english deutsch
C++ to Java Conversion Utility
Claims to fully convert any C++ GUI into a pure Java dialog with Swing components. Supports Borland and Microsoft resource files. [Commercial]
A converter translate C-code sources into Java classes. C2J is being developed using C language. Java version of C2J can be generated using C2J itself. [Open source, GPL]
Diamond Edge Applet Designer
A Visual Basic add-in module. Convert your VB project to Java with one button click. Free trial download. [Commercial]
Finite State Machines
Java package which allows the specification and automatic translation of Finite State Machines. FSMs can be used to model a wide variety of processes, behaviours and interactions in arguably more suitable ways than just using Java alone. [Freeware]
JEX - Java Extension
A redefinition of Java using an XML syntax. This allows programmers to extend their favorite language. It also simplifies compilers, IDEs and code generators. [Open source, GPL]
LegacyJ PERCobol
COBOL for the Java Execution Environment. PERCobol, Bean Utility, Screen Utility, NFS Network File Server. [Commercial]
A compiler from XSLT to Java bytecode. [Open Source, BSD-like]