english deutsch
The Zimmerblog
Personal blog discussing publishing, literature and the Internet.
Daily life, TV series and music.
Zack Rosen
Personal blog.
Zajac blog
Internet design and developer ideas.
Personal site of a web developer living in New Hampshire. Includes photo galleries.
Zaslavskiy, Felix
Professional blog of a web developer, programmer, and consultant.
Zaxus Blog
Philosophy, humor, and geek culture for the twenty-first century.
A fun eclectic groups of posts.
Zeb Palmer
Tech stuff, politics, reviews, computer tips, and pretty much anything else imaginable.
Links and slices of life from a Brooklyn legal reference librarian.
Zeldman: The Daily Report
Web design information and entertainment since 1995.
Zen Haiku
Usability, general topics and a bit of poetry by Chad Lundgren.
Zero Blog Toivo Lainevools Blog
An insight into the daily thoughts of a Dutch software developer.
Zero Logic
Only the readers are smart, everyone else is an idiot.
Covering design and media issues rising in the Irish, British, European and international industries. News and commentary.
Zhaf and the Cellar
An English graduate student reflects on popular culture and everyday life.
Zhonguo cai
Describes an American student's experience at East China Normal University in Shanghai.
Zhurnal Wiki
Musings on mind, method, metaphor, and matters miscellaneous, by ^z = Mark Zimmermann, since 1999.
Richard in Sheffield writes about current events, technology and life.
Links to news stories and downloads.
A personal journal about "the web" and related technologies, written by a semi-anonymous identity from England.
Zoe Swaine Fotola Photo
Weblog for Zoe Swaine, with photos.
Zoloft Princess
A newly-separated mom's way of getting it all out.
Zomboman's Blog
Justin asks questions about life, philosophy, and everyday things.
Rob Mientjes writes about design, semantics, and nonsense.
Zorlac's Homepage
Zorlac writes about movies, music, gaming, software, and television.
Zulfikar Dharmawan's Virtual Ideas
Weblog containing random thoughts, life as a programmer, anything that is interesting.
Zulfiqar's Unidentified Low Flying Ideas
Rants, raves and rhetoric ranging from detergent soaps to divine philosophy to starship Enterprise.
zydeco fish
A librarian's blog about stuff, but probably not much about libraries.