english deutsch
...was i there?
A personal weblog containing links, daily observations, and commentary about my life.
A Web Undone 2
Nn eclectic, idiosyncratic weblog intertwining musings on literature, law, Linux, political folly, news, Morocco, and the author's irritation of the moment.
A Weblog of A Simple Person
A weblog created using HTML instead of those Weblog-auto-creation services. I do use Greymatter to update my Blog though.
A Weirdo's Blog
Wowie's ramblings just about everything.
A Whole Lotta Nothing
Nothing, and lots of it.
A Whole Lotta Nothing
Nothing, and lots of it.
A Word Fom The Right
Rants, ramblings and intemperate thoughts from an unapologetic conservative.
John Wyles
The life of John Wyles as described in 800x600 - biography, resume, photos, blog, links, and contact information.
John Wyles
The life of John Wyles as described in 800x600 - biography, resume, photos, blog, links, and contact information.
Jonathan Watmough's Weblog
All about my life. Food, drink, cars, my car sales job, programming, and my daily life in Houston, Texas.
Paul & Becky Wochnick
Personal blog of pictures, home movies, and other fun tidbits.
The Wake-up Call Chronicles
Read the monthly installments of Lionel Beck's Chronicles, a different look on current events (among other items).
The Watercooler
Review of shows that I watched for each day of the week.
The Web of Wei-Quin Wong
Home of Wei-Quin Wong's verse, prose and musings.
The Webmaster's Blog
For webmasters who want to create a successful site.
The Weirdest Ones
An (almost) daily account of a fun, random, and weird life. Comes with everything you see here, including free, yummy Quotes of the Week.
The Whiskey River
Viewing life through a half filled glass of bourbon.
The Wonderful World of Vette
Adventures in motherhood, long-term relationships, and working for the government in smalltown, USA. Enjoy the life and times of Yvette, Jeff & Nevin.
The Woolamaloo Gazette
Satircal comment, information on books and literary events and work-related topics.
The World According To Joe
A collection of thoughts, poems and observations of the world. Contains music discussion, thought provoking articles and interesting poetry. My space to discuss the beautiful things in life.
The World According to Slinky
Hope you all enjoy my little ripple in the pond of life.
The World of Brian Smith
Thoughts and reactions on culture, music, and nature. Controlling the first reaction devil inside his head since 1979.
The World of kingFresh
Weblog, music opinions, general buffoonery.
The World of Stuff
Jordon Kalilich's website with a blog plus the home for a lot of unrelated information.
The World of Stuff
Jordan Kalilich's website with a blog plus the home for a lot of unrelated information.
All about me, mr fugen wyatt lee behaving in the wyattalic way.
Tim Worstall
A blog interested in the interface between economics and environmentalism. Other matters are also discussed.
W6 Daily
A weblog that is updated every weekday, give or take covering nearly every topic imaginable, from pop culture to religion to politics to geek issues.
W6 Daily
A weblog that is updated every weekday, give or take covering nearly every topic imaginable, from pop culture to religion to politics to geek issues.
Ruben Arakelyan's blog on daily news and his views on the matters in hand.
Ruben Arakelyan's blog on daily news and his views on the matters in hand.
Ruben Arakelyan's blog on daily news and his views on the matters in hand.
Wacky Neighbor: Flaunt it, Baby!
The Wackyneighbor guarantee: We will never tell you how we're feeling with an 8-bit animated icon.
Born in South Korea, adopted to Norway. Childish, weird and absent minded.
Wade In The Water
Textual, sensual musings marred by politics and reborn with love. Personal Weblog from Peterborough, ON CA. Personal politics and thoughtful Canadian queer content. Strange dreams, fantastical thoughts and real life drama.
Wading the Quagmire of Information
Personal weblog with photos of my baby child and day-to-day activities.
waferbaby - we eat badwith for breakfast
A crazy web community, with most of the content created by the users.
waferbaby - we eat bandwidth for breakfast
A crazy web community, with most of the content created by the users
waferbaby - we eat bandwidth for breakfast
A crazy web community, with most of the content created by the users.
Thoughts on news and culture.
Waist Dog
Blog of a man who died. Now it's a memorial to him.
Waiter Rant
A waiter shares his stories.
Waiting for Nat
Tale of a gay woman trying to adopt.
Waking Dreams
About a boy and his adventures at the University of Chicago and in metalinguistics.
