english deutsch
.NET Undocumented
A blog, written by a former Microsoft developer in Excel and current software entrepreneur, that deals with .NET, technology, Microsoft and entrepreneurship.
Ahmad Anvari writes about technology news, Internet, business and economy
A Byte Of Life
Freelance consultant writes about technology, gaming, and the Internet.
A Frog in the Valley
Technology Links and Opinion. In french and english.
Breaking Windows
A look at Microsoft Windows from a Mac user. Also DVDs reviews and personal life.
Cameron Barrett shares his point of view about all things web-related.
Computer tips and news from around the world, as well as general news stories.
DoNotGo Blog
Links and satirical commentary regarding news relevant to the mapping of cyberspace, and the related search engine industry.
A news weblog about home networks and its related media clients, software, equipment, industry news.
Elite Geek
A knowledge sharing community aimed at the geek population. Hardware reviews, tutorials, news, programming resources and open discussion encouraged.
Rajesh Jain's Weblog on emerging technologies, enterprises and markets.
Technology gadget tips and reviews.
Writings by F.J. de Kermadec, author and weblogger, member of the Mac community. It is also a source of troubleshooting links, and various community tidbits.
Flash Memory
Weblog about technology online.
Freedom to Tinker
Discussions on the freedom to understand, discuss, repair, and modify the technological devices you own.
A weblog discussing programming, Web design and usability, gadgetry, and random things found on the Web.
Geek Extreme
News, reviews, and other stuff geeks or wanna-be geeks can use.
Geek Style
Unix and network techie news and commentary.
Geeking with Greg
Personalization and customization in web search and online news
Computer guru writes mostly about Mac issues but also about web standards and homeschooling.
Gregor J. Rothfuss
CMS developer talks about emerging technologies, knowledge management and CMS interop.
Hack A Day
A hardware hack every day.
Head On
Computer geeky stuff like Java, Linux and XP.
I, Admin
Thoughts about information technology subjects from an experienced network administrator.
Beth Mazur's weblog on information design.
Information about marketing, adveritising, small business and technology.
Intelliware Development Inc.
Leaders in business application development, providing news and commentary on the technology industry and whatever captures the attention of our contributors.
Internet Time Blog
E-learning consultancy writes about topics of interest and points to many related websites.
Iteration Two
Motivated by the belief that the enterprise should extend beyond the browser as a richer, more interactive experience. In this weblog, senior technical staff will discuss the technologies that make this possible.
ITtoolbox Blogs
Home of a group of professional blogs providing viewers with a revealing look into the daily challenges faced by real world IT professionals.
Jacob's Angst
Bits of information about online technology and its impact. Contributions welcome by email.
Jim Dalrymple.com
Weblog from the Editor of MacCentral news and writer for MacWorld publications. Personal opinions on tech subjects and life experiences. Includes discussion forum.
John Battelle's Searchblog
Commentary on search, media, and technology.
John Robb's Radio Weblog
General talk about technology and the use of Weblogs for knowledge management.
Culture and technology, from the trenches.
Langemarks Cafe
Danish independent thinking. An exercise in reading the digital domain. Cultural and political analysis of developments in the cybersphere from a longtime Information Architect and Cultural Analyst.
Larry Seltzer
Blog by an eWeek columnist, with an emphasis on computer security.
Last Train Home
A technology blog specializing in code generation. Jack Herrington's technical journal.
Mac IT
Notes from a Macintosh systems administrator.
Discussion of Apple news, recent products, and general technology buzz.
A group weblog on social software.
Marcos Weskamp
Graphic design, interface design, information visualization and computer supported collaborative work (CSCW) ramblings.
Mark and Erik Baard
Freelance reporters writing on science and society.
Matthew Rothenberg's Mac Enterprise
eWeek columnist writes about Apple software and hardware.
Covering usability, where academia meets profitability, and web and systems design.
Mersault Thinking
Daily digest of useful articles and links on Information Architecture, Usability, User Interface design and anything else that helps build better web sites, from Dublin, Ireland.
Mindjack's Daily Relay
Trends and developments in digital culture.
A weblog about women and technology.
Personal web log provides Mac and web related tools and tips
MoiK78 Blog
Useful articles and information about Internet and technology are posted.
A weblog about the Movable Type Publishing Platform and other geekery.
