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A Detailed Comparison of CORBA, DCOM and Java/RMI
Feature-by-feature comparison of the differences between CORBA, DCOM, and Java/RMI, with a simple source code example reimplemented in each. By Gopalan Suresh Raj.
ActiveX Controls vs. JavaBeans
Compares ActiveX controls against JavaBeans, by David Chappell.
COM versus CORBA: A Decision Framework
The discussion is organized as the following sections: approach, enterprise architecture, background, comparison, and conclusion. The comparison identifies the criteria for specification, object model, services, platform and tool support, and maturity. (Owen Tallman and J. Bradford Kain)
Comparing Microsoft Transaction Server to Enterpri
Provides a comparison between MTS and Enterprise JavaBeans. The two models are compared in terms of transactions support, controlling complexity, portability, interoperability, language choice and administration. By Microsoft.
CORBA no match for Microsoft's DCOM, Ovum rep
The article discusses the Ovum report titled "Ovum Evaluates: Object Request Brokers". (Ron Condon / ComputerWorld)
DCOM and CORBA Side by Side, Step By Step, and Lay
DCOM/CORBA Comparison.
Making Sense of Distributed Objects
An assessment of COM, CORBA, and Java/RMI, by David Chappell.
Microsoft .NET vs. J2EE: How Do They Stack Up?
What exactly is the .NET platform and how does the .NET architecture measure up against J2EE? By Jim Farley, author of Java Distributed Computing and co-author of Java Enterprise in a Nutshell.
On Being Object-Oriented: COM and CORBA
A comparison of COM and CORBA, by David Chappell.
Toolkit Comparison
Compares the same program, Klotski, written in Gtk, Qt and PyQT. Descriptions, code samples, tables, statistics, humor. [Open Source]