english deutsch
Ad Management
Ad Center 2000 NG Pro, Ad Peeps, Ad Web Scripts, Affiliate Network, BannerFiles, DH-MLM, Dynatracker, Easy Banner, ePower Trader, Esvon Ads
AddAuctionsoftware, AnServ - Auction Software, E-zAuction, GeoAuctions, PHP Pro Bid, PhpAuction, Softbiz Auctions Script, Top Auction
ACal Project, Active Calendar, Codewalkers.com - PHP Event Calendar, Easily Simple Calendar, EasyEvent, HIOX Monthly Calendar, Keith Devens PHP Calendar, MicroCal, MyCalendar, PHP Availability Calendar
ARSC Really Simple Chat, BlaB! Lite, Chatty, Open Chat, WebChat, Webfroot Shoutbox, Wollabot, X7 Chat
Classified Ads
68 Classifieds, aeDating, Almond Classifieds, Autosites Auto Dealer, BBClassifieds, ClassAd, Complete Yellow Pages Solution, Curve2 Design, Datetopia Dating Scripts, Dating Site
1 Php Street, BizzarScripts, cgi-bin.com: PHP Scripts, Chipmunk Scripts, Circle.ch, Code Transit - PHP, Codeline Alley PHP-DB, Design Shrine PHP Factory, devscripts.net - PHP, eMade
Content Management
GeekLog, Mambo, PHP-Nuke, phpWebSite, PostNuke, Xoops, ABC CM, Absolut Engine CMS, AngelineCMS, Aquanuke, Article Manager, Atomic Penguin News, AuthorSmith, Autothemes.com., Back-End, BCWB - Business Card Web Builder
Database Management
ADODB_SQL, AppGini, DaDaBIK (DataBase Interfaces Kreator), Dataxi, EasySQL, Excel Explorer, ezDatabase, EZDB, ezSQL, FiForms
osCommerce, 1-2-3 Music Store, 5th Avenue Software, ABC eStore, Amazon Shop, aMember, Arena97, Associate-O-Matic, AuthorizeIt, BAV - Bank Account Validator, C-Cart
Clients, 1-2-ALL Broadcast E-mail Software, 68 Mailer, Advanced Form Handler, Attache Mailer, AutoMail, Contact Us PHP Script, E-archive, Email Contact Form Using PHP, Email Form Processor Pro, Form Results
Cfdev Editor, of_htmlarea, Rich Editor, Rte_Multi, Spaw, Toko Content Editor
FAQ and Knowledgebase
ActiveKB, Crazy Faqs, Faq Manager Pro, Frequently Asked Questions Engine, iSupport, Knowledge Builder, Lore, PhAQ, piFAQ, Softbiz FAQ Script
Invision Power Board, phpBB, vBulletin, Woltlab Burning Board, XMB, 7th BBS, Bestweb, bSpeak Threaded Messageboard, ccForum, DCForum+, DevoyBB, Dynamic Flash Forum, FUD Forum, FunkBoard, Gravity Board X (GBX)
Achievo ATK, An Introduction to the PHP Base Library, BlueShoes PHP Framework, Cake, Carthag, Comprehensive Web Programming API, CreaLabs MerlinWork, DotPHP, Eocene, ErisX
Adelio Animated Classic Guestbook, Ardguest, ChitChat, COOL Guestmap 2, Cute PHP guestbook, E-Guest Pro, Fantastic Guestbook, Flumpcakes Guestbook, GBook, HIOX GuestBook
Image Galleries
AmIGeekOrNot, Coppermine Gallery, EntertheFog RandomImage, Exhibit Engine, Funkgallery, Gallerize, Gallery, Gallery4All, I-Rater, Image Management System (IMS)
Link Management
Aardvark Topsites PHP, aeDirectory, Biz Directory, Booby, David's PHP Scripts, Directory Search, Directory97, EasyODP, eDirectory, eFox Yellow Pages Solution
Easy Survey Package, Poll and Voting Script, ScriptRocket Poll, Szewo Polls, UCCASS - Unit Command Climate Assessment and Surve
1-2-3 EZ Text Editor
Easy to use online WYSIWYG text editor. Modify text, and insert images. Visual display similar to MS Word.
