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Prograph CPX, Mac
Commands and Undo CPX, DataLink, The Prograph Pages, Filters & Sieves in Prograph CPX, Lloyd R. Fortney's Prograph CPX page, MacApp and Prograph CPX - A Comparison, Prograph 1.2, An OOP Primer, Prograph 2.5, Prograph CPX 1.0 Review, Prograph CPX Tutorial, Prograph Grows Up (Prograph 2.0)
A Pictorial Button Class in Prograph
Article by Terry Kilshaw in MacTech magazine (Volume 9 Issue 1).
Distributed Prograph
Article by B. Lanaspre and H. Glaser.
Hello, World program
Made With Prograph List
a service to the Prograph developer community
NTT Systems Inc. - Prograph Development
Overview, MVC System, Graph Objects, PCT Tools, Layered Protocol Tool, Drug Trial Simulation
Official site of the Open-Source Purely Graphical Language Initiative. OSPGL is intended as the successor of the visual programming language Prograph.
Pictorius Prograph
Vendor site for the language developer.
Towards a Better Visual Programming Language: Crit
Analyzes a visual dataflow programming language, especially control structures, in view of some principles of good design for visual languages. Then introduces alternative structures in a new language called SIVL: SImple Visual Language.
Type Inference in Prograph
article by Benoît Lanaspre and Hugh Glaser
Visualising the structure of an IC-card security a
by Hugh Glaser, Pieter H. Hartel.