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A Conversation with Guido van Rossum
Python creator Guido van Rossum talks with Bill Venners about topics relevant to the Python and the Python community.
A Retargetable Thin Client Architecture in Python
Article by Bryn Keller describes the implementation of a significant commercial application in Python that uses a retargetable thin client. The architecture and the integrated development environment that were constructed to support the application are examined, as well as the issues overcome and lessons learned during the course of the project.
A Tour of 4Suite
In this installment of Python and XML, Uche Ogbuji provides a tour of the core XML processing facilities of 4Suite.
Charming Python
Column by David Mertz, Gnosis Software, Inc. Over 20 articles on Python programming, many topics.
Deeply Embedded Python, a Virtual Machine for Embe
Article by Johan Lilius and Iván Porres Paltor in TUCS Magazine. Describes the DePython project and its architecture, with references and links.
Developing GNOME Application with Python
Set of articles written for beginners in Gnome programming and GNU/Linux.
Embedding Python in Multi-Threaded C/C++ Applicati
A Linux Magazine article featuring an overview of the C/C++ API, explaining how to extend and embed Python in a multi-thread context.
Generating Dynamic Documents from Template with Py
Description and usage of a ready-to-use templating system.
Guide to Python Introspection
How to spy on your Python objects.
IBM Developer Works: The Python Web Services Devel
Several articles related to the development of web services with Python, written by Mike Olson and Uche Ogbuji.
Inside JPython and Python for .NET
David Mertz interviews Mark Hammond, Finn Bock, and Barry Warsaw, the developers of JPython and Python for .NET.
Interview of Guido van Rossum
Interview of the BDFL by the visitors of a French Linux news portal (the English version is included).
Linux Journal Python Interview
An Interview with Guido van Rossum. A conversation with the creator of Python about an effort to teach Python to non-computer science students.
Make Python Run as Fast as C with Psyco
Using psyco, the python specializing compiler.
Mark Lutz's Python Advocacy Page
Links to several old Python articles and reviews.
O'Reilly Interview: Guido van Rossum
Python's creator discusses features and future of the programming language.
Pick Up some Python with this Script Walk-through
An example of conversion of a Perl script to Python.
Proper XML Output in Python
Uche Ogbuji explores the intricacies of creating proper XML output in Python, including character set and encoding issues.
Online home of the print publication : a technical journal for Python developers.
Python 101, The Other Scripting Language that Star
Evelyn Mitchell gives an introduction to Python (IBM Developer Works) and briefly compares it to Perl, Tcl and Java.
Python Does Scripts and Objects
Jeffrey P. Shell (Byte Magazine) describes how Python "can handle simple scripting jobs or build large OOP libraries."
Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs)
Design documents providing information to the Python community, or describing a new feature for Python.
Python in Publications
Annotated chronological list of articles, reviews, and other published items about Python at the official site.
Python Journal
A webzine about Python programming.
Python Persistence Management
Using serialization to store Python objects.
Python Squeezes the Web
A practical example of using Python to automate the crawl of web pages.
Python, Anyone?
By Robert Richardson (Linux World Expo 1999 issue). A quick overview of the language, and some historical background.
Python: Yes, You Should Be Using It!
Alex Martelli gives an overview of the possibilities offered by Python, along with samples allowing the newcomer to experience Python code.
Simplified Exception Identification in Python
Using functions and exception pattern dictionaries to simplify error recovery.
Space Shuttle Engineers Use Python to Streamline M
Description of a practical use of Python by NASA, with quotes of Robin Friedrich, USA's Senior Project Engineer.
Using Mix-ins with Python
An explanation of the mix-in programming style as applied in Python.
Web Application Testing with Puffin
Introduction to the Puffin testing system, an open source framework for testing Web applications.
Why Python?
Patrick O'Brien's Python advocacy page.