24 Update Cam Portal
A running 24-hour cam portal, with archives, where cam images are stored automatically. Includes FAQ, update downloads, demo and news.
Banner Manager and Event Calendar PHP scripts. Demos. [Commercial]
A PHP script that sits on top of your web server and converts URLs on the fly, both Incoming URL Conversion and Outgoing URL Conversion. [Commercial]
A PHP class that provides LDAP authentication with Active Directory.
A user authentication class based on MySQL and the PHP Session functions. It was written for Web sites that need some password protected areas. It includes a user management application script and a MySQL table setup application script. [Open source, GPL]
Free tool that caches dynamic PHP pages to speed up web applications.
Several scripts including a discussion forum, 404 not found page searching for similar pages, and hierarchical menus.
AK Communications
Free scripts for integrated and dynamic web solutions. StatZ, a web traffic analysis script, and Leecher, a download protect script, are two prime examples.
PHP scripts and programs to use on website. Current scripts include a guestbook and meta tag generator.
Offering PHP auction, Web-based reverse auction, classified ads and web store software products. Also provide PHP customizations, script installations and PHP/MySQL hosting services.
A development and management platform for rapidly building customized, database-driven PHP/MySQL based web applications. [Commercial]
PHP and MySQL based News and blogging script. Features multi-tier security, smilies and automated installation system.
AutoIndex PHP Directory Lister
Creates a list of the files in a directory on a website, and lets you browse/download them in Windows Explorer-like way. [Open source, GPL]
AzDG - Azerbaijan Development Group
PHP and MySQL based scripts, including AzDGDating, AzDGVote, AzDGGuestbook. [Open source, GPL]
Encodes images and generates PHP code that represents the image. Makes it possible to embed an image inside a PHP script. [Freeware]
A PHP web counter that logs and show each IP address with reverse DNS, operating system, browser, referring URL, visit time and number of visits in a graphical interface. [Open source, GPL]
Bike Odyssey Debugger Y
A fully functional debugger for PHP. Written 95% in PHP, with a simple HTML interface.
A PHP software which gathers RSS and Atom feeds into a layout similar to the LiveJournal Friends page. Currently, it only works with feeds from Blogger (blogspot) and LiveJournal. [Open source, GPL]
Fusebox (a system for migrating from ColdFusion to PHP) and examples. Also some useful classes.
Bot Monitor
A PHP script that notifies by e-mail when googlebot visits page. [Freeware]
Free PHP scripts including messsengers, chat scripts and shopping carts, counters.
PHP dynamic chart generator that support various data sources.
chumpsoft :: phpQuestionnaire
An online survey builder with detailed results reporting, a web-based admin interface and a completely customizable template system. Downloads the results in CSV or XML format. [Commercial]
Clicker Trades
MySQL and PHP4 based traffic trading script. Tracks clicks and IP's from listed domains.
Code Snippet Library
A PHP script for storing code snippets. [Open source, GPL]
Content Share PHP HTML to Javascript On-the-fly Pa
The script allows a website to syndicate page content to other sites, using a Javascript insert code. PHP grabs that page content, converting it to Javascript on the fly.
A completely customisable page hit counter offering text, graphic or invisible counters. A statistics report is updated in real time and e-mail notifications allow monitoring of activity. [Free and commercial versions]
Daniele Leone's PHP Scripts
PHP scripts: PHPphotoAlbum, PHPyahooNews, PHPgoogleSearch.
dave.imarc.net - PHP Scripts and Resources
A free open-source PHP scripts, including PHP Photo Gallery, Form Validator, Fileupload, Mortgage Calculator, Template System.
