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AmigaGadget interviews Carl Sassenrath
Interview with REBOL creator. German translation and English original.
Back to Personal Computing
A Message from Carl Sassenrath where he spells out his master plan and calls for aid.
Carl's Blog - Vive la REBOLution
Carl Sassenrath - CTO, REBOL Technologies and Inventor of REBOL
Carl's official biography at rebol.com
Sassenrath Home
The "SassenRanch" is the home page of Carl Sassenrath, inventor of REBOL.
TechNetCast - Rebol
TechNetCast programs featuring REBOL. Transcripts of these programs are also available. Including: REBOL founder and CEO Carl Sassenrath discusses operating systems and programming languages. REBOL Technologies VP Marketing Steve Mason on the REBOL network messaging language.