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80x86 Assembly Programming
VGA, operating system, and game programming tutorials for 80x86 processors. Also examples and links.
A introduction to x86 assembly
Tutorial written by Gavin Estey.
A20 - a pain from the past
The various forms of A20 gate control.
Assemble It: Documents
Very informative docs and tutorials (zip, html) on 3d programming, assembly.
Assembler Programming
Small but growing set of ASM tutorials: general, graphics.
Assembly Tutorial
For assembly programming newbies. Well written. Terse.
Barry Wilks' DOS INT 21h - DOS Function Codes
A quick reference list of DOS interrupts has been extracted from a large list compiled by Ralf Brown.
DevLibrary - Assembly
x86 assembler tutorials and docs
Dr. Dobbs Journal Articles
2 dozen works, FAQ, by Robert R. Collins.
Gavin's Guide to 80x86 Assembly
Fine, well organized tutorial; part of BURKS. Worthwhile.
Hamarsoft 86BUGS List
A reference for bugs and undocumented instructions in the Intel 80x86 family of processors.
How to Optimize for the Pentium Microprocessors
Comprehensive and detailed manual on optimization of code for the Pentium family of microprocessors.
How to write COM components in asm
You'll find here tutotials on writing COM components in 100% pure asm.
Intel Assembler CodeTable 80x86 - Overview Mnemoni
Short overview containing all instructions (transfer, arithmetic, logic, jumps), a diagram of the registers (EAX, EDX, ECX, EBX), demo program, fits to one single page, download, free
Intel Processor Manuals
Official Intel Architecture Optimizations Manual, Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Pentium Processor Family Developer's Manual.
Jan's Linux & Assembler(x86) HomePage
Assembler and Linux, source examples for Nasm and GAS assemblers.
Ketman 8086 Tutorial
Iteractive tutorial, using the Ketman Maximaster as a platform.
Lay Networks - Assembly Language Tutorials
With source code of some programs.
Linux Assembly HOWTO
Guide describes how to program in assembly using free programming tools, focusing on development for or from Linux OS on i386. By Francois-Rene Rideau 1996-1999, Konstantin Boldyshev 1999-2002.
Lord Lucifer's Win32 Asm Page
Information on Windows assembly language programming that author have come across. It's primarily intended for beginners, but it should hopefully also be of use to more experienced programmers.
Microsoft Macro Assembler Reference
From MSDN Library.
OOPWeb - Assembly Directory
Assembly programming tutorials, references and on-line books. All searchable and free.
OpCode of Intel Assembler 80x86
List of most Mnemonics for x86 with description.
Processor Information : Intel
A list of instructions and opcodes used by Intel, AMD, Cyrix and Nexgen from 8086 to Pentium II.
Programming from the Ground Up
Book on Linux x86 assembly language programming which is available both in print and online under the GFDL license. Targetted to both new programmers and professional programmers who have not yet learned assembly language.
Ralf Brown's Files
Nearly seven megabytes of text files containing Ralph Brown's interrupt list. Also some information on various libraries.
Ralf Brown's Interrupt List
List of i386 specific information for IRQ's, and I/O addreses.
"The world's leading source for pure technical 80x86 processor information."
Assembly teaching with the help of practical examples and explanation of their codes.
The PC Game Programmer's Encyclopedia
Includes an assembly tutorial.
Win32 Assembler Coding Tutorial
Covers MASM, TASM, NASM used with Win32, DirectX, multimedia. Especially for Games and Demos. Has sample code.
Win32 Programming for x86 Assembly Language Progra
Tutorial by Henry Takeuchi. Source code examples.
Working in Protected Mode
How to work in protected mode guide.
x86 Assembly Language FAQ
For the comp.lang.asm.x86 and alt.lang.asm newsgroups.
Lots of information about x86 processors, including undocumented opcodes and bugs.