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Chats and Forums
#perl: General Guidelines, CodeComments PERL Forums, Perl Forum at Tek-Tips, Perl Mailing List Database, Perl Quiz of the Week, perl.beginners, The Perl Pages Forum
Commercial Services
Training, AgentM, Anutec, ARTCGI, BharatPlanet Consulting, Carbonfactory Development, Castle Amber, CGIHub, D3 Solutions, dbPerl, DevCoder
Conferences and Events
O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention 2002, Perl Whirl, Scandinavian Perl Workshop, WebReference: YAPC 2000 - A Pictorial Review, Yet Another Perl Conference
Is Perl Difficult?, Why We Hate Perl
Applications, CGI Database Applications with Perl, Dabbling in Live Databases: Microsoft Access, DBI - The Perl Database Interface, DBI Examples, dbi-users@perl.org, Enabling ODBC support in PHP, Introduction to MySQL (using Perl DBI), Just Enough DBI to be Dangerous, Michael Peppler's Home Page, MySQL and Perl for the Web
Cetus Links: Perl, Free Perl Resources, www.freeprogrammingresources., Perl at About.com, PerlRing List, ScriptBiz.com - Perl, The New World - CGI and Perl, The Perl Directory at Perl.org, WebKnowHow.Net
A Fresh Look at Efficient Perl Sorting, CPAN Module, HTMLified Perl 5 Reference Guide, Introduction to Perl 5, Learning Perl the Hard Way, OOPWeb.com - Perl Directory, Perl 4 Manual, Perl 5 by Example, Perl Crawler Search Engine, Perl Documentation (FTP)
FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
1st SPOT Perl, Abridged Perl/Tk Tutorial, Allexperts CGI & Perl Q&A, Beginning Perl, Boxsource Network :: Perl Tutorials, Civil Engineering 82.562 -- The Perl Programming L, Creating Text Mode User Interfaces with PERL, Dale Bewley's Perl Scripts and Links, DevLearn: Perl Tutorial, Dr. Dobb's - Perl
Perl and Unicode, Perl, Unicode and I18N FAQ, perl-i18n@perl.org, Perl.com: Internationalization and Localization - , The Perl Journal: Localizing Your Perl Programs
Magazines and E-zines
Randal's Linux Magazine Perl columns archive, Randal's UnixReview/PerformanceComputing/SysA, Randal's WebTechniques Perl columns archive, The Perl Journal, The Perl Review
Database, XML, AI::Categorizer, Apache/Perl Module List, Apache::ASP, Apache::Cookie, Apache::Htaccess, Authen::PAM, Backend News Project, Barcode.pm, Cache::Cache, CDDB / CDDB_Get
Perl for .NET
Personal Pages
Aas, Gisle, Bankgok Perl Mongers, Bob'sh, Brown, Peter F., Curtin, Matt, Hackerott, Michael, Jenkins, Stephen B. (Erudil), Jynx, Koval, Yuri, Kranendonk, Len
Camels and Needles: Computer Poetry Meets the Perl, Haiku Contest Winners, Perl Monks: Perl Poetry, Programming Perl: Perl Poetry, TPJ Magazine: Results of The Perl Poetry Contest
Auto-document for Perl and PHP, bin2hex, Duncan Gough - Code, ePerl, ePerl, Index Server Companion, OkIDaN's Perl Paradise, Ozer's Programming Projects - Perl/CGI, Perl/Tk Scripts for Automotive Test Labs, PerlMUD 2.1
ActiveState Perl Dev Kit, bridgekeeper, DzSoft Perl Editor, Editor Hub - Perl, EngInSite Perl Editor, Free Perl Obfuscation Service, Lisp2Perl, Open Perl IDE, PAGE: Perl Application Generator and Editor, pENC
Unix Reconstruction
Perl Power Tools, Perl/Linux
User Groups
Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America, Perl Mongers, Perl.com: What the Heck is a Perl Monger?!, The Perl Monger World Map
Wall, Larry
ACM Crossroads: Larry Wall Interview, Amazon.com Interview: Larry Wall, DDJ: A Conversation with Larry Wall, Larry Wall's Home Page, Linux Journal: Larry Wall, the Guru of Perl, Linux Magazine: Uncultured Perl, LWN Interview: Larry Wall, Perl.com: Larry Wall, Salon Magazine: The Joy of Perl
COM, FAQs, Help, and Tutorials, PerlScript, Ports, PPM Repositories, Birthisel Engineering, dada's perl lab, DzSoft Perl Editor, Infinitemonkeys Perl-Win32 Articles, LAOLA, Matt's Perl Pages, NTPerling - Windows NT Perl/CGI Resources, Perl Builder, Perl for Win32, The CPAN Win32 module list
Directories, Scripts, Tutorials, CGI Programming by Collin Forbes, Extropia, Mason HQ, Perl Fast and Easy Web Development, Perl for the Web, Web Client Programming with Perl
Perl Opens Arms to XML, Perl XML FAQ, Perl XML FAQ, Processing XML with Perl, XML::Parser Module Enables XML Development in Perl, XMLPerl
CodeHound Perl
Free Internet search engine for Perl developers. Search Web sites, CPAN, and even inside Zip/Tar/GZip files.
The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, the gateway to all things Perl. The canonical location for Perl code and modules.
dev.perl.org - Perl 6
The official site for the development of Perl 6, the next generation of the Perl programming language.
O'Reilly Network: Perl Weblog
Features links and commentary by a variety of authors.
O'Reilly Perl Center
Current and past products, resources, and news on O'Reilly and Associate's Perl involvement.
Perl Apprenticeship Site
Service that aims to connect people with lots of skill and experience, but little time, with people who have a desire to learn and free time, but not as much experience.
Perl for Robot AI Minds
Artificial intelligence in Perl.
Perl Monks
Contains tutorials, discussion forums, Perl poetry, obfuscated code, and a large code repository.
Perl Paraphernalia
By Mark-Jason Dominus. Perl Advanced Techniques Handbook (drafts). Hints, articles, Perl modules, programs.
The official Perl home page, run by O'Reilly. Contains documentation, news, and links to a variety of resources.
Perl/Tk Information and Resources
Important links. Mastering book including sample chapter, additoinal content, reviews, sources, errata. Articles.
?ollection of ad-free Perl scripts, tutorials, classes and custom programming.
The Perl Foundation
Dedicated to the advancement of Perl through discussion, collaboration, design, and code. Coordinates perl.org, Perl Monks, Perl Mongers, and Yet Another Perl Conference; holds the copyrights on Perl and Parrot, and funds Perl development projects.
use Perl
General discussion of perl and issues relating to it, Perl news.
use Perl
All the Perl that's Practical to Extract and Report