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Against labelling (ICRA/RSACi)
The web site of an Australian opposed labelling systems designed for censorship.
Anti-Defamation League HateFilter 2.0
Filter template that utilizes the ICRA system to block access to websites that, in the judgment of the Anti-Defamation League, advocate hatred, bigotry or even violence towards Jews or other groups on the basis of their religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other immutable characteristics.
EFA: Content Rating and Filtering
Information about and criticism of PICS and the ratings systems and ratings bureaus that use it.
ESRB Online Game Ratings
The Entertainment Software Rating Board's PICS-based ratings are designed to provide information about video and computer game content. Searchable and browsable database.
Internet Content Rating Association
Manages ICRA and RSACi self-rating systems. RSACi broadly rates sex, nudity, violence, and profanity on a scale of 1-4. ICRA specifically rates yes/no whether content contains specific types of chat, sex, nudity, violence, profanity, or drug use. [Self-rating pages require JavaScript.]
Microsoft Content Advisor
Directions and instructions on managing PICS rules filtering in Internet Explorer.
Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS)
Technical specification, usage hints, and comments.
Detailed self-rating standard, with categories for profanity, heterosexual themes, homosexual themes, nudity, violence, drug use, intolerance, and gambling, rated on a finely-graded 0-9 scale.
Two Early PICS-Based Ratings Systems
Comparison of RSACi with SafeSurf.
Vancouver Webpages Rating Service
Experimental PICS-based ratings service on scales with both positive and negative values. Among its categories: Multiculturalism, Educational Content, Environmental Awareness, Safety, Canadian Content, and Commercial Content.