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Qaq started his "Alterna" Weblog to help Abstainers know just which websites to visit and which to avoid.
QICBoy's Very Own Weblog
Designed to chronicle the web travels of Patrick Melo (QICBoy).
Quadrant 99
Features news focusing on the science fiction and the fantasy genre.
Quantum Tea
Opinionated British blog, currently written from the US. Random thoughts, programming and web design, humour, Christianity, tea, quantum mechanics.
Chewey bits of life in one neat little weblog.
Online creative studio and collaboration site. Companion weblog with frequently updated ideas, writing, links.
QuaxBlog - the Quaxzarron Blogs
It will be intelligent, and it will make you think.
Que Sera Sera
Sarah's blog, named after a Doris Day song. So not punk rock.
Pictures and posts of an artist mother.
Quel Blog
Thoughts and activities of John Pierce.
quelle blague
The journal of Tracey Friesen, a librarian from New York City.
Questioning Everything And Still Not Understanding
A blog with a wide range of subjects. Also has quizzes and a reflex game.
QuickSilver Sessions
Devoted to the struggles and victories of 20 somethings all over. Trancends all ages and types of people with common ground.
Quiet Core
Beauville at BlogSpot.
Just a girl.
The absurd and amazing, plus free email.
Musings of a girl with a slow modem and an even slower thought process.
Quotidian Doom
Daily musing, quotidian doom, and bad spelling.
The Queen of Arabia
The daily (almost daily) musings of a nomadic blogger.