english deutsch
The personal weblog of Stefan Koopmanschap with everything from personal views to Internet weirdness. [Bilingual Dutch-English]
A Pale Reflection
Documenting Aaron's life, the sweetheart and the boy. But mostly Aaron.
A Patch of Blue
Words, photos and opinions.
A Penny For
A bit about me and a lot about business.
DrPeppar, Mad Scientist
A young man from the north of Sweden talks about his crazy life.
Pablo Serrato's Notebook
Orange County born, Berkeley educated libertarian weblog on politics and society.
Pacarras Updates
Postings on privacy, freedom of speech and related trivia.
François Nonnenmacher, Frenchman living in Paris, writes about many topics, most of which are related to his profession of corporate webmaster.
Life inside a shell.
Painting to Stay Sane
Artist with a new baby seeks sanity in creativity.
The domain for all things Pete Johns.
Palaces For The People
Links to research data, and current data pages on the subject of "Palaces For The People", solar PV breeders, and/ or ecological synergy.
Pamie the Pop Culture Princess
Los Angeles freelance comedy writer's blog and biography.
Pancake City
Tidbits off the web, gleaned by a young American.
Personal weblog of Jesse, everything to everyone.
Paolo Massa Blog
PhD student's ramblings on trust and reputation, recommender systems, social software and his own schoolwork.
Paolo Valdemarin's Weblog
Discussing about web technologies, ideas, integration and content management systems.
Paper Forest
Art, news, and ideas.
Paper Towel
David Nestor writes reflective essays about his days and his feelings. He also talks about work, cool gadgets that he wants, and various observations.
Paperback Writer
Word nerd and hot tamale mama.
Paqvalin, Tuomo: FunkyCode - Searching for what wo
Finnish weblog about technology, science and personal life.
Parabolic Mirror
Thoughts and musings of life as seen through the eyes of a modern-day wizard.
Paracelsus Rambles
Ned Gulley's personal weblog.
Parade of Delusion
Writing about life and entertainment.
Paradise Is Where I Am
Thoughts of a Minnesota upstart blogger/college student.
Parallax View
Paranoid ramblings and crazed links.
Parlant a l'Ether
A travelogue through the ether, maintainted and established by Soupytwist aka Katherine.
Music, books, bikes, beer, and other important stuff.
Pastor Ray's Weblog
Partly personal journal, partly church news, spiritual journey, travel updates, occasional sports news, links to noteworthy articles, plus updates on bike riding and other exploits.
Pasty White Girl
An environmental engineer in Arizona.
Little by little, the pieces have been picked up. It will never be the same. Some pieces are lost forever.
Patchwork Progression
Now it's come alive and we're moving through it.
Patio Pundit
The finest punditry produced on a patio anywhere.
Home of finger-biting pufferfish. General links and commentary. Lots of commentary.
Paul Edwards's .Net Related Blog
A .Net related blog from a developers perspective.
Paul Frankenstein
All about politics, China, and photography.
Paul Kelcey of Manly, Sydney
Paul Kelcey, Java 2 (J2EE) Senior SE, Team Leader, Architect. Degree educated with seven years industry experience. Interests include JiuJitsu, Muay Thai and movies.
Paul's 60s Garage Fans Live Journal
Likes go go beats and twisting and doing the freddy to boss sounds.
Interesting finds from the web, sports and humor chat from Manhattan's Upper West Side.
Pauls World View
Personal view of the world pieced together from travels and life experiences. Photos and forums.
The personal website of Dean Paxton and all things Paxton.
Payam Mirrashidi: SF Days
Reflections on the City, Sillicon Valley and other places and events near and far.
PBGs' Path
Journey with the Pop Bottle Gods. Part running log and part spiritual journey.
Peace Frog Rescue's Online Journal
The anonomous online journal of an EMT/ Firefighter living in Upstate New York.
A weblog of the daily happenings in the life of Pedro Alcocer, linguistics student.
Pedantic Gibberish
Chronicles the dating adventures of an urban gay career boi.
Pedro's Pool Hall
I'm Pedro, manager of the bar. I'll tell you stories about all the scumbags that come in here. If you want filth, I got it.
Pen-Wielding Mother of Color
Filipina in endless search of writing time, diaper coupons, a shower, magazines, books, best french fries ever, the elusive good hair day, and my constantly misplaced Kiehl's lip stuff.
Penda's Realm
The Diner seeks to be a refuge for Penda after a long day running the Overlook. Let's face it, there are some pretty screwed up people in the world, and if they make news, they'll make it the Diner.
Penner E-Zine
Blog of opinion writer Jessica Gadsden. Covers politics, consumer issues, and books.