Waking Up Horny
The incoherent ramblings of a deranged Web developer, wannabe musician and photographer.
Walking Teddy
A personal photoblog of an amateur photographer.
A unique, creative and colorful website and girl.
Wallflowers Grown Wild
A blog containing the mental meanderings of a redheaded chick.
A blog and my photography. Most photos are from Saint Louis and the surrounding area.
Waltybaby's life
This is my blog which is bout my life and random stuff which happens to me.
Wandering Reflections
Reflections on our reality.
Wangjianshuo's Blog
The owner lives in Shanghai, traveling to great places like Seattle and Daocheng. The weblog also cover IT related stuff like webcam and web servers.
Wannabe Sugar baby
The transformation of a 21 year old spoiled Daddy's girl into a full fledged Sugar Baby.
A blog about marketing and entrepreneurship.
Warm Verbal Tea
Personal blog of a college graduate who majored in English. Contains reflections upon popular culture and life in general.
Warm Wine
Links and stories from Celia White, poet and librarian.
A married Filipina-American posts about life, stampart, and television shows.
A reflection of everyday life. The topics are widely spread as business, entrepreneurship, working, living, politics, internet, programming, books, movies, cooking, travelling, dating, science, art and a lot more.
Watsy's weblog
A personal web site and weblog of watsy - councillor, field hockey player, Chalfont St. Peter and other general bits and pieces.
Criticism and wit of a singer/songwriter, musician, writer, and almost librarian from Baton Rouge (along with his brother).
An online journal with entries touching on politics, culture, relationships, writing, and everyday life
An online journal with entries touching on politics, culture, relationships, writing, and everyday life.
Personal weblog of Los Angeles programmer Andy Baio, with a leaning towards web technology and the mass media.
Personal weblog of Los Angeles programmer Andy Baio, with a leaning towards web technology and the mass media.
Wayne Hastings
Musings and news of random interest from Wayne Hastings, graphic designer and interactive developer, in Memphis, TN.
Wayne's Photos
Friends, family, flora, and fauna from the far south of Maine.
Wayward Puppy
A blog about a guy trying to deal with a mind that acts like a wayward puppy.
Wayward Puppy
Trying to deal with a mind that sometimes likes to wonder off like a wayward puppy can be tricky!
WB's WebLog
Physics/science weblog: easy to read and personable.
We Love Sully
Follow Sully's travels as he journeys around the world from his home in Manchester, England.
We Make Money Not Art
Posts of the odd and strange.
We the People...
My rants about the Constitution.
Wealth Bondage
The happy tutor at large.
Web Design Help
Find out what the life of a web designer is like.
Web of all Things
Interconnectedness of everything, observations on parenthood, politics and environment.
Web Wizardry
A blog by Paul Simpson, owner, Three Finger Salute Consulting & Web Design. Technology news, computer tips, and opinions.
Young American woman currently residing in Sydney, Australia.
WebBP - Blog
Strictly about the business of life. Emphasis on design, usability, and daily life. Good with coffee.
Cast adrift from the webcasting industry and lived to tell the tales.
Webchicky.com Blog
Stacia's blog at webchicky.com includes info on web-related tech, travel, and other random musings with links to a message board for further discussion.
A weblog focused on web design, web development, and the weird and wacky information found on the web.
A software developer discusses technology, war gaming and his personal interests.
Weblog Wannabe
When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when you're feeling sad, would remembering your favourite things work to make you feel not so bad?
Weblogging Considered Harmful
The ramblings and wanderings of yet another geek.
WebMaster View
Weblog on web development, blogging and technology.
Webmonkey Ash
The personal blog of Ash Young, much geeking takes place.
Commenting, discussing and debating Web topics ranging from culture to copyrights and programming to design.
Marketing, advertising, media and business - reshaped.
Website Woes
The trials and tribulations of a newbie webmaster as he designs a site.
Wee Wonderfuls
Life of a non-practicing librarian, a former vintage clothing site owner, and now a stay at home and craft it up mom.
Weekend Diary by siddharth
adventure, poetry, love, work and fun. come in and check.
My online home. Enjoy!
Weigh Better
Information on weight loss and exercise.
Weird Life of Mine
A blog that keeps track about what's happening with my life creative or otherwise.
An exploration of technology, art, and social constructs.
Weirdo's Weird Vision
A weird take on life!
