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AmeriBLOGs Webring
Site must have a weblog, e-zine or online journal. Members must live in or be from the United States.
Aussie Weblog Banner Exchange
Free banner exchange community for weblogs and other personal sites.
An invitation-only webring community designed to join women's weblogs of extraordinary quality design, content, and style.
Big Blogs
This webring for the blogs of BBW and BHMS. Your blog doesn't have to have a lot of fat content, but you should be size accepting.
Black Blogz
For black bloggers. The intent is not to necessarily exclude non-black bloggers, it is meant to showcase journals written from a black perspective.
Blog Canada
A ring of Canadian weblogs, eh.
Blog Domain Webring
A ring created with the intent to bring together the domains that are only or mainly blogs.
Blog Girls
You must have a weblog, you should probably be a girl.
Blog Girls
A ring for girls addicted to bloggers.
Blog Girls Design
For blogs designed by girls. French and English versions of the site.
Blog Oklahoma Net Ring
Open to all Oklahoman's who blog.
Blog W Sports
For blogs that frequently talk about sports, a favorite team, their competition results, or sport related activities. Most sport sites will be accepted too.
This ring is for people who keep weblogs in which they have their own domain name.
Bloggers of Ontario Unite
For residents of Ontario, Canada.
Bloggers Over Forty
For all bloggers who have made it into at least their fourth decade of life.
Blogging Bitches
Women webloggers who aren't afraid to say what they think.
Blogging Blokes
A group of male bloggers. Members should probably like cars, football, and beer.
Blogging Brits
Primarily you should also be resident, or have been born, somewhere in the United Kingdom - England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands.
Blogging Christines
Ring for bloggers named Christine, or any variation thereof.
Blogging Mommies
A webring for mothers who love to write about their life as a parent, children and/or family. Dads are also welcome.
For people addicted to their weblogs.
Webring for webloggers who love their sites.
BlogPlates Net Ring
For designers with templates for weblogs/ journals.
Blogs & Pets
Webring for pet loving bloggers.
Blogs by Women
Webring for weblogs written by women.
Blogs that Cook
Ring for blogs that post recipes or cooking tips.
A Malaysian online journal / blog net ring.
Boobie Power
For women who are proud of their breasts.
Brazilian Weblog Webring
"arredores" means "near by", "neighborhood" and here you will find links to Brazilian weblogs.
Cali Blogs
Must have a blog/ journal and reside in the sunny state of California.
Crappy Blogs
Even crappy webmasters can have a ring for their blogs.
Crazy Hip Blog Mama
Step mama, grandmama, god mama, any mama who keeps a blog or journal online.
A showcase for men whose sites reflect their personality in ways which are male-rare. Filled with visual appeal and literary charm, they break preconcieved molds allowing the world to take a gander at what makes them unique.
Expat Express Blog Ring
Established to bring together people who have migrated from their country of origin (permanently, or temporarily), and who now maintain an online journal, photolog, or blog.
Fiber Arts Bloggers
For craftsfolk in textiles and fiber arts.
Fiction Bloggers
Websites containing blogs, live journals or online diaries operated by people who write fiction. It doesn't matter the kind of fiction you write (fan fiction or original fiction).
A webring dedicated to all those dedicated bloggers who take the time to tell us what they've been cooking, eating, smelling, tasting and touching.
Brings together gamers with blogs, journals or logs. If you play console and PC games and love blogging about anything under the sun, then this ring is for you.
Girls Blog UK
For females in the UK who run their own weblogs.
Homeless Blogs Webring
Focused on homelessness and/ or life in general, that are owned, managed and blogged by people who are either living homeless or were formerly living homeless.
I Love to Blog
A webring for people who keep a weblog and love it. Must be updated weekly.
JapanBloggers Webring
For English speaking bloggers currently in Japan.
Jewish Bloggers
This webring is for everyone who considers themselves Jewish.
Log Revolution 2.0
A webring for us anime lovers out there who blog with a passion.
Moblogs Webring
For mobile weblogs, known as moblogs with photos and text posted via a cameraphone.
Movable Type Blog Ring
A ring linking Movable Type sites, tutorials, and templates will provide a great way to check out what other people are achieving with MT.
Net Sisters who Blog
For the Net Sisters who Blog their life away. All members of this ring must be a member of the Net Sisters Organization.
New Jersey Bloggers
A ring for New Jersey residents with weblogs.
Obscure Logs
Your weblog can't be famous. This ring's purpose is to promote the little blog.
Odd Bloggers
For the nonconformists, the rarities here and there, which have in them a spark of rebelling against normal topic, design or structure.
Pakistani Bloggers
A webring for bloggers of Pakistani origin.
Passionately Bleeding
The webring for blogs and/or personal sites owned by those who have (or have symptoms of) borderline personality disorder.
Webring for anyone who maintains a photo weblog.
Picture This!
Webring for photoblogs.
Redhead Blogs
A webring for redheaded bloggers. Natural, dyed, henna? It doesn't matter, it's all about the attitude.
SAHM Bloggers
Stay at home Mothers with blogs.
Scottish Blogs
For Scottish blogs.
Self Improvement Webring
Bringing self improvement blogs together.
Southern Africa Web Ring
A series of linked blogs about Southern Africa.
St. Blog's Parish
For Catholic bloggers.
The Blawg Ring
A blawg is a frequently-updated website dealing with legal issues, or the issues of people in the legal profession, or both.
The BLOG Users Ring
The ring exists to create a community of bloggers who use the BLOG software. BLOG is a freeware application created and maintained by Fahim Farook.
the geekgoddess ring
A webring for geekgirls who grew up. Women on the leading edge of the feminisation of cyberspace.
The Indieblogs Webring
A way to connect weblogs written by people who enjoy listening to indie rock.
The MT Webring
Created to gather together all those who use Movable Type, whether it be for a journal, news site, photolog or any other unique project.
To connect online journals and weblogs maintained by those born under the water signs Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer, as well as all other designers who feel an affinity with water in any of its forms.
Weblog Button Exchange
A free button exchange for weblogs and other personal sites.
Weblog Webring
For anyone with a weblog or web journal.
Webloggers Webring
The webloggers webring is not meant to be a "clique". All submitted personal weblogs with properly formatted code will be admitted into the ring.
Weblogging Women
Ring for women with weblogs, blogs, online journals or diaries.
A ring especially for engaged and newlyweds who talk frequently about these things in the weblog.
Weigh Better Webring
For personal weight loss journals and weblogs.
Windy City Webloggers
Highlighting Chicago owned or based weblogs, online diaries and/ or journal style web sites. If you're a weblogger in, around, or about Chicago join the ring.
Women Bloggers
A webring for women webloggers.
Xanga - Blogrings
Directory sorted by topic.
Weblogs from outside the USA.