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Chats and Forums
SSL Forum, SSL Security Forum, SSL-Talk FAQ
Products and Tools
Apache and Secure Transactions, Apache+SSL Win32 HOWTO, Apache-SSL, Covalent Technologies, Inc., mod_ssl: The Apache Interface to OpenSSL, SSLWrap, Stunnel, Stunnel FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Programming Libraries
OpenSSL, Claymore PureTLS, GNU TLS, Java Secure Socket Extension, Network Security Services libraries, Open SSL, RSA BSAFE, SecureBlackbox, SSL Library
Analysis of the SSL 3.0 Protocol, HTTP Over TLS, RFC 2246 - The TLS Protocol Version 1.0, SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over TLS, SSL & TLS, SSL encryption check, SSL Version 2 Protocol Specification, The SSL Protocol Version 3.0
Compare SSL Certificates
Compares Certificate Authority products and prices. Provides help for generating signing requests, help installing signed certificates, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Dan Kegel's Web Hostel
Information on SSL acceleration hardware and collection of links to sites for APIs that implement SSL/TLS.
Netscape Certificate Specifications
The documents referenced below describe the certificate issuing, key generation, and certificates extensions supported in various Netscape products. (Netscape)
SSL Certificates Guide
A free SSL certificate guide to web and ecommerce security, a comparison chart of SSL vendors and what they offer.
Transport Layer Security Charter
The IETF Working Group is responsible for developing the TLS Protocol which is intended to replace SSL.
Webmaster Web Hosting: SSL Web Hosts
Directory listing web hosts that offer SSL with their web hosting plans.