english deutsch
Antique Software: Turbo Pascal v5.5, Borland Pascal Version History, comp.lang.pascal.borland FAQ, Frank's Borland Pascal programs, Graphic Vision, Vranesevic, Zoran
Free Pascal, Alice Pascal, AmiPascal - Amiga Visual Object Pascal, Autorun Pascal Builder, Canterbury Pascal, Free Pascal Compilers, HP OpenVMS Pascal, Irie Pascal compiler and interpreter, Master Operating System, MIDletPascal, Nemesis Pascal
GNU Pascal
Frank's Programs, GNU Pascal, GNU Pascal for Mac OS X, GPC Mailing List Archive
Personal Pages
Coltau, Pelle, JHB Web Page: Pascal programming, Lavrov, Dmytry, My Desk Pile, The StoneeeB Site, Ultimatum Green-With-Purple-Strips Programming Sit
Source Code
Bob Ferguson's Programmer's Tools, CGI Scripts in Pascal, Computer Science Sucks, Crossfire Designs, Dutch Programmers' Pages, EFLIB (Extended Function Library), Graphics Routines, Hammster's Pascal Source Code, Letters from Terra - Pascal Programming, Mario source code
Graphics Vision, MKM Software, Pascal Graphical Environment, Pasdoc, Turbo Pascal Lex/Yacc
Graded series of Pascal Tutorials, Learn Pascal, Pascal for Programming Illiterates, Pascal for the AP Exam, Pascal Programming, Pascal Programming Online Notes, Roby's Pascal Tutorial, The Learn Pascal Page
FAQ Pascal
Answers on frequently asked questions in Turbo Pascal.
How To Code Pascal
A long paper on how to write good Pascal code based on the 4 P's of programming: philosophy, performance, problems, and portability.
IRC #pascal.no
FAQ, people, operators, rules. Also contain sources and tools.
Khaan's Place
Source code, tutorial, chat room, help page, and links to pages about Turbo Pascal.
Klaus Hartnegg Pascal Page
Information about solving Runtime error 200 in Borland Pascal and breaking the 64KB limit. Also source code, mostly interfaces with hardware.
Pascal Central
Technical information, source code, forums and links. Focuses on the Macintosh development platform, but includes some good information about Pascal in general.
Pascal forum at Tek-Tips
Technical support forums and mutual help system for Pascal programmers.
Pascal Starting Page
A good starting point for information about Pascal. Links to FAQs, random-number routines, and optimization, as well as information specific to the Turbo Pascal compiler.
Pascal-L Mailing List
World Pascal programming mailing list
PasScript (AstroScript)
An interpreter of a vast subset of the Object Pascal language which supports all Object Pascal data types except interfaces.
Implements a subset of Object Pascal and extends it with a few extra features, including namespaces, dynamic record and array types, inheritance for record types. It's one of the languages of the paxScript scripting engine which allows the cross-language integration.
Programmers Heaven - Pascal programming zone
Sourcecode, articles and discussionboards.
Turbo Pascal Programmers Page
A collection of links to tutorials, web sites, books, source code, newsgroups.