PHP and MySQL scripts includes: Ecardswa v1 represents solution for a greeting-card-shipment-service; Linkwa is a link directory script; Datingwa is a solution for online partner-search; Forumwa is a simple discussion forum; Loginwa user registration script; Newswa is a news publishing script.
Customer support management software with both web and email access.
A (mostly) CSS 2.1-compliant HTML to PDF converter. Written using PHP5. [Open Source, LGPL]
Download Quota
A file downloader which will count the amount of bytes downloaded and stop when it has exceeded a preset limit.
Manage and monitor of site's downloadable files. It provides full access and statistical reporting with optional domain restriction, password-protection and download limiting facilities. [Free and commercial versions]
Dynamic Metatags Generator Script
A PHP script to automatically generate html metatags for websites. Randomly generation of title tags is included. [Open source, GPL]
Dynamic PHP Menu Script
Free PHP menu script that determines the current page and changes the menu to gray out and make an inactive grey link. All with PHP - no javascript.
Facility for automatic creation of webforms. Features documentation and downloads.
Keeps a web based log of all activity in a IRC server on a given channel.
eKstreme.com PHP Labs
An access counter script that allows several tracking methods including output to Common Log Format. Also several PHP code snippets.
eLouai Scripts
Free downloadable PHP scripts. Includes shopping cart, users online, users counter, BBCode parser, force file downloads. Also DHTML code samples.
Offer free PHP scripts, including EP-Dev Counter, EP-Dev Whois, EP-Dev Forum News. Also provide Invision Board (IBF)mods.
EZ Web Scripts - PHP
ezFormMailer PHP, ezShoutbox MySQL run shoutbox program, Newsbuilder PHP scripts. Free registration required.
Five Star Review Script
An Amazon-style review script allows users to rank a product or item on a scale of 1-5 stars and make comments related to the product for other users to read. [Commercial]
Basic functionality consists of checking some of the input fields, sending the data to a specified person and displaying a result page. But the basic functionality also includes a mechanism of dynamically loading and executing different modules in different runlevels. [Open Source, GPL]
Professional PHP/MySQL scripts (PHPGallery, PHPMembers, PHPThumbs, PHPRevisit, PHPMyBackup). [Commercial]
Free PHP
Simple PHP scripts like guestbooks, forms, ad rotator.
Freedville Central - Open Source Software
PHP scripts, including a guestbook, poll/voting suite, and quote book. [Open source]
A library for generating and parsing Macromedia Flash(rm) (SWF) files.
Geek Code Decoder
Generator and decoder. The defacto tagline for internet geeks.
Generic PHP Parser Class
Parses arbitrary XML input and builds an array with the structure of all tag and data elements. Optimized for parsing of simplified XML (SML) formats.
Useful PHP web site tools such as Form Mail, Tell A Friend, Guestbook, Poll and Voting, and Counter Script. For each script a online demo has been installed.
GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter
Advanced generic syntax highlighter class for PHP. GeSHi features XHTML compliant output with CSS. [Open source, GPL]
Offers PHP scripts: autosurf, traffic, advertisement, portals, online games and other MLM schemes scripts. [Commercial]
HIOX Free Scripts
Free PHP scripts including: Mail/Support Interface, Guest Book, Calendars, Rating System, Image Rotator, DB Query Tool, counters, Visitor Tracking, Calculator, Broken Link Analyser.
Hitech scripts
Free comments manager, guestbook, sample counter, random password generator PHP script.
Holiday Calculations
Free library of PHP tools for calculating holidays. It includes actual/observed days, Easter Sunday, day/week of month calculations, and the number of weeks in a month containing a specific day.
Combines a whois script, order form, client management area, admin account management area, knowledge base. It's written in PHP. By Polyspaston Ltd.
A web based dyndns client available in PERL and PHP versions.
