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X Shmex
Insights into life, technology, and the interests of a young Israeli man.
X-Tra Rant: Life In Digital
Personal blog of a mid-twenties guy in Indiana. Covers everything from politics to dating to sports to random links to anything else that comes up.
Random discussion about whatever is taking fancy.
The blog and gallery/ portfolio of a cyberpunk stumbling through life in London.
Blog of an former gay guy. Non-religious.
A weblog by Jeff Miller containing discussions about the internet, web design and development, news, movies, beer, travel, along with comments on his personal life.
Xkot's Random Access Log
Web log run by Xkot. Includes daily posts links to whatever Xkot finds interesting. Topics include movies, strange products, and pop culture.
Weblog and personal site of Philip Lindsay: design, football, architecture, photography, films.
David House discusses web development and design.
The personal weblog and online life of a college student from Florida.
Xtrinity - Esprit Libre
The personal journal of SJS.
The life and times of Julie Foxworthy. A girl who adores chocolate hazelnut condiments.