english deutsch
A packager which can achieve smaller applications.
Provides a set of Ant tasks suitable for developing MIDP Java applications.
apps for phones
An Integrated Development Environment(IDE) for Java phones allowing easy development of applications for mobile phones, wireless devices and smartphones.
IBM WebSphere Studio Device Developer
(former IBM VisualAge Micro Edition) An integrated development environment for the creation and testing of applications that will be deployed on handsets and other small devices. [Commercial]
J2ME Polish
A suite of tools for creating "polished" J2ME applications. Each tool meets a definite need of J2ME developers: Build-tools with an integrated device-database, a powerful GUI, a localization framework, a game-engine, a logging framework and a collection of utilities.
J2ME Wireless Toolkit
A toolbox for developing wireless applications that are based on J2ME's Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) and Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP). The toolkit includes the emulation environments, performance optimization and tuning features, documentation, and examples.
JBuilder MobileSet
Visual design tool for creating mobile applications, device emulation, and debugging. [Commercial]
Mobile Device Tools for J2ME Developers
A set of Java MIDlets that allow developers to quickly learn the specifics of new devices. [Open source, MIT License]
NetBeans Mobility Pack
For NetBeans IDE to write, test, and debug applications for Java technology-enabled mobile devices.
PNG Gauntlet
And yet another optimizer for PNG images.
An optimizer for PNG images. Can reduce the size of PNG images used within J2ME programs.
PNGOUT and Kzip
PNGOUT optimizes PNG images and Kzip is packager which can reduce the size of jar application bundles.
Yospace Application Platform
Includes a MIDP Emulator, an RMI implementation, the YoGI graphical toolkit, and a remote storage solution for J2ME developers.