Nathan's Current
Useful code snippets, tips, techniques and downloads. Technical and social happenings with philosophical interest. reviews of all kinds.
Research data and analysis on many aspects of the Internet.
Network by FourPair
Daily weblog about wiring phone, television, security, and computer networks.
Nick Howard's Weblog
Heavy emphasis on IT and Mac news.
O'Reilly Network: Weblogs
The technology weblogs of individual O'Reilly authors.
Office Jotter
Office Jotter is a personal analysis of what is happening in the world of the electronic business. It consists of a Web log and occasional longer material.
Online Learning Daily
Daily news related to online learning. Covers new tech such as wireless access and tablet computers, e-learnining standards such as SCORM or IMS, learning management systems, instructional design, assessment and evaluation, and issues such as copyright and open access.
A technology weblog from the team that produces Online, the Guardian newspaper's weekly technology section.
A news/resource site covering all types of paid content business models, subscription-enabling technologies and corporate initiatives in gaining subscription revenues through content. In effect, covering all sorts of digital content for which end consumers or institutions pay.
Paul Boutin
Daily news and commentary from senior editor of Wired magazine
Technology, software reviews, news, and tips.
PDA Trends
PDA news, trends, discussions and services.
Pete Finnigan's Oracle Security Weblog
This blog is aimed squarely at those interested in the security of their Oracle databases.
Internet technology news.
Group blog covering personal tech for women or reviewed from a woman's point of view.
Pressflex blog: Internet publishing
This blog explores (a few of) the Internet's implications for traditional publishers.
Python Community Server - Development progress
Technical trivia and coding news from the author and host of PyCS.
Mario Klingemann's personal weblog about Macromedia Flash programming, featuring mathematical and physical experiments and inspirational material. Note: must install latest version of Macromedia to view the site.
Quick Online Tips
Smart tips, tools, tricks, news and facts.
Daily news and tidbits on the computer industry, media, Linux, open source and other geek related subjects.
RFID Technology Weblog
Discussion of RFID and auto-ID technology.
Robot Thoughts
Lego bricks, robots and up to the minute news for the robot community.
Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
This site talks about computing and technology news and trends. It also tries to discover how these new technologies are modifying our way of life.
Root Access - Sean Gallagher
Discussions about technology and computing.
RootPrompt.org -- Nothing but Unix
News and information for Unix Sysadmins
Satellite Blog
Advice, information and daily news on consumer satellite services (Sirius, XM Radio, Directv and DISH Network).
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog
New electronic and printed resources about scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet.
Scripting News
Dave Winer's collection of random thoughts, which sometimes includes general computer industry links, podcasting, technology news, and news media commentary.
A blog for people who don't know everything about scripts and stuff to learn from each other. ASP, PHP and Javascript related articles. CSS tricks.
Search Engine Blog
Search Engine news and optimization information. Includes a daily overview of the search engine discussion boards.
Search Engine Watch Blog
News, insights and commentary about search engines.
SeattlePI.com - Microsoft Blog
Seattle Post-Intelligencer reporter Todd Bishop embraces and extends the paper's regular Microsoft coverage with this online journal.
Second p0st
Phillip Pearson on weblog technology and the Blogging Ecosystem.
Serious Instructional Technology
Tracks news about instructional technology and online education.
Seth Finkelstein's Infothought Blog
Anticensorware activist writes about pro- and anticensorship topics.
Idea exchange, news of the future.
A technology blog from a Microsoft employee, Chris Anderson.
Six Log
About technology, programming and blogging from the Movable Type creators.
Outline publishing, web development techniques, and system administration tools.
News for nerds, stuff that matters. Timely news source for technology related news with a heavy slant towards Linux and Open Source issues.
Social Issues in the Design of Computing Technolog
Focusing on the relationships between the design of computing technologies, society, and the law.
SpacePod - A blog about iPod News, Accessories, Culture, Podcast Reviews and Development from the World of Podcsating
Steve Gillmor's Blogosphere
Technology and blogging technology commentary.
Talking to the Owl
Software log on XP, OOAD, and general life as a software engineer.
Keith Dawson's Tasty Bits from the Technology Front
Tech Blog
An IT-related technology news blog, offering news on the latest technologies and how to articles.
