english deutsch
DogPile UK, InfoSpace, Monster Crawler, SearchBug
Chubba, Mamma, Search.onestop.net, Surf Fast
Academic Index
Provides access to academic reference and research sites recommended by teachers and librarians. Select from web pages, periodicals, United States history, or science and technology.
An ad-supported reference search service, which displays concise answers drawn from over 100 encyclopedias, dictionaries, glossaries and atlases.
Babieca Metasearch
Provides meta search facility and includes a complete ODP directory powered by phpODP.
Question answering engine that accepts natural language queries.
This search tool from Vivismo offers clustered results for a selection of searches. Metasearch the whole web, or use tabs to search for news, gossip, images, or products via Bizrate or eBay. Options to search Wikipedia, blogs and Slashdot.
Multifeatured metasearcher with English, French and Dutch interfaces. Options include search by phrase, title or Boolean queries, and a choice of engines. Free registration gives access to additional functions.
Provides a metasearch with geolocation. Queries major engines, merges the results, and serves them with country flags showing the origins of each website.
Queries five sources and uses its own algorithm to filter and rank results. Options include browsing a modified directory from the Open Directory, search by phrase or words, and request timeout.
Queries multiple search engines simultaneously with the same or different words. Options include serving results separately, interleaved or combined in alphabetical order.
Clustering service with directory using ODP, that supports multiple languages and deep (invisible) web search.
Fetches results from several search engines sorted by relevance, source or title. Options include query by phrase, family filter, and hide summaries.
A demonstration of RealTerm technology applied to Internet search. It submits your query to various search engines and then sorts the combined results into topics.
Searches over dozen search engines, auctions, jobs, MP3, the bible, forums, news, and stock quotes.
Ithaki Metasearch
Employs an intelligent technology to find relevant search results from hundreds of search engines and directories. Allows advanced search commands. Several languages and country-specific searches.
Searches the web, MP3s, pictures and news archives via regular, Boolean and natural language. Finds sites rated best by multiple engines for your query.
Metasearch engine which delivers search results from multiple sources. Results have direct links to source.
JS Search
Offers a meta search of the Web, auctions or music, using a set of popular engines.
Combines the search results of Google, Yahoo and Ask Jeeves, highlighting the overlap and differences between them.
Compiles information from multiple sources, weeds out dead and questionable links, stores findings in a personal library, and provides a summarized report. Registration is required. Free for a trial period.
Displays results in chart or classic list form. Options include different language interfaces and basic or expert version.
Search tool with a side bar that categorizes subjects within the results. Provides choice of channels including news, reference and business.
Offers metasearch of the world or the Russian Web, FTP, and multi-media.
Search multiple engines and ODP directory.
Allows single interface to search multiple search engines with duplicates filtered out. Results list search engine sources.
Clusters search results. It presents a diagram of themes within the results, from which the user can select one or all results. Options to search Australian sites only or the full Web.
Customizable meta-search with clustered results. Provides deep or fast search of the whole Web. Selection also includes downloads, auctions, kids sites, recipes or United States government. In each case, there is a choice of sources used.
Creates a combined index from major search engines and directories. Each result comes with an option to find similar sites.
Customizable service that uses the fastest search engines by default or lets you select from a list. Includes vertical search groups for a number of topics.
Provides web, images, mp3, jobs, and news search in 6 different languages.
Query Server
Queries a customizable set of search engines and returns a single merged, ranked and conceptually clustered list. Also offers metasearch of news, health, money and United States government sites.
Metasearches the whole Web or restricts search between some countries. Duplicate results are eliminated and these from the same domain clustered.
Options include choice between top and all engines, sorting by relevance, source, or title.
Queries major search engines and serves the results in a sequence of 10 per source in the default setting. Advanced options include combined results and choice of engine.
Offers customizable search combining and ranking results from major search engines with highlighted terms and links to site information from Alexa.
Meta-search engine that provides real-time page summaries - 'site snaps'. Those who open free accounts can select from a list of hundreds of search sources, and save and share what they find.
Turbo 10
Metasearch engine, offering results from user chosen groups of search engines.
Search tool with a simple interface and no advertising.
Groups the results by topic via document clustering technology. Options include Web or news search, selection of sources, language restriction, and filtering.
Widow Metasearch
Provides search by words or phrase and directory taken from the Open Directory. Includes straightforward interface that makes it easy to select search engines.
Metasearch engine with with a simple interface. Results show ranking from each source.
Searches several popular search engines simultaneously or individually. Results are collated and ranked for relevancy with redundancies removed, includes filtered, Boolean and advanced options.