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Embedded Java
Application environment home.
Enterprise JavaBeans
Includes white papers, learning center, news, and comparison to COM+/MTS.
Glossary of Java Related Terms
Glossary with Java applet search facility. A non-Java version is also available.
Java 1.1 API
Complete on-line documentation for version 1.1 of Java.
Java 1.2 API
Complete on-line documentation for version 1.2 of Java.
Java 1.3 API
Complete on-line documentation for version 1.3 of Java.
Java 1.4.2 API
Complete on-line documentation for version 1.4.2 of Java
Java 2 Platform - Sun Community Source Licensing
Sun's source code for their implementations of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, available free of charge.
Java 2 Version 1.4 SDK Documentation
Specification and documentation for JavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition version 1.4
Java 3D
3D graphics for Java.
Java Card
Specifications which enable Java technology to run on smart cards and other devices with limited memory.
Java Class Libraries Posters
Poster from Sun giving an overall view of the classes in the Java 2 Platform (Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition).
Java Communications API
Documentation, user's guide, FAQ, and implementation download.
Java IDL
Java CORBA interface
Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines
Focuses on design issues and human-computer interaction in the context of the Java look and feel. Also attempts to provide a common vocabulary for designers, developers, and other professionals.
Java Media Framework API
Multimedia extensions for Java.
Java Plug-in
Formerly "Java Activator" -- replaces browser virtual machine with more recent runtime environment.
Java component architecture.
Includes tool documentation, specification, announcement mailing list, and custom doclets.
Downloads, user's guide, FAQ, help authoring tools, and mailing list.
Java DataBase Connectivity information and resources.
Java Foundation Classes information and resources.
Java Telephony API is used for controlling telephone calls from the Java programming language.
Official Java Programming Documentation: Quick Ref
Quick access to the official programming documentation for JDK 1.0-1.3, Sun Java tools, and related Java APIs.
PersonalJava Application Environment
Sun's official PersonalJava page, with implementations for Windows CE and emulators for testing on desktop machines.
Remote Method Invocation
Marketing whitepaper describing benefits of RMI, and how it can be used to connect to existing and legacy systems as well as to components written in Java.
Remote Method Invocation information and resources.
Server-side Java; CGI alternative.
White papers, FAQs, specifications for this set of next generation telecom products and services.
The Java Language Specification
Sun's formal specification of the Java language.
The Java Virtual Machine Specification
Documentation for Java "bytecode" class file format.