Tech Serendipity
Technology and Serendipity (The accidental discovery of things not sought after while actively searching for something else). In this case, technology stuff.
News, opinions and discussions about high-tech subjects. Often focussing on the negative sides of the industry.
Technology Notes
Lots of IT factoids and commentaries.
Technology Review Blog
Insights, commentary, and analysis about technology and its impact, from the editors of the Technology Review magazine.
Matt Williams, former Linux fanatic turned Microsoft Technology Specialist, shares photographs, travelogues and personal thoughts, and shows how technology and can influence lives in direct and surprisingly tangential ways.
TechStuff.ca - Technology in Plain Language
Information for Canadian consumers.
Techy Rants
General technology news, editorial and rants. Computers, Pocket-PC, Tablet-PC, home and auto electronics, gadgets.
The Enterprise System Spectator
A weblog of commentary regarding news, issues, and trends in enterprise-wide systems.
The HowToWeb Insider
Computer and technology news, features and resources.
The JavaScript Weblog
Easy-to-use Javascript news.
The Linux Blog
A blog geared towards getting out the latest Linux and gaming news.
The Net Takeaway
Information about data analysis and marketing, tools and tech, and an analyst?s POV on some of the unfounded claims bouncing around the net.
The New York Times: Pogue's Posts
Blog by the NYTimes technology columnist with pointers to his articles.
The Official Gary Turner Weblog
Commentary and unique ideas.
The other side of the story
Telsa's diary of life with geek guru Alan Cox, Linux, Gnome and Open Source.
The Peer-to-Peer Weblog
Easy-to-use P2P news.
The Philippine Free Network Group
Blogs on the ideals of free and open source software.
The Regenerate Web
Ramblings on software product development.
The Tao of Mac
Mostly about IT issues.
The Technology Log
Innovation in gadgets, gizmos, and cutting edge technology.
The Unofficial Apple Weblog
Sean Bonner shares news, experiences and opinions about Mac computers.
The Unofficial Microsoft Weblog
Group blog evaluates Microsoft products and corporate actions.
The Unofficial Yahoo! Weblog
Nino Marchetti writes about news and business developments related to Yahoo.
The Wireless Development Weblog
Easy-to-use wireless development news.
The Wireless Weblog
Easy-to-use wireless technology news.
Things Jeff Levy got Wrong
A list of the things Jeff Levy gets wrong on his computer help radio show.
tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog
A collection of news, observations and updates about technology and business strategy.
News and commentary about TiVo and TiVo-related topics.
Tomorrow's Technology
Weblog discussing new technology that might be important for the fast changing world of information and internet. Focuses on information retrieval, artificial intelligence, knowledge, companies and social impact of new technology.
Topgold Weblog and New Media Musings
New Media Musings and Memes
Covering trends with major consumer portals, search engines, and browsing.
Ubiquitous Computing Weblog
A weblog of commercial and academic developments in Ubiquitous Computing.
Geeks at large. Tech news, hardware reviews, moronic rants, alcoholism.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
About all things related to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), drones, micro aircraft and remote controlled aircraft .
Usability and Suman Kumar
Usability of software and web through the eyes of Suman Kumar.
News and commentary on cryptography, censorship, and copyright.
VoIP Now
VoIP (Voice over IP) news with information regarding residential services and business solutions.
The future of the world wide web. Discusses new technology and shows examples.
Warriner, Mike
Hopefully useful discussion of some tools and ideas in the technology world, authored by Mike Warriner.
Web AccessiBlog
Web accessibility news, links, and resources.
Weblog 1.0
A companion site to Release 1.0, a monthly report on trends in technology, produced by managing editor Kevin Werbach.
Usability weblog, newsletter, articles, interviews, and reports.
This is a blog that is dedicated to cataloging information about Human Computer Interaction (HCI) as well as other cool tech related musings.
Wired News Blog - Beyond the Beyond
Coverage of an eclectic range of technology topics.
World of Programming Examples
Fishing the web for useful applications to turn into Open Source projects. An Open Source idea bank.
Supplies daily visual communication links from XPLANE, the visual thinking company. Information design and infographics, web design, illustration, branding, and interface.
Yahoo! Search blog
A look inside the world of search.
Your Tech Weblog
Personal technology from the Pioneer Press.