Perfect Muse
This is more-or-less an online journal, since I'm too lazy too write in one offline all the time, and since I dedicate more time than anyone should know at the computer.
Periodic Logic
Occasional bits of wisdom from Robert D. Klingler.
Insights of an Executive Shadow Coach.
Pesky the Rat's Political Weblog
A rodent's perspective on the issues of the day.
The weblog of Pythagore Anonymous KSC. With news, reviews and comments.
Peter Ericson's Journal
The journal contains snippets from Peter Ericson's personal life and Web site news.
Links, thoughts, and essays from Peter Merholz, about things like interface design, movies, and single-malt scotch.
Peterson, Lynn
A blog titled Many a false step is made by standing still. It is the daily thoughts, musings, and occasional poetry by Lynn Peterson, a writer living in Madison, WI.
Petey is a webmaster/ writer/ radical leftist from the depths of Hicksville, New Hampshire.
Petru Paler's weblog.
Pettersen , Kurt
Personal programming weblog. PHP, Perl, Linux, news.
Pettis Dot Org
Weblog of Jason Pettis.
The range of subjects covered is broad; expect items relating to art and applied digital technology and various other things. In other words, eclectic.
The people's republic of lumps in oatmeal.
Cocktail mix of cyber life. Thoughts and rants of a gay Texas man on fundamentalist propaganda, Texas big hair.
Pher Chi Khing - lucpher.com
News on computer technology, Linux and the Internet.
Phil Hough's Diary
Diary of the daily life of Phil Hough.
Philippe Tromeur's Blog
French RPG player and writer. Freelance work in the role-playing game art and industry.
Web designer, raconteur, and International Man of Intrigue. Personal commentary on Web design, books, music.
Philosophy of the Void
A weblog by a Harvard Ph.D. student covering topics such as postmodern philosophy, science, and politics.
The personal weblog / journal of Jonathan Burr. Easier to read than pokey little puppy and requires less synapse than slee.
The global misadventures of Tristan Watkins.
Photo Drone
Personal blog of a photographer, architect and amateur web developer.
Photo Matt
Covering advanced web development, PHP, web standards, music, and photography. Large photolog.
A photoblog presenting photos of past travels and current happenings.
Photo blog and personal weblog from Toronto, Canada.
More of me than should probably be seen in public. Weblog and personal pages for Lady Phoxxe.
Regularly updated weblog covering a wide range of subjects.
Pieces of Reincarnation
Personal blog.
Pierce, John
Comments by John Pierce on current events.
Pillow Blog
A pillow blog, detailing various little thoughts and the life of Magpie.
A ficblog, used to post stories and ficlets, rants and other mainly fic-related topics. Anime-related stories, mostly Inuyasha and Ranma. Some Harry Potter.
Pink is Good
Jennifer's weblog.
Pink Rabbit Says
Links and comments from a queer vegan blogger in New York.
Pink Sugar Barbed Wire
Lisa's digital daisies and daily glitter.
The personal website of Anamaria Vere, as well as the home of the Unofficial Neal Stephenson Reader.
Remarks and links, mostly about pinnipeds (seals, sea lions and walruses), Japanese culture, museums, libraries and archives, and life at the Smithsonian.
An almost-daily weblog, where the topics change as often as the editor's mind.
Diary of a 14 year old's life with always something going on.
Piscean Jack-Of-All-Trades
Pisces, black, African-American, gay, homosexual. Y-Chromosome: A line of genes designed for men only; the cause of virility, war, baldness, hockey, sex crimes, clever inventions and a disinclination to ask for directions when lost.
Piss And Vinegar
Pete Moss provides commentary on life.
A college student facing the common troubles that face... well... college students.
Pixel Deviant
Jaz Deviant's online journal. Blog of a web designer and pixel artist.
Pixel Sphinx
All that backfence talking.
Pixels & Bandwidth
A photoblog for a young female in Melbourne, Australia.
Pizza Dreaming
A humorous outlook on a new divorced twenty-something. Originally started as a dream log project.
PJ Gach Idle Thoughts
A rock n' roll version of SATC complete with music reviews, observations on life and who knows what else will wander into the blog.
Confessions and digressions of a creative mind.
Plan B - A blognovel
A mix of novel and blog. An experiment in writing (merging standard narrative and weblogs).
Planet Danforth
The professional and personal homepage of Danforth France. Artwork, photography, TV shows, blog, and other writings are on display.
Planet EgoMania
A satirical look inside the life of an online Princess. Not affiliated with the trenchcoat mafia.
Planet P
Weblog covering news and ideas for liberation through technology.
