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A powerful JavaScript compression utility. It removes comments and whitespaces from scripts, supports all JavaScript syntax including regular expressions and automatic semicolon insertion, can copy several js-files into one, compresses JavaScript in HTML files. [Commercial]
HTML Protection Rocket
Software to compress or encrypt HTML or JavaScript [Commercial]
Javascript Compressor
Online compressor Javascript files and get lower download times and save bandwidth. By Dean Edwards.
JavaScript Compressor (JSC)
By Creativyst. [Free online, commercial another case]
Javascript Cruncher
Free utility for compressing/removing all unnecessary tabs, spaces and comments from JavaScript files.
JavaScript Formatter/Obfuscator
Tool for prettyprinting JavaScript to make it more readable, or conversely, obfuscating it to prevent reverse-engineering. [Commercial]
Javascript Obfuscator
Converts the JavaScript source code into scrambled and completely unreadable form, preventing it from analysing and theft. [Commercial]
Compress JavaScript so that it downloads faster to the browser. If the identifier compression is kept on, it also has a side-effect of making the JavaScript fairly unreadable.
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To decode pages that were obfuscated with a javascript encoder such as Haywyre or Merlin simply view the source of the page and paste it in the form below. [Online]
Stunnix JS-Obfus
A JavaScript source code obfuscator and encoder.
Syntropy Chaos Engine - Javascript obfuscator
A free of charge JavaScript scrambler/obfuscator.
JavaScript compressor/obfuscators with full JavaScript/HTML parsing produced perfect XHTML files. [Commercial]
Will's JavaScript Cruncher
A online tool condense JavaScript code.