop
Dedicated to the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. An attempt to further his legacy by addressing issues of justice, democracy, and morality in an age of technological change.
The Moving Finger
An online newsletter with articles that really don't matter... but should. This site also has reviews on the latest in electronics.
The Muse Box
Lachrymology, life, love, sex, and anything else in between.
The Musings of a College Student
From Pittsburgh and the keyboard of Jeffrey Prebeg Jr.