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IBM Redbooks: Practical MPI Programming, MPI Course Notes, MPI: The Complete Reference, Parallel Programming with MPI, Technology Watch Report
AutoMap and AutoLink
Tools for using user-defined data types with MPI. Papers, source code, and documentation.
Implementation of MPI for Hewlett Packard systems. Product information, free evaluation copy, and purchasing information.
HPC - High Performance Computing
Home of WMPI II that provides MPI-2 implementation that are fully optimised, thread-safe and commercially supported for Windows and Linux platforms. Implementation of MPI for Windows. Product information, downloads, and papers.
LAM / MPI Parallel Computing
Local Area Multicomputer is an MPI implementation. Source code, papers, documentation, and mailing list archives.
Los Alamos Message Passsing Interface (LA-MPI)
An open-source software implementation provides an end-to-end network fault-tolerant message passing system for tera-scale clusters. The current API supported being MPI 1.2 (C and Fortran bindings).
Implementation of MPI for Mac OS 9.
An MPI implementation for heterogeneous clusters. Source code and papers.
Message Passing Interface
Interface standard, tutorials, libraries, and links to other resources, as well as MPICH, an implementation of MPI.
Message Passing Interface Forum
The official MPI standards and archives of the standardization process.
MP-MPICH - Multi-Platform MPICH
An implementation of MPI for Windows (NT/2000), Solaris and Linux. Supports Scalable Coherent Interface, TCP/IP and shared memory for communication. Runs on IA-32, Alpha and Sparc architectures. Source, binaries, and documentation available.
Papers about an implementation of MPI on the Fujitsu AP1000.
MPI for Cray T3D
Product information, papers, and documentation.
MPI Software Technology
A commercial implementation of MPI and parallel job scheduler. Product information and white papers.
MPI-2 C++ Bindings
Source code and reference material.
A port of MPICH over Myrinet using the BIP communication layer. Source code and benchmarks.
High-performance cluster implementation of MPI for Windows. Source code, documentation, and papers.
An MPI implementation. Papers, source code, and documentation.
Displays the structure of user-defined MPI data types. Source code and user guide.
Measurement and analysis tool for parallel programs that use MPI. Papers, source code, binaries, and manuals.
ScaMPI is an implementation of MPI using the Scalable Coherent Interface. Product information and download.
SKaMPI -Special Karlsruher MPI Benchmark
Open-source MPI Benchmark with public result database.
System to allow binding of MPI to a generic interactive language. Source code and documentation.
Profiling tools for MPI programs. Evaluation software and tutorial.