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Official page: descriptions, FAQ, downloads, newsgroups, archive, tutorials, teaching experiences, papers, research, related topics, links. [University of Aarhus, Denmark]
Beta Language Introduction
Mjølner Informatics Report.
Cetus Links: BETA
Generalization of BETA language via interpreter/compiler, strict, static type-checked. Ph.D. project. Descriptions of modularization, lazy analysis, compatibility; tutorial, papers, FAQ, downloads, bug reports. [Open Source, GPL]
MetaBeta Project
Goal: design, implement meta-level interface for statically typed, compiled language BETA, to extend expressiveness of language so programs can be written for it, not just in it. Functionality depending on a language implementation is impossible or very hard to express in most languages.
Mjølner System
An Object-Oriented multi-platform rapid application development environment.
Overview of the BETA Programming Language
article by Ole Lehrmann Madsen.
TUNES Project: Beta
Brief description, links: GBETA, MetaBETA, Mjolner. [Open Content]