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Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example, ACCU - Reviews Index Page, Applied C++: Practical Techniques for Building Bet, C++ and Object-Oriented Programming, C++ Coding Standards, C++ Demystified, C++ For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, and Science , C++ For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, and Science , C++ in Action, C++ Primer (3rd Edition)
Books, Components, Experts and Add-Ons, Personal Pages, Publications, Tools, BCB-Tools.com, Borland C++Builder, C++Builder for Delphi Users, Delphi C++ Builder Helper, Dr.Bob's C++Builder Gate, Portability Hints: Borland C++ 5.5.1, The Bits, Writing a 32bit screen saver, Yet Another Code Site
Class Libraries
Database, Graphics, MFC, Numerics, OWL, STL, XML, <STXXL>, A Stream Socket API for C++, ACDK - Artefaktur Component Development Kit, Audio/Video 3D C++ Programming Library, Available C++ Libraries FAQ, Babylon Library, Bioinformatics Template Library (BTL), BitMagic, Boost, BuDDy
Boost Consulting, C++ Now, Declarative Systems, Inc., Gimpel Software, Glen McCluskey & Associates LLC, Metrowerks, ObjectQuest Software, PAC Software, Perennial, Inc., Plum Hall, Inc.
Bloodshed C++, Borland C++ Compiler 5.5, C++ Conformance Roundup, Chinook Developer Studio, Code::Blocks IDE, Comeau Computing C/C++ Compilers, Digital Mars C and C++ Compilers, EMX - C++ for OS/2, Free C/C++ Compilers, Green Hills Optimizing C++/EC++ Compilers
Exception Handling
Adding Exception Testing to Unit Tests, C++ Exception Handling, C++ Tutorial on Exceptions, Constructor Failures (or, The Objects That Never W, Error and Exception Handling, Exception Handling in C++, Exception Handling: A False Sense Of Security, Exception-Safety in Generic Components, Revisiting Exception Handling, Throwing Destructors
FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
Compatibility with C, Directories, Function-Pointers and Callbacks, General C++ Introductions, Windows, AllExperts C++ Q&A, Ask the C++ Pro, Beginner and Intermediate Tutorials, C++ Survival Kit, C++ Glossary, C++ I/O Tips and Tricks, C++ Pitfalls, C++ Programming - CoderSource.net, C++ Programming for Scientists, C++ Programming Language Tutorials
Memory Management
A Garbage Collection Framework for C++, A Garbage Collection Framework for C++, Part II, C++ Memory and Resource Management, C++ Memory Management: From Fear to Triumph, Part , C++ Memory Management: From Fear to Triumph, Part , C++ Memory Management: From Fear to Triumph, Part , C++ Tutorial - Dynamic Memory Allocation, Containers in Memory: How Big Is Big?, Counted Body Techniques, Effective C++ Memory Allocation
About.com C/C++ Weekly Features, C++ Idioms, C++ in the Real World, C++ Optimizations, C++ Type Reflection Support, C++: Beyond The Standard Library, C++: Under the Hood, C++?? : A Critique of C++, Casting in C++, Concrete data types
ACM Crossroads Objective Viewpoint, C/C++ Users Journal, DevX: C++ Zone, Dr. Dobb's Journal: C/C++ Programming, Overload, The C++ Source
Personal Pages
4CPP.NET, Adam King C++ Coding Site, Alex Shaduri's pages, Antonio Larrosa's personal page, Belkin, Zeev, Booty's Home Page, Brad Appleton's FTP Site, Burnham, Rich - CodeBeetle, C C++ Programming & Data Structures, at Neonpr, CenizaSOFT
Directories, #C++, 1 C Plus Plus Street, aewnet.com, Beyond the ARM, C and C++ Coding-Zone, C and C++ Resource Center, C Programming Trends, C++ Home, C++ Jobs and Resumes, C++ Nugget Mine
Runtime Environments
CGI, COM, C++ Servlet Environment, Internet C++
Draft ANSI C++ Standard, Embedded C++, ISO/IEC 14882-2003, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21, Library TR1 Information, Memory Model for Multithreaded C++, Proposal to add Contract Programming to C++ (Revis, Proposal to Add Static Assertions to the Core Lang, Right Angle Brackets (Revision 2), TechNetCast Play - C++0x
C and C++ Style Guides, C++ Coding Standard, C++ Coding Standards, C++ Programming Style Guidelines, C++ Style Guides Collection, Coding Guidelines for Integral Constant Expression, CStupidClassName, General C++ Coding Standard, High Integrity C++ Coding Standard, Macadamian's Coding Conventions for C++ and J
"Export" Restrictions, Part 1, "Export" Restrictions, Part 2, A Deeper Look at Metafunctions, An Improved Variant Type Based on Member Templates, Befriending Templates, C++ Templates FAQ, C++ Templates: Metaprograms, C++ Tutorial on Class Templates, C++ Tutorial on Function Templates, Multiple Dispatch: A New Approach Using Templates
BVRDE, C and C++ Validation Test Suites, C to C++ converter, C++2HTML, C-Free, C/C++ Program Perfometer, Cantata++, CC-Rider, ccache, ClassModeler
Visual C++
An Interview With Microsoft's New Visual C++ , An STL Error Decryptor for Visual C++, C++ MFC ATL COM Developer's Network, Cetus Links / Visual C++, CodeGuru - Visual C++, CoderSource.net, CommentWizard, DevPartner for Visual C++, dsvcczip, Hello, World program
"Hello, World" in C++
Code for the C++ implementation of the famous "Hello, world" program.
C++ Language Notes
Describes the features of the language that are most useful to engineers and scientists.
C++ Wiki
Wiki page at Portland's pattern repository about the C++ programming language.
Guru of the Week
A regular series of C++ programming problems created and written by Herb Sutter.
Interview with Bjarne Stroustrup
Discusses the language standardization effort and some of the design decisions of C++.
Interview with Bjarne Stroustrup
Concentrates on future developments of the C++ language.
main.cc - defines main()
Publishes a smallest C++ program under the GPL license.
The C++ Programming Language
Bjarne Stroustrup's information page about the programming language. Also contains links to other sites.
The Future is Multiparadigm Programming
In this interview Bjarne Stroustrup talks about the object-oriented revolution, the rigors of real-world software development, the continuing divergence of C and C++, and some additions to the C++ standard that he'd like to see.