english deutsch
A Programming Style for Java
A large number of heuristic guidelines for writing well-structured and maintainable Java programs.
Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language
Coding Guidelines from Sun Microsystems.
Coding Conventions for C++ and Java Applications
Mainly C/C++ centric discussion.
Coding Standards for Java
Comprehensive coding and style guidelines from AmbySoft Inc.
Draft Java Coding Standard
Guidelines for structure, documentation and naming.
How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc tool
"Official" JavaDoc style guidelines from Sun Microsystems.
How To Write Unmaintainable Code
A humorous approach emphasizing the need for coding standards - Java centric discussion.
The Benchmark for JavaTM quality ñertification. The Perfect Code Challenge - each month JAuditor publish the audit results of an important Java open source project.
Java Coding Standards
Collection of links Ray Ontko.
Java Programming Style Guide
By Dave Jarvis, Shawn Potter. Basic techniques and stylistic suggestions to help with developing maintainable Java source code.
Java Programming Style Guidelines
A set of recommendations on various aspects of coding such as naming, file organization, and comments.
JavaRanch: Java Programming Style Guide
Style guide focusing primarily on formatting and comments, as well as advice on which coding constructs to avoid.
Naming Conventions in Java
A short article on what lessons can be learnt from C++ for Java coding standards.
Netscape's Software Coding Standards Guide fo
Subset of Netscape's original coding standards for the Jazilla project.
The Infospheres Java Coding Standard
Discusses structure, documentation, naming conventions. Also discusses useful related tools.
Tips for maintainable Java code
A random collection of personal observations by Rolf Howarth.