english deutsch
BMDFM (Binary Modular DataFlow Machine)
Automatical parallel execution of sequential applications on SMP computers. Identifies all parallelism by static and dynamic scheduling. No parallelizing directives are required. Uses Dataflow.
Eiffel Parallel Execution Environment
An object oriented design framework for programming distributed memory parallel computers. Publications bibliography.
Harness Project
Papers about research into a parallel plug-in interface and distributed peer-to-peer control builds on the concept of the Distributed Virtual Machine.
Heterogeneous Network Computing Environment is a software environment desgined to help programmers write parallel programs. Source code and users guide.
IRSR - Invisionix Roaming System Remote
Grid Computing style metasystem which utilizes the internet's exisiting web hosting 'grid' as its platform. It's effectively a distributed private/portable PC system built by integrating existing Open Source components.
Macros and subroutines for writing parallel programs in both C and Fortran. Manual, papers, and source code.
Proteus Programming System
An architecture-independent parallel programming language, with translators for specific environments. Papers and binaries.
Tons Of Numerical Services
To produce a computing environment that will provide an alternative to MatLab, Octave, RLab, and the others (maybe even C/Fortran + MPI). The environment will have to consist of a good language, visualization capabilities, and an effective computing engine. TONS will automatically parallelize code. This will make it possible to write software _once_ and run on any cluster configuration without new tuning or rewriting of the code
TreadMarks - Distributed Shared Memory System
Provides a global shared address space across a cluster. Papers and documentation.
Tuning and Analysis Utilities
A visual programming and performance analysis environment. Papers and manual.
Visual Programming Environment for Parallel Proces
Software download, papers, and documentation.