Automation script for Cpanel hosting. [Commercial]
Insta Review
A review engine which enables visitors to critique any thing from movies, books, games to computer products.
Offering PHP tools for MySQL and Ultradev programers. This company also offers PHP components to assist rapid development of enterprise ready PHP web applications.
JemScripts PHP Scripts
A collection of PHP scripts including CustomCount, CustomGraphiCount, DenyAccess. [Free and commercial versions]
A Web-based media streamer, primarily desgined to stream MP3s (but can be used for any media file that can stream from HTTP). It can be integrated into a PostNuke or PHPNuke site and as a standalone.
JoMo Media Group: PHP Scripts
Affordable PHP / MySQL Scripts including JoMo Pay-Per-Click (PPC) search engine, JoMo news script, JoMo FAQ script. [Free and commercial]
System that caches dynamic PHP pages, significantly reducing server load.
Script that generate relevant keywords from site content.
A network service monitor similar to sysmon for monitoring server environment and alerting upon failure. It stores all data (by default) in XML format making it very flexible in its use. [Open source, GPL]
Makes MP3/OGG archive available via the WEB. [Freeware]
Script for tracking site visitor's clicks in real time. A fully-detailed statistical report provides a comprehensive click history. [Commercial]
Liquid Frog free PHP scripts
Free PHP scripts and home of Avanti Web Stats package.
LT Diagram Builder - PHP Version
Creates coordinate diagrams (charts/graphs) with bars, dots, lines, arrows, etc. Also as JavaScript and ASP version available.
MD Web
MD contact application to use on website so that visitors can contact webmaster easily. MD News, a database driven PHP script that will allow to easily put news updates on site. [Free for non-commercial sites]
MD5 Checksum File Parser PHP Class
Free PHP class that helps to parse and output checksums from the files generated by checksum checkers like md5sum utility.
Mega Upload
A progress bar for PHP uploads. Perl, JSP versions are exit also. [Open source, MPL]
Membership Software
Allow to keep accurate and up to date membership records online. Features membership import and export. [Freeware]
Microsoft Office to PDF Converter
Local or serverbased MS Office 2000/XP to PDF converter using Ghostscript and COM calls. [Freeware]
Mike's Download Counter
An download counter / tracking script. [Open source, GPL]
Mojo Webstats
A simple web statistics tool. It uses Javascript, PHP and MySQL to process web statistics. Includes date/time, document location and title, ip address and hostname, browser version, visitor resolution, and referrer.
Mortgage Calculator Plus
A calculator designed to calculate mortgage repayments with graphs. Can be used online and dawnload. [Freeware]
Lets create and maintain professional music websites. It can manage songs database, play songs in a popup music player, add lyrics, mail a friend song, view songs sent, top songs with genres or albums, change player skins, rate a song. [Commercial]
A PHP script for password protection of directories and member areas management. [Commercial]
A Web-based audio streaming jukebox for digital music collection. Supports a wide variety of audio formats, has several language translations, randomization features, private and shared playlists, ID3 and Ogg tags and image management. [Open source, GPL]
A web based Winamp/httpQ media jukebox. Play music and video from any computer in local network. Remotely control Winamp from any computer in local network or the internet. Real time MP3 streaming from different audio formats. Generate PDF cd-covers on the fly. [Open source, GPL]
Nuke Templates
Templates for PHP powered sites, including phpNuke, phpBB, and PostNuke, osCommerce. Includes clipart, fonts and web editing tools.
A web based ERP solution written in PHP (runs on any system SQL database). It has tips and solutions that can help other programmer complete there mission faster and more professional.
Full featured live support system written in PHP and MySql with source code included.
OSoft ThoutReader
A free open source documentation platform that allows developers to browse, search, bookmark, and append their PHP documentation and favorite PHP books at the same time ? offline.
Pavsta Auto Site
A mySQL based signup/forum/login/logout/lost pass/private messageing starter kit for a person or a group who wishes web site a member area. [Freeware]
PHP class that provides support for creating PDF documents without any libraries.
