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ACM Asia Programming Contest
Asia regionals of the ACM Programming Contest.
ACM East Central Programming Contest
Regionals of the ACM Programming Contest. The region contains western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, eastern Ontario and Indiana excluding the Greater Chicago Metropolitan Area.
ACM Greater New York Programming Contest
Greater New York regionals of the ACM Programming Contest.
ACM Northeastern European Programming Contest
Northeastern European regionals of the ACM International Programming Contest.
ACM Programming Contest Freiburg
The Mid-Central European regionals of the ACM Programming Contest.
ACM Programming Contest Mid-Atlantic Region
General information, officers, contest results, problem sets related to the Mid-Atlantic regionals of the ACM contest.
ACM Programming Contest Pacific Northwest Region
Pacific Northwest regionals of the ACM Programming Contest.
ACM Programming Contest South America
The South American regionals of the ACM Programming Contest.
ACM Rocky Mountain Programming Contests
Rocky Mountain regionals of the ACM Programming Contest.
ACM Scholastic Programming Contest, Hong Kong
Regional contest of the ACM Scholastic Programming Contest held in the City University of Hong Kong.
ACM South Pacific Home Page
ACM South Pacific regional competition home page.
ACM Southern California Programming Contest
Southern California regional contest of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest.
ACM Southwestern European Programming Contest
Southwestern European regionals of the ACM International Programming Contest.