Welcome to Earth
BroRizzo's blog - on life, pittsburgh, and eating lots of meat.
Welcome to my nightmare
The life of a person new to blogging and how she is coping with the disasters in her life.
Welcome to my Town Blog
Journal following a websites beginning as a simple idea, through to what may hopefully one day become a popular web destination.
Welcome To My World
Quiet, observant, seemingly shy, but by no means oblivious to anything ongoing around, though sometimes it may seem that way.
Welcome to My World
An anonomous site about my life and what I like and hate.
Well-Rounded Sciolist
Personal blog with a focus on technology or whatever else interests me on the day.
Whale News
A 16 year old's blog updated daily from British Columbia, Canada.
What About, Honey?
Photographer adjusts to a new life in Australia.
What Do I Know
The daily weblog of Todd Dominey, Dominey Design, covering news and rants about web development, news, and the arts.
What I Wore
Every day, the proprietor of the site takes a photo of himself and posts it to the web. See what he's currently wearing, and explore the archives to see what he's worn in the past.
What I've watched and other stuff
Personal thoughts, rants, and reviews of my lift in film. All neatly stored.
What Identity?
The author's account of his life day-by-day.
What if the sky fell?
Rantings of a philosopher in making whether they're deep thoughts or not.
What is a blog, anyway?
A sometimes humorous, sometimes pathetic look at the life of a nurse technician who has way too much life on her plate.
What is and What Should Never Be
Fostering communication about the issues that currently face us all. Looking at where we are and thinking about the future of politics, education and freedom.
What Kind of Sick Weirdo Are You?
Commentary, criticism, philosophy, and some weirdness.
What Matters?
Comments on the web, technology, life, events, politics.
What the Hull?
Unfocused thoughts and unbalanced opinions from Hull.
What's cooking abroad?
Weblog about a Dutch family living abroad, with recipes from all over the world.
What's in Scott's head
Thoughts, rants, opinions and monologues from progressive writer Scott C. Smith. Unfair and very biased.
What's new in my world?
My online journal. Very interesting... well, some days ;) I mountain bike, make beaded jewellery, teach fitness classes, and am a geological technologist by trade.
What's New Pussycat
Miss Shauny from Canberra, Australia.
What's On It For Me?
General interest weblog includes some law-related articles, rightish and libertarian political nuggets, and other web sightings of note.
What's the craziest thing you've done la
This is my online journal of the events in my life. My ups my downs and my in betweens.
What's the Story?
Everything from Politics to PDAs from toddlers to technology, updated daily in a refreshingly random format.
What? Huh? I didn't hear you!
Just a cool blog about my craaaazy life! Should be interesting no?
An Irish chick living in Germany. The musings of an eccentric insomniac.
Whatever Amuses Me
Personal Blog
whatever you love you are
sarah de haas's blog of life as a berkeley student
Whatever, Whenever
Jami Attenberg's daily photo and written blog, writing samples, and professional work.
Whats On My Head?
A semi-daily updated blog concerning NBA basketball, music, politics, TV, and anything else thats appealing to me at the moment.
Whats On Next
Personal weblog discussing the development of a TV discussion forum. Promotion of a TV discussion forum. Daily updates on website status.
Whazzup wit me
~An online journal~ talking about things going on with me.
Wheely-bin.co.uk welby mcroberts's personal site
When I Ride My Bike: Daily thoughts & Musings
Informative news from my creative world, inspirational words & quotes, creative living projects, traveling and life explorations.
Where HipHop and Libertarianism Meet
A mix of news, politics, and hip-hop from a libertarian.
Where is Raed?
A blog from Baghdad, maintained by Salam Pax, with reports on conditions in the city.
Where the Dolphins Play
The Weblog of a 22 year old gay liberal blogger. Topics include, politics, gay rights, and current events.
Where the Hell Was I?
Nothing but honest, heartfelt commentary on random events, many of which never actually happened. Plus some other stuff.
Where the Hell Was I?
Nothing but honest, heartfelt commentary on random events, many of which never actually happened. Plus some other stuff.
Where the Hell Was I?
Nothing but honest, heartfelt commentary on random events, many of which never actually happened. Plus some other stuff.
Where the Paved Road Ends
The thoughts and experiences of an innocent sheltered Catholic girl.
Where's Bram
A search for a long lost twin brother. Hoping to get in touch with people who lost one as well.