PHP Addressbook
A free PHP based address book that uses a mySQL database and allows to add, edit, view, or delete contacts. It can be integrated into a website, or used as a standalone application.
PHP Developers
Includes mailing list, poll, and guestbook script. [Free and Commercial]
PHP DocWriter
A set of PHP classes that generates simple OpenOffice.org Writer documents. It builds the document following the file format specification, and doesn't need OpenOffice.org to be installed.
PHP Event Calendar
A PHP script extending web site's functilality with event sheduler or news archive. [Free for non-commercial use]
PHP Freebies
Offering quality free PHP and MySQL website scripts such as the ClickBank Search Engine, FAQ Page Maker, Tell A Friend, Testimonial Rotator.
A PHP script for transfering files between internet servers. Currently supported protocolls are HTTP, HTTPS and FTP.
PHP Garage.com - Scripts
AIM Click Tracker for AOL Instant Messenger, Shrink Image - image size restrictor, EZ Counter - simple text file site counter
PHP Guard Dog
Password protect live internet content effectively to whatever combination of users and groups, all administered through web-based control panel.
PHP i-Stats
A Web site traffic analysis package based on PHP and MySQL. Its reports include Web site statistics by day, week, month, referer, hour, country, user-agent, screen resolution, screen color, search engine. [Open source, GPL]
PHP Live Support
Commercial support and CRM solution. Unlimited departments and operators. MySQL powered.
PHP Service Monitor
A simple script that monitor services on a server, and warn when they become unavailable.
PHP bindings for GTK+.
PHP/SWF Charts
A PHP/Flash tool to create attractive web charts from dynamic data.
PHP3 Base Library
This free code library provides easy access to session management and authentication functions within PHP3.
A PHP script that allows non-technical users to configure web-site security via Apache webserver ".htaccess" files.
PHPaint v1.0
A very effective graphical interface for creating, manipulationg, and previewing images made "on the fly" using PHP, the GD Library, and the FreeType module. [Open source, GPL]
Webpage generator for Animal or Pet web-sites. Features an administrative interface that allows non-technical users to about their animals, or animals in general.
Enabling fast distributed access to PHP components. It extends PHP's already powerful URL wrapper functionality. By caching source files, the overhead of fetching remote files is eliminated.
A script for documentation PHP scripts in an intelligent manner. Similar to javaDoc.
An easy to install Downline Club written entirely in PHP, using a MySQL database. [Commercial]
A PHP script for keeping track of a DVD collection. It uses MySQL as the backend.
PHPFastDev Library
Simple classes for managing and validating forms and using the MySQL database in an object oriented way.
PHPIX.com Hotornot Picture Rating PHP Script
Picture rating hotornot script similar to hotornot.com. Demos, FAQ and online order.
PHP scripts, such as hit counter, guestbook, message board, link manager. Also links to PHP resources.
A loan calculator can be used to figure out regular payments of any kind of loan, based on the loan amount, loan length, interest rate and pay periodicity. phpLoanCalc uses template, and it can easily change its appearance for seamless integration with website. [Open source, GPL]
Offers several PHP applications includes: PHPMini Links, PHPMini Email, PHPMini Crawler, PHPMini Search, PHPMini Reviews. [Open source, GPL]
A web based program for collecting and organizing comics.
phpObjectForms Library
phpObjectForms is a fully object-oriented, highly customizable, easily extendable, library for creating and processing HTML forms without writing any HTML code.
A live customer support system using PHP+MySQL+Flash to operate. [Open source, GPL]
Reviewing system to show online reviews of books, software in multiple languages.
An open source multiplayer fantasy role playing game driven by PHP and MySQL.
Timesheet/Timetracking organizer/scheduler using PHP and MySQL, can manage workers, projects, and companies, logging every-day come- and go-times, contracted hours, overtime, workspace and project-hours, attendance-time, holidays, create reports.
