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Debian Package
Debian GNU/Linux Erlang package information.
Erlang for the PPC860
Some notes on how Erlang was cross compiled to run on the PowerPC 860, a big-endian CPU.
Commercial quality, efficient Erlang implementation based on Gambit Scheme. State-of-the-art native code Scheme compiler transforms Erlang code to Scheme, which can then gain from the special features of the Gambit Scheme compiler. Developed at University of Montreal. [Free to academic research, education]
FreeBSD Port
The Erlang Free BSD port.
Geoff's Erlang
Gerl is a GNU GPL'ed free compiler which implements a (large) subset of the current Erlang standard.
High-Performance Erlang Compiler
Open Source research project aimed at efficiently implementing the concurrent functional language Erlang.
Kernel poll support
Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris patch allowing you to save CPU cycles in kernel mode.
Linux Port
RedHat 6.1 RPM at the eddie sourceforge site.
RPM packages
The OTP R8B0 packages compiled on RedHat 7.1.
SCO UnixWare Package
Erlang package for UnixWare, distributed by SCO.
Stand Alone Erlang for OTP R7
Create stand alone applications in Erlang, i.e. one file that contains the executable and the Erlang object files, BEAM files, needed.
Stand alone Erlang for OTP R8
Create stand alone applications in Erlang.
Unreleased downloads
Daily snapshots of the not yet released official Erlang/OTP versions are available here. There is no guarantee that they will work.