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Are Set Iterators Mutable or Immutable?, C++ and STL: Take Advantage of STL Algorithms by I, Effective Standard C++ Library: for_each vs. trans, Interview with Alex Stepanov, Priority Queues and the STL, Standard Library News, Part 1: Vectors and Deques, Standard Library News, Part 2: Sets and Maps, STL Algorithms vs. Hand-Written Loops, STL Articles by Klaus Kreft & Angelika Langer, swap_vector
C++ Programmer's Guide to the Standard Templa, C++ Standard Library, The: A Tutorial and Referenc, C++ Standard Template Library, Data Structures Programming with the Standard Temp, Designing Components with the C++ STL, Revised Edi, Designing Components with the C++ STL: A New Appro, Designing Components with the C++ STL: A New Appro, Effective STL, Effective STL - Book Review, Effective STL - ACCU Reviews
Links at about.com, Sourcebank Directory - STL, STL Quick Reference, STL Resources at SGI site, SwTech.com - C++ Standard Template Library, The Code Project - STL
A modest STL tutorial, A Tiny STL primer, Advanced STL Programming, An introduction of STL for beginners, An Introductory STL tutorial, C++ Standard Template Library - string, Crash course on STL, Effective STL Programming, How to setup STLport with Visual C++ 7, Introduction to STL taken from Linux Gazette #34
An Overview of The Standard Template Library
A more high level description of the concepts of the STL.
C++ Standard Library Active Issues List
The Working Group 21 provides a list of issues that are known in the current Definition of the C++ Standard Library. Also a list of defects is provided.
C++ Standard-Library and STL
A comparison of different STL implementations. Covers RogueWave, ObjectSpace, SGI and vendor provided implementations.
This FAQ deals with the containers, iterators, and algorithms sections of the C++ Standard, Clauses 23, 24 and 25.
Digging into STL Iterators
A discussion about STL iterators, how they were designed and how they perform compared to different design aproaches.
Dinkum C/C++ Library Reference
A reference for the library delivered with Microsoft Visual C++.
Dinkumware, Ltd.
The makers of the STL library included in Microsoft's VC.
Effective Standard C++ Library
Provides pointers to articles about how to use STL features, published in C++ Report and C/C++ Users Journal. Also a list of book reviews is provided.
Free words concerning STL
A documentation of the C++ standard template library under the Free Documentation License.
Genealogy Display Program
A Larger Example of Use of STL
Graph Template Library (GTL)
An Extension of the STL with datastructures for graphs. GTL is a platform independent and extendible C++ library. It is free of charge for non-commercial use.
Provides the HP Implementation of the STL and some articles and documentation [FTP].
IBM OS/390 Official STLport support page
Information about the STL on the IBM OS/390 - Unix System Services operating platform.
Interview with A. Stepanov
The creator of the STL gave an interview.
Invalidation of STL Iterators
Offers a course that looks into one of the surprises related to use of iterators: invalidation.
Port of the SGI STL to Microsoft Windows CE compil
A port of the SGI STL to the embedded platform. Provides information about the port and download of the ported source-code.
Recursion Software, Inc. - C++ ToolKits
Provides portable class libraries for use with the ANSI/ISO C++ Standard Library.
Rogue Wave C++ Library Online Documentation
The complete documentation of the C++ Library from Rogue Wave is available here.
Rogue Wave C++ Library User Guide and Tutorial
The complete User Guide and Tutorial of the C++ Library from Rogue Wave is available here.
RogueWave Standard C++ Library
Documentation for the Standard C++ Library, Data Structures and Algorithms, String, Complex, and Numeric Limits, Iostreams and Locale.
Safe STL
An enhancement for the STL that tries to catch many typical STL programming errors.
SGI's STL Programmer's Guide
A freely available implementation of the C++ Standard Template Library, including hypertext documentation.
SPC Seminar Series - Effective STL Programming
This seminar will give you a detailed examination of the factors that affect the performance of C++ software. Provided by Scott Meyers, author of "Effective STL".
Standard Template Library Reference
The STL Online Reference Home Page at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
STL Error Decryptor for Visual C++
A set of tools to shorten the length of VC++ 6/7 STL-related error messages, allowing essential information to fit in status bar at the bottom of the Visual Studio IDE. [Freeware]
STL examples at support.microsoft.com
Contains a list of samples by Microsoft, that show how to use the STL.
STL foreMbedded Visual C++
STL adaptation for eMbedded Visual C++. It is designed to work with Windows CE devices, such as H/PCs, Palm-sized PCs and Pocket PCs, and it is based on SGI's STL (3.3).
STL Test Suite
A set of 225 tests to check conformance of C++ compilers and libraries to the ISO Standard.
STL-Compatible Compilers List
List of compiliers that support the STL
A port of the original STL to many platforms. Derived from the SGI implementation, changes are incorporated regularly.
The Matrix Template Library: A Unifying Framework
Presents a unified approach for expressing high performance numerical linear algebra routines for a class of dense and sparse matrix formats and shapes.
Using the Standard Template Library With OCF/OWL
Describes how to use the standard template library with Borland OWL.
A micro-STL that implements parts of the STL specification intended to reduce code size of the derivative programs.
Extends the Standard Template Library by adding template classes that define views.
VTL Views Template Library
Container adaptors for use with STL standard containers. Filters, and transforms of data without copying.
Wikipedia - Standard Template Library
The entry in the online encyclopedia briefly describes the STL.