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A Programmer's Introduction to C#
An introductory book on C#.
Beginning Visual C#
Guide for those new to programming. As you learn to write C# programs this book explains the key concepts of .NET.
C# Builder Kick Start
Book by Joe Mayo provides a rapid overview of the Borland C# Builder IDE. Table of Contents. Sample Chapters.
C# For Dummies
An introductory book on the language by Stephen Randy Davis; includes author biography and index.
C# Precisely
A concise book describing the C# programming language, version 2.0, including generics, iterators, anonymous methods, nullable value types and partial type declarations. All example programs from the book. Links.
C# Unleashed
Written by Joesph Mayo, creator of the C# Station web site. The book covers the basic C# syntax, object-oriented development and other .Net/C# technologies.
Inside C#
By Tom Archer, advertises itself as a detailed look at the internal architecture of C#.
Microsoft C# Language Specifications
Includes book review and links for purchasing.
Presenting C#
Book Review. A concise, code-intensive guide for developers to learn C# quickly. By Christoph Wille, Sams.
Professional C#
Now on its second edition, the book was updated to run on the Final Release of .Net. The book covers C# language syntax, Web Services, Windows Development, ASP, Data Access, .Net Remoting and some concepts of object-oriented programming.
Teach Yourself C# in 21 Days
A book for C# beginners. The book has an easy step-by-step approach covering the basic C# language and its application to Windows and Web development.