Where's Drew?
That is the question. I move around the world a fair bit, so coming here is the best way to find out where I am.
Where's My Dinner?
Swedish girl, obsessed with food and cats shares her thoughts, however incoherent they may be, with the world in general.
Where's my mind?
Personal photoblog that is updated daily.
Whine and Cheese
A 30-something guy's perspective on the world - particularly obsessed with TV and all things pop-culture.
Whispers from Wendy
A world unto itself filled with endless possibilities and a myriad of images in full Technicolor.
Whispers in the Abyss
Gaming reviews, philosophy, metaphysics, engineering, and Libertarian politics.
White Gas
News, musings, pictures, and other stuff ostensibly related to fire performance.
White Gold
A blog about the inspiration economy--for those who want both love and money. Business and spirituality, culture, growth, art and commerce, quantum culture.
Who am I?
A regularly updated journal of a young woman living in NYC.
Who is Jay Dolan?
"Who is Jay Dolan?" is my search for an answer of identity.
Who Needs Oxygen Dot Net
Includes weblog, webcam, links, quizzes, and games.
Who Told you you Could do it Like This
Eva's weblog, roleplay, messageboard and other stuff.
Who will go for us?
A journal of a Christian seeker, father and avid reader, with discussions of all of the above topics, plus whatever else comes to mind.
Whole Wheat Blogger
Whole Wheat Bagel's personal blog. My thoughts on politics, religion, social issues or whatever else I want to talk about.
Why Bother
Whatever we feel like, whenever we feel like it: a hodgepodge of "Blank Generation" stuff, some serious, some tongue in cheek, most not quite right in the head.
Why can't I make it
A general look into a young mans life who is trying to make it, the right way.
Why Fly?
This year is the celebration of 100 years of powered flight. What's inspiring all these new pilots and how do they hope to use their newly learned skills?
Why I'm Right
Because you don't know any better.
Why Me?
A personal weblog dealing with daily life, as well as discussing hobbies, hopes, and aspirations.
Why the Lucky Stiff
Deep-web digging, Ruby coding and a smattering of comics.
Why's my Brain so Muddy?
Julie blogged again.
Whyspered Moments
One life one whyspered moment at a time.
Wibbly Weblog
Odd thoughts, news, wibble, moans and rants from a 40-something London, UK man.
Wicked Smaht Thoughts
Deep thoughts from the Hub of the Universe on life, work, and the world at large. Mostly work, though.
A gay Objectivist in Toronto writes about what interests him.
Cutting edge web design.
wiener wiener
Thoughts of a 22-year-old Fulbrighter in Vienna for a year.
wil waldon:diary of a pro skateboarder
This is the home of pro skateboarder Wil Waldon. This site chronicles the travels, mishaps and adventures of a world renouned professional skateboarder.
Wilbury Twist
A new site dedicated to the music of the Traveling Wilburys.
Wild Mind
Musings on the creative process with a focus on writing and personal thoughts on life, living and spirituality.
WildRose's Den of Iniquity
My personal site which includes my daily journal, "Petals in the Wind."
Great blog of ATCs and artwork from Spiralli of California.
Will Smith Nude
Daily updated news articles and gossip about Will Smith.
Will Work For Favorable Dicta
Life and times of a former military officer now a 2L at a law school in the Pacific Northwest.
William Burton
Commentary by William Burton on politics, international relations, economics, and society in general.
William Carroll
Sharing his thoughts and photographs.
William Pramana
My personal journal.
William Pramana
My personal journal.
William Pramana
My personal journal.
Willie Galang
A nearly daily personal weblog from the Philippines.
Wilson's World
The complex world of a teenage guy from a point-of-view in a small-town in Georgia. This is where Wilson gets to know himself and you get to know him.
Windowseat Weblog
Laurel Krahn's weblog. Links to tidbits on technology, webstuff, netstuff, TV, pop culture, media, science fiction, and other things. Since Fall 1998.
Just one person whistling in the wind...
A weblog by Andy Wingo, a programmer working as a teacher in the African bush.
Wink & Blink -->All your Sorrows will b
A singaporen gal blog who writes about her life and her opinions. Not to mention, her favorites, her secrets and her latest happenings!
Personal weblog with news of the Net.
Winza's Blog
Stories about the life of a Chinese younster born in 1985 who now lives in Melbourne.