A dynamic HTML tree view generated by PHP and a database or flat file as the data source. [Commercial]
PhpWiki Project Page
WikiWikiWeb clone written in the server-side scripting language PHP.
An alternative XSLT engine to the current PHP default XSL extension to transform XML documents using the GNOME XSLT C library.
PHTML Encoder
(ex-"PHP Encoder") allows to encode PHP scripts before distributing it. The script code saving with use cryptography.
A SMS gateway application written in PHP and is utilizing Gnokii to control mobile phones and send/receive SMS. [Open source, GPL]
Power Movie List
Organizer for movie collectors. It downloads information for movies automatically and saves to a MySQL-Database. [OpenSource]
Presto Poll
A PHP coded poll script for a website. It doesn't need any SQL database and it has an admin center for modify all the settings. [Open source, GPL]
PHP scripts, including FreeLance, is a reverse Auction site; PHP HelpDesk/Knowledge Base Solution, Joke Script, Escrow System Click, CrushLink Type of Site, Polls Server, Job Site, WebSite Monitoring, Desktop based Enterprise Messenger, Software Product Listing (Like Hotscripts). [Commercial]
A PHP-based project manager / todo list with a recursive task and user tree, task-related forums and notes, and runs on various databases.
A PHP-based project manager / todo list with a recursive task and user tree, task-related forums and notes, and runs on various databases. [Public domain]
Provide ready made W3X valid PHP/XHTML forms and custom form programming services. [Commercial]
Pyrox Productions - PHP Scripts
Home of Sasquatch, Search, LogMaster, AdControl, SiteHit, jTERM scripts.
QuicknEasyImage for PHP
The quick and easy way to add an image (and photographs) to a web page. The full HTML tag is created automatically - Just copy and paste the result into page HTML. [Shareware]
PHP scripts aimed at novice webmasters. "RadChat" and "RadLinks" are available for download.
User authentication for multiple sites and pages through a single datasource and code base.
A complete "Rate My..." site package with full support for user uploads and voting. By PHP Labs. [Commercial]
Ravens PHP Scripts
KISGB (an advanced PHP guestbook), KISSQ (Keep It Simple Stock Quote), Nuke modules and patches, SQL tools.
RChart Php Edition
Set of Php Classes for creating charts and graphs. It supports more than 18 types (linechart, piechart, barchart, radarchart, curves , gauges, 3D charts, Candlestick, areacharts) and combinations of them. [Commercial]
Regular Expression Tester
A PHP script to test regular expressions. Shows matching patterns in red. Source code available for download, includes regular expression cheat sheet. Online demo.
An easy to use multi-file search and replace script for unix web servers. By PHP Labs. [Commercial]
An cache engine for PHP programs. [Freeware]
A free code which join FastTemplate and PHPlib's class (DB_Sql) to create an object system for a content management and viewer. A easy syntax to create one instance to access a complex queries and mapping the results to a set of templates.
Converts RSS feeds to HTML for displaying on websites. [Freeware]
PHP scripts including powerful download manager, RW::Download. [Free and commercial versions]
Scripts for Sites
PHP scripts including classifieds, real estate, image hosting, domain registrants. [Commercial]
An index of PHP snippets and scripts by categories.
Offering quality free and affordable PHP/MySQL website scripts, including STP Traffic Exchange, STP Reciprocal Manager, STP PHP Code Lock, STP ClickBank Search Engine.
A web application in PHP and MySQL for divers. Calculate bottom time to date, dive summary and underwater picture gallery. [Commercial]
SDO Homepage
A webportal for use with PHP and MySQL includes a forum, personal messaging, chat, picture management and a calender, and full profile management, with full admin controls. [Freeware]
An e-card program. Includes screenshots, documentation and testimonials. [Open source, Artistic license]
Shiegege Scripts
Counter, paging, thumbnail PHP scripts.