Planet Roz
Roz Daniel's spot on the Web. The aim of this site is to open a small door (without giving too much away). Hopefully passing on some small measure of encouragement, love, knowledge, frivolity, or indeed, nonsense, depending, of course, on your viewpoint.
Planet Thoughtful
Building a thoughtful planet, one snide comment at a time. On humour, the mind, and the power of thought.
Planet Wong
The life and times of Colin Wong and family.
The daily life of Sheepie. With funny pages such as picture of the week and baalocks of the week.
This is the weblog of Plank902 AKA Richard Crowther. It has new links to funny and weird stuff added daily.
Planned Obsolescence
Novels, networks, and some stuff inbetween.
Planning a hut in the trees
A daily weblog of plans for building a pole pavillion in a tree-lined depression, plus general musings on adventure, the past, and the net.
Plastic Candy
Dedicated to the life and whims of a 20-something Los Angeles Native. Links, reviews, photos, and web design projects.
London based weblog combining personal writing with commentary and links of a futurist, politicised and millennial nature.
Platinum Central
Random thoughts about technology, the media and general ramblings.
Experiences of a famous ex-Google employee, Mark Jen.
A weblog with no whining, just a site for real men and women who love freaky and cool links, but lack the geekness to spend all day surfing.
Play for Today
Personal blog of TraceyFace, in Toronto.
Played and Dismayed
A personal weblog of an extremely well written, funny, sane and delightful person.
Take a ride with phunkstar on her journey through life.
Please Don't Eat Me
Ben Dummett, also known as 'Quanta'. Details the musing's, links and other unsystematic thoughts of said author.
Thinking out loud. Politics, life, and art from a female viewpoint.
Sharing unusual and thought-provoking internet finds.
Plex.us 24-hour Bit Depot
Sam Swett's blog focusing on video clips and informational PDF files, with both humorous and also serious content.
Josh Wang: lower-case ramblings of a mind trying to understand the heart.
Pmemo Ptwisted Times
A weblog featuring photography and perspectives from New York to San Francisco.
Pocket Litter
Commentary slightly more interesting than lint.
Personal weblog.
Commentary, opinions and thoughts on the web, e-business and marketing with links.
Pointdexter, who?
Daily blogging from a San Francisco area photographer and network geek. Photo information, and technical references.
Poisoned Punchbowl Live
Blog of lesbian Greenwich Village poet, activist, thinker, dreamer, kitsch-monger and Broadway showtune queen.
Nothing more than a weblog of a music loving, art drawing, car modding Flip.
Political Parrhesia
Craig Cheslog's thoughts about politics, public policy, culture, sports, and other interesting stuff.
Political Trivia
Blog in which the author comments on political issues and provides his personal interpretation and opinion.
Polka Dot Mittens
At middle middle age, I am poised, waiting for my library life to end and my bedpan n' diuretics one to begin. Yarnings of an Orcadian lass.
Polygon-Comics: Wing's Online Journal
An online journal of activities and thoughts. An online log of work and life.
A weblog about games, art, culture, and life.
Pondering Pop
Beth Driscoll looks at what trends in TV, music and films say about society.
Ponderings From the Crazy American
Thoughts and ponderings of an American living in the UK. Day-to-day life with British husband-to-be, advice and thoughts for other couples who met online. Also, blinkies and graphics offered.
A personal weblog that comments on current events, focusing on adding a religious, philosophical or spiritual angle.
Poomp's Random Mess of Stuff
Guy stuff, girl stuff, fun stuff, weird stuff.
Poor Clare
Weblog detailing life in San Francisco via personal journal entries and short essays.
Presents stories, tidbits, and one person's perspective on our life and times.
Gay weblog featuring cartoons, cheese and razzamatazz.
Tampa Bay Devil Rays, pet birds, and the beaches of the Gulf Coast of Florida as well as links.
Porscha Lynn
Porscha's ramblings, her views of life and the stupid things she does.
Devoted to finding beautiful things, no matter what branch of inquiry they come from. Science, technology, art, music, literature, and even magic.
Portal Of Evil
An index of websites that should never be indexed. Some adult content.
Post 911
Writings, ponderings and other observations of a Midtown NYC woman in the 21st Century.
Postcard and Moonrock
Featuring photographs, rambling, rants, dreams and general weirdness and silliness.
Postcards from the Wasteland
Looking for a model for a better society.
This blog talks about politics, current events, pop culture, travel, food and other random thoughts. Don't let a catalogue dictate your sense of self, be your own self. Furnish your mind with more than cookie cutter ideas.
News, gossip and other self promotional nonsense.
Powered by Hate, Vodka and Greed
A powerful site of vast import, about hate and booze and sex and money. Your semidaily dose of vitriol.
