english deutsch
Executable Wrappers
exe4j, Executor, Java Runner, Java Service Wrapper, JavaExe, Jelude, JExeCreator, JLauncher, JSmooth, jStart32
Java Web Start and JNLP
DeployDirector, Deploying Software with JNLP and Java Web Start, Developing and distributing Java applications for , Fontanus JNLP Wrapper, Java Deployment with JNLP and WebStart, Java Web Start, Java Web Start - Sun Community Source Licensing, Java Web Start and Code Signing, Java Web Start Developer's Guide, Java Web Start Discussion Forums
Automated Release and Distribution system for Java. [Open Source, GPL]
A software tool to automatically build minimum JARs for running a given class. [Open Source, GPL]
Duckware: Java Tools
Includes Java2exe to package all program resources into single executable and MakeInstall to support install/uninstall. Also includes obfuscator. [Shareware]
A 'jar' utility with additional features, written in C. [Open Source, GPL]
Free Java Installer. [Open Source, GPL]
A software installer that can install Java and non-Java files from a self-extracting archive. [Open Source]
InstallWiz Professional Edition
Fully customisable Java installation software generator; can create native installers for Windows and Linux. [Freeware]
Java installer generator. [Open Source, GPL]
Jarpend Project
Provide tools relative to dependency checking for Java. [OpenSource, BSD]
Java Cannery
Utility for packaging Java projects into distributable form. It finds all dependencies and generates a JAR file. [Open Source, GPL]
Creates a JAR file with all and only the Java classes required by a given main class. [Freeware]
Creates Java installations. Install from the web. Customize with Java. Ship the exact classes need and check updates. By DeNova, Inc. [Commercial]
Roxes Ant Tasks
This collections contains several ANT tasks for simplifying application deployment. [Open Source, GPL]
A simple framework to build and deploy Java application. It gains from the sinergy of Java and Javascript and a minimum set of clear rules to organize their interaction.
ToolShed Java Installer
A simple pure-Java installer. [Open Source, GPL]
Distills an entire application, including resources such as images, into one class file. Reduces download time and CLASSPATH problems. [Freeware]
Multi-platform installer written in Java. [GPL]
Zero G Software
Creator of InstallAnywhere, a Java multi-platform deployment tool for building installers that can install software on virtually any platform. [commercial]