Wired Tom
Game programmer's monthly updated blog with professional work.
Wisdom Goof
What I am listening to and what it is doing to me.
Wishful Thinking In New York
This blog is a tongue-in-cheek online diary of this Brit's trials and tribulations in New York.
Wishin' Upon a Star
This is where you get to know a lil bit more about everyday life for Yoojin.
wishing star
A place where I can write about... Whatever I feel like writing about.
Within 48 Hours
Growing from a boy with no electricity in Jamaica to a musician and Internet millionaire with 3 children from 3 different relationships and retirement back to Jamaica before 30.
Witold Riedel
Journal of a photographer from New York.
Carol's everyday adventure in Life.
Life and college through the eyes of a would-be poet and a may-be astrophysicist, who loves the world.
Woes of a teenage emo
Just my journal.
Wold by Paul Judges
New story Wold by Paul Judges.
Wolverine Cafe
A personal and daily commentary on the world around us, from the author's perspective in Michigan. The site includes political and social commentary and essays, book notes, and oher items of interest.
Life of a woman in New York City.
A blog about tools written with VoiceXML and Python, and intellectual property issues.
A blog about tools written with VoiceXML and Python, and intellectual property issues.
Women in Medicine Weblogs
Weblogs and diaries from women physicians, medical students and premeds balancing life, kids and careers.
Wonder Blog
A young gay male living in Baltimore, Maryland.
Wonderful World O' Nothin'
Movies, music, and a mysterious evolving tale of supernatural beings...
A blend of gossip and satire and things the author makes up.
Wood S Lot
Daily gleanings in areas of arts, culture, mind-body, science and anything else that catches my fancy.
A look at someones life on the web.
Woodsong Tarot
A place for all the material that doesn't quite make the weekly free tarot readings!
Photoblog of Dan Wooller. Includes rugby, skiing, bikes, cars, and Lilly.
Theological Christian thoughts and miscellaneous ramblings of a regular nerd.
Personal weblog from Frankfurt am Main: good film, social statement, politics. An occasional hint. Do communication- and webdesign for a living.
Word for Word
Site of South African writer James Whyle. Contains a web log, links, plays and articles on Shakespeare, Nelson Mandela and international and South African Affairs.
Word of WoodFourth
The ramblings of your everyday college student.
Features witty weblogs, photos of travels, and other arty diversions.
Another day in the occasionally extraordinary life of a former domestic goddess.
Words Mean Things
Ruminations on pop culture, politics, and how words mean things, with some photography thrown in.
Words to Eat By
Thoughts on food, writing, and everything else.
Work at Home in Progress
Blog of a work at home mom. I do medical transcription and run a resource site for stay at home and work at home parents.
Work in Progress
Personal blog and weight loss journal.
World Domination: A Guide
Follow me on my quest for world domination.
World Peace, Angry Penguins, and Miracles
Ranting about Canadian politics and current events.
Worlds End
An up to the minute newsblog covering the news leading to the end of the world as we know it.
A journal of commentary to the typical life, with the same typical problems...but with a little more poetism.
Worst Weather Ever
Tales of a counseling psych grad student, rock music elitist, and fantasy baseball champion in Kansas City.
Wrapped in Dough
A food blog, mostly.
Wren's Blog
My blog or journal, which I plan to update as often as time permits!
Wretched Corporate Feebs
Wry Canadian lackies let loose.
Write Lightning
News, links, and comments on topics such as politics, science, health, religion, and the working life of writers.
Write of Way
Personal blog of Abhinav Modi, India. Some technical stuff and cool links.
Writer's Word & Writer Sword
Weblog with frequent postings about open source CMS solutions.
Writing My Name in Water
A personal blog featuring diary entries, photos I've taken, and commentary on personal growth, art, improv, acting, aesthetics, and other interests.
Writing My Name in Water
A personal blog featuring diary entries, photos I've taken, and commentary on personal growth, art, improv, acting, aesthetics, and other interests.
3 guys, one blog, a bunch of zombies, some images, links and a guestbook.
An American journaling about her country going insane.
The online home of Rob Lewis, discussing web design issues, music and a variety of other subjects.
Wycarn Fife's Xanga Site
A blog of some of the most wierd people you can ever find in Fiji. Read if you have a strong heart...
A weblog and diary. A place to air my thoughts and carve out my own little niche on the interweb.