SilverSpider Play List
A set of PHP scripts that helps you add a recent music to Web site. [Freeware]
SimpleRDF/PHP5 Parser
Simplifies parsing RDF/XML sources in PHP. [Open source, BSD license]
A PHP script will measure the speed of website where it installed and displays the results in 7 comprehensive graphs. [Freeware]
SkinTech - Free PHP Scripts
A collection of free PHP scripts including phpNewsManager, phpWebMagazine, RateIt!, phpMyQuote, X-Changer, SkinMem, SkinBase.
Smart Statistics
PHP statistics script that shows what pages or sections are most visited by visitors and how did a page or section popularity evolved in the last period. [Commercial]
A powerful and easy configurated package that includes Object oriented Template Engine with its own Macrolanguage SP.TE and Database Engine (HTML forms input interface) SP.DE (FCSS sequel), designed to provide an interface layer between design, data itself (content) and data representation. [Shareware]
A small set of PHP functions which provide facilities for writing and reading configuration for PHP scripts. Using MySQL as the backend. [Open source, GPL]
Provides PHP scripts including a form mail script, an image gallery and a guestbook script. [Commercial]
stardevelop Live Help
A PHP, mySQL based customer support solution that provides a real time chat service for online customers. [Commercial]
A set of utilities, written for the PHP CLI engine that are most useful for those who switched from DOS to unix and are looking for DOS shell deltree, xcopy, tree commands.
Support Center
A fully automated web based help desk system that increase the productivity and efficiency of support staff.
PHP Help Desk online solution with integrated knowledge base. By ActiveCampaign,Inc. [Commercial]
Sysbotz Systems Panel
Features 6 functions for organizing any size IT department. These features include knowledge base, ticket system, contact directory, and system inventory. [Commercial]
Text content parser that converts textual material into html. Designed to be easy to add new tags to manipulate display or new parsers for different output formats. [Open source, GPL]
TGP/Message Board Auto Submitter
Post data to the message boards, guestbooks and other scripts with different submission form structure. Servers responses are logged and are available in the reports area. Proxy authentication support. [Commercial]
The CLiX Network
Quality Traffic Exchange PHP script. [Commercial] Also phpMyCounter, URL Rotator PHP scripts. [Freeware]
Provide free PHP scripts, such as guestbooks, hit counters, directory lister, as well as handy snippets of code for use in PHP programming.
An advanced website traffic analysis application with extensive statistics report pages, path analysis, graphs and more. [Freeware]
A mp3 jukebox that includes a voting system. The play list outputs using mpg123 or is streamed via icecast.
Easy Helpdesk, Easy Site Protector, Easy Gallery Maker, Easy Member Access, Easy Site Access PHP scripts.[Commercial]
Uresk Networks
Email Tracker, Quick Gallery ,Links, Uresk TAF Enhancer scripts.
VDaemon - Web Form Validation
A PHP library that check for errors and, if necessary, display messages to the user. [Freeware]
Vote! Pro
A PHP voting solution for web site with skins support. [Commercial]
Includes vNews, vPoll, and vAuthenticate.
VSIS Conftool
A Web-based online system that supports all phases of scientific conferences, workshops and seminars. It was developed to make the management of a conference easier and more time-saving. [Open source, free of charge for non-commercial conferences and events]
A Web site traffic analysis package based on PHP without database. Its reports include Web site statistics by day, week, month, referer, hour, country, user-agent, engine. [Open source, GPL]
WebFTP script by Maxg.info
A full functional FTP client written in PHP4, designed to browse any FTP server. Online demo. [Commercial]
A collection of PHP scripts including Address Book, Quiz and Online Invoicing, aimed at freelance PHP contractors.
Banner ad, newsletter and refer-a-friend available for download.
Xavier's PHP Scripts
Large collection.
Zach White
Free Uploading and Downloading Scrips for use on any website. Includes forums for script support and help.