english deutsch
Befunge "Hello, World" Program
Three-line chunk of source code written by Tim Gilbert.
Befunge CPAN Module
Official Perl extension for interpreting Befunge.
Cat's Eye Technologies' Befunge-93
The official web site for the Befunge-93 programming language; maintained by Chris Pressey, the creator of Befunge.
Dictionary of Programming Languages Befunge Page
Brief language fact sheet, complete with links to conceptually related languages.
Dufflebunk's Home Page
Funge-98 implementation in JavaScript.
Funge-98 Final Specification
The official specification for the 1998 revision to Befunge-93.
Mooz's Befunge Programs
A number of programs written in and related to Befunge. Includes an interpreter for the TI-86 calculator and an example of how to do floating point division in Befunge.
Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer
Befunge version of the infamous beer song program.
Tim's Befunge Compiler
This "pseudo-compiler" will create an ANSI C program from a Befunge-93 source file. Programs can still be self-modifying even after they are compiled.
Visual Befunge-93 for Windows
Absolutely non-portable, Windows-only, 'Visual Studio'-style IDE for Befunge.
VSync's Funge Stuff
Features a portable Befunge-93 pseudocompiler and several other compilers and interpreters. Demonstrates how to use Befunge as a CGI scripting language.
Absolutely sick Befunge-descendant language.
Yet Another Befunge93 Interpreter
An Interpreter for the esoteric programming language Befunge in its version known as "Befunge93", written in Java 1.5 using the javax.swing for graphic Interface purposes. (Basically intended in an English and a German version)
A Befunge-93 interpreter written in Inform, and runnable on just about anything.