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Functional Programming in the Real World
Includes a brief review of REBOL from a functional programming perspective.
If you plan to evolt, join the REBOLs
A Perl programmer drools over REBOL.
J Tutorials and Rebol
By David Ness. An early look at Rebol.
Larry Wall's comments
The creator of Perl remarks on REBOL.
Program with REBOL, naturally
With REBOL, programming is more about communicating rather than commanding. You can run your REBOL scripts in about 30 different platforms. (Cyber India Online)
Re: Vanilla - since you asked
Vanilla's creator Chris Langreiter replying to Manila's creator Dave Winer.
REBOL Might Be the Language for the Rest of Us
This easy to understand language may become the scripting choice for the code challenged.
REBOL Rolls Forward
SunWorld's Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz on the business of REBOL. [ITworld.com]
REBOL the "Messaging Language"
An announcement on Slashdot, with some entertaining follow-up comments.
REBOL the Rebel
Overview with screenshots, and positive review, of two refinements of REBOL: /Core, /View. [LinuxFocus]
REBOL: new, simple, yet powerful
A positive review on developer.com.
Ten good reasons to use REBOL
Yek Soon outlines some of the benefits of REBOL.
The REBOL programming Language
By Tim Johnson. A review of the language in the now defunct Frozen North Linux Online zine.
What's The Scoop On REBOL?
A series of brief comments and opinions about REBOL on Slashdot
Wikipedia entry
A brief overview of the REBOL language in the online encyclopaedia.