Pragmatic Conservationism
The very best of college through the eyes of a conservative student. Dan's super weblog.
Dan and Jocelyn's blog.
Pray Naked Experience
A study in being real. And failing forward. And being pretentious. Also a fan shrine for 77`s fans of all stripes and apparel.
Pray to the Machine
Just a simple weblog, tech-themed with a few life lessons.
Pre-Gaming Life
Drinking illegally since 1999. Satire, parody and fiction for men.
Pretzel Land
A blog on the weird.
The life and times of Rob 'SkyMan' Collier.
Lizzy is nineteen, a virgo, agnostic, 5'6", loves reading Harry Potter and anything by Tamora Pierce.
Real World, New Orleans.
Private Investigator Blog
Weblog provides private investigator related news articles. Includes random thoughts of a licensed private investigator.
Personal weblog.
Program Witch Pages, The
These pages are for all those who wield the magick of cyberspace. Those who use technology not only as a tool but as a focus for powers conceptually challenged humans cannot comprehend.
Programmer's Dark Corner
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, he's writing code.
Proleptic dot com
An online journal of books, music, and other things that happen to me.
Prolific 2000
Personal commentary from the heart of Amsterdam
The systematic propagation of information. Not a political blog, not an online diary, not a techie blog.
Prosaic Minds
A greasy spoon for the soul.
Protean Me
Protean Me home of a transplant from Bloomington, Indiana to Portland, Oregon. Featuring: writing, doodling, photos, experiments in technology.
Ps -ef
Underinflated tires are the leading cause of catastrophic blowouts.
Articles on news, ideas, and life.
Frank Boosman's irregular yet not infrequent thoughts on mobile wireless, interactive games, Japan, product design, and anything else that strikes his fancy.
Psyche Direct
A personal blog.
Public Serf
Somewhat humorous musings, stories, reviews, and navel gazing, with an occasional bitch, moan, or rant thrown in.
Pulse Flow
A mostly photographic weblog by Stephen Hui, a journalist from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Come see the mood swings.
Punk Princess
Blog-driven feminist webzine devoted to pop culture, news and politics.
Punk Rock Princess
Daily ramblings of a horse-crazy university student who wants to be a rockstar. Links to my friends' sites and fun stuff.
Punkee.net ?
Something corporate. Punk rock princess for a garage band king.
Life of a Minnesotan teenage female.
Puppet Press Journal
A web log about books, ebooks, rare books, used books, typefaces, fonts, life in general, miscellaneous everything.
Pure Ruckus
Personal weblog.
Pure-essence.net: Miss Bunny
Ying Zhang's blog with links and dynamic layout changes.
Purely Coincidental
Dear bloggary.
Pursued by Bears
Takes its name from a stage direction by William Shakespeare. Follow what happens off stage.
Pussy Phallus Penis
One girl and one boy. No specific topic.
Marlena has a blog. This is real, this is live, this is puzzlement.
Alexandra's eventful weblog.
The Daily Phosdex
An online column discussing whatever is on its author's mind with each passing day.
The Park Affair
The site provides a forum for Toronto's Riverdale residents. It carries the latest news about Withrow Park, the dog poisonings that took place there, and what will happen when the fence comes down. It is a forum for comments and opinions.
The Pesky Pea
A twenty year old girl from Vancouver, British Columbia talks about movies, modern art, travelling, university, family, religion, relationships and hobbies.
The Pickle Loaf Bologna File
A blog by Aaron Donley.
The Pinoyboy
The weblog of Amor Estandian, the Pinoyboy. A semi-average college student who's got his own story to tell.
The Plastic Cat
He's in college when he don't have to be, obsessively fiddling with HTML and its 12am in the early morning. Does that provide any insights into his character? From Ireland.
The Pond
Game and music reviews, personalized weblog and camportal.
The Poor Man
Andrew's blog.
The Portals, Mind and Soul of Whom I Cannot Say Pu
A self absorbed satiation of my desire for attention and to scream out loud my true soul.
The Precious Jinx Dynamo Project
Personal blog.
The Presurfer
The Presurfer is a weblog with daily links to the most unusual, weird, funny and entertaining sites on the internet.
The Program Witch Pages
Weilding the magick of cyberspace.
The Prophetic Blasphemies of Heretic Goddesses
This is Sara and Carolyns site of funnyness. Consisting of revelations, funny typos, and comedic genius, taken from AIM conversations.
The Publick Journal of Evan Izer
A journal, being the musings of artist and writer Mr. Evan Izer, containing the most material occurrences both foreign and domestic.
The Puppy Pile
An online journal of life in mid-Michigan. Stories of parenting, work, Rainbow Family, siberian huskies.
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Just